MINE is an app for the nearly 1.2 million songwriters, composers, musicians, and publishers who are registered with any designated P.R.O (SESAC, ASCAP, BMI), and the nearly 6.5 million DIY songwriters and musicians aspiring to profit from published works associated with multiple


MINE is a reference portal into a profile database of each users variable social network links such as SOUNDCLOUD, TWITTER, and FACEBOOK.

-This is useful when a user would like to evaluate a collaborative relationship, centered in one environment.

-MINE will also provide a private social platform for users to engage & connect by direct messaging.  MINE’s database includes the users inputted pertinent songwriter and publisher info used by P.R.Os to collect performance royalties on users behalf in areas such as streaming, television, radio,

and live performances.

-Each songwriter/composer/musician is required to submit a “split sheet” containing % owned of “TITLE WORK”, any additional “WRITERS”, and their % owned of “TITLE WORK”, and all designated publishing & P.R.O affiliations with included signatures.

-MINE users who are connected within the app will have all “split sheet” related info

automatically stored in their user preferences, and MINE will automatically upload a MINE

collaborator’s “split sheet” profile info into a newly indexed (split sheet) work for submission to their designated P.R.O directly from their smart phone.

--This includes the option to attach a file (.mp3, or .wav) by syncing user’s device to a service like iTunes file upload, Dropbox functionality, or thru the smartphones recording device, the MINE user can also send an audible recording as a digital reference.

--MINE will generate a push notification for MINE collaborators to sign (docusign), and

authenticate submitted split sheet, and will also “invite” other collaborators via SMS/text, or email to download the MINE APP.


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