Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment.
The company authorised its staff to poach customers from the opposition.

But there will always be a visceral aspect to choosing a President. The reason so many people remain dissatisfied with the current candidates is that they yearn to be swept off their feet by inspirational speeches and glamorous looks, strong leadership and untarnished reputations.

As you know, London is the capital of England.

A lady can't be lazy or she'll be crazy.

The people are usually friendly and helpful, especially the policemen.

I'm ringing just to make enquiries about renting a house.

What sort of thing were you looking for?

We were most interested in the Northern areas actually.

I think about £350 a month would be our limit.

So, when would you be available to see them?

What sort of things do I need to get done?

I thought I saw a removals van outside your house yesterday afternoon.

She keeps being sick and I am beginning to get a bit worried.

I just don't know how the health system works here in England.

The first thing you have to do is find a family doctor.

Now what you've got to do this morning is register with one of them.

That's about five minutes away going towards the town centre.

The only problem is that they don't have a proper appointment system.

You have to fill in a form, but it doesn't take long.

I wouldn't say he's brilliant but I suppose he's alright really.

They say he's very good with elderly people, but he does tend to get a bit impatient with children.
She's young and she's got small children of her own.

He holds special clinics for people with back trouble.

If you want a doctor to visit you at home, you have to ask for a home visit.

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