执行查询时报错:There is no getter for property named '*' in 'class java.lang.String

public interface TestMapper{
    List<Base> findAllBase(String search);
<select id="findAllBase" resultType="*.Base" parameterType="String">
        select id,name from t_base
        where 1=1
        <if test="search != null and search != ''">
            AND name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{search },'%')
        order by id


public interface TestMapper{
    List<Base> findAllBase(@Param(value="search") String search);


<select id="findAllBase" resultType="*.Base" parameterType="String">
        select id,name from t_base
        where 1=1
        <if test="_parameter!= null and _parameter!= ''">
            AND name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{search },'%')
        order by id

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