
Found my specific issue :) I was using an invalid hostname, and the DNS wasn't resolving properly.

  • WRONG: server-1.local
  • RIGHT: server-1-local

But on a different note, I also found that the Microsoft doc (Remotely manage Hyper-V hosts with Hyper-V Manager) didn't document all the instructions necessary for me to make things work. It was mostly correct, but was missing one step. So I've attached my manual setup instructions.

See below for my full setup instructions for remotely managing Hyper-V 2016 via Windows 10 Professional. My setup involved two separate physical machines - I install both systems from scratch.

On the Hyper-V server

  1. Install Hyper-V Server 2016 (via GUI)
  2. Set password Note: change following in the terminal gui running sconfig
  3. Set computer name (e.g. server-1); note: do NOT use periods
  4. Configure remote management (disabled => enabled)
  5. Remote Desktop (disabled => enabled)
  6. In the Powershell window, run as admin:

Powershell commands:

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role server

On the desktop/laptop you're going to manage Hyper-V remotely

  1. Install Windows 10 Professional/your drivers/your apps (GUI)
  2. Change your network adapter setting
    • If on older patches of Windows 10

      • Click Start > Search "Homegroup" > Launch "Homegroup"
      • Click on the link to change network type (public => private)
    • If on newer patches of Windows 10
      • Try this: go to "Start Menu > (type) 'Ethernet' > (click) Ethernet adapter > (click) Private"
  3. Add a DNS entry in your hostfile (run notepad as Administrator)
    • Edit "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
    • Add an entry like " server-1"
  4. In the Powershell window, run as admin:

Powershell commands:

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value server-1
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role client -DelegateComputer server-1
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All
cmdkey /add:server-1 /user:Administrator /pass


The official Microsoft documentation was missing the cmdkey instruction, which registers the login info necessary to get into the Hyper-V server. I found it in a separate doc.

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