typeid() operator返回type_info,返回值不可拷贝、不可赋值

// Illustrates the typeid operator.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; struct PolyBase { virtual ~PolyBase() {} };
struct PolyDer : PolyBase { PolyDer() {} }; struct NonPolyBase {};
struct NonPolyDer : NonPolyBase { NonPolyDer(int) {} }; int main() {
// Test polymorphic Types
const PolyDer pd;
const PolyBase* ppb = &pd;
cout << typeid(ppb).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(*ppb).name() << endl;
cout << boolalpha << (typeid(*ppb) == typeid(pd))
<< endl;
cout << (typeid(PolyDer) == typeid(const PolyDer))
<< endl; // Test non-polymorphic Types
const NonPolyDer npd(1);
const NonPolyBase* nppb = &npd;
cout << typeid(nppb).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(*nppb).name() << endl;
cout << (typeid(*nppb) == typeid(npd)) << endl; // Test a built-in type
int i;
cout << typeid(i).name() << endl; return 0; } ///:~


struct PolyBase const *
struct PolyDer
struct NonPolyBase const *
struct NonPolyBase

The first output line just echoes the static type of ppb because it is a pointer. To get RTTI to kick in, you need to look at the pointer or reference destination object, which is illustrated in the second line. Notice that RTTI ignores top-level const and
volatile qualifiers. With non-polymorphic types, you just get the static type (the type of the pointer itself). As you can see, built-in types are also supported.



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