souce code enhance 分为显式和隐式两种。


1、在ABAP编辑器中, 打开想要编辑的程序,切换到可编辑模式

2、在源代码中的指定位置右键,弹出菜单,选择 Enhancements #Create Option

此处说明一下:你需要进入Utilities》设置》ABAP Editor 中,将downwards-comp.Line Lngth(72)的复选框取消勾选,否则在创建源代码增强的的时候,会提示消息creating of enhancements supported only for line length > 72 。

3、在弹出的对话框中,选择ENHANCEMENT-POINT(增强点) 或ENHANCEMENT-SECTION(增强部分),然后在后面填写名称,如'ZEH1'



  • As an unconditional call (the enhancement option then receives in the source code the addition "STATIC"):
    In such "static" enhancements, data declarations - for example - can be added or replaced. The call of enhancements is independent of the client - the choice of a "static" call should therefore be carefully thought out beforehand.
  • As a conditional call:
    The enhancements implemented here are "dynamic" - that is, they are called in connection with the switch settings.



6、选择右下角的对号,回到abap编辑器中,你会发现光标位置出现类似如下代码ENHANCEMENT-POINT ZEH1 SPOTS ZSP1 ZSP2 .


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