
原创 波波说运维 2019-07-20 00:02:00


今天主要整理了4道Oracle 经典面试题,与大家分享学习。下面一起看看详细的介绍吧



create table test( id number(10) primary key, type number(10) , t_id number(10), value varchar2(6));

insert into test values(100,1,1,'张三');insert into test values(200,2,1,'男');insert into test values(300,3,1,'50');insert into test values(101,1,2,'刘二');insert into test values(201,2,2,'男');insert into test values(301,3,2,'30');insert into test values(102,1,3,'刘三');insert into test values(202,2,3,'女');insert into test values(302,3,3,'10');commit;

select * from test;





/*使用分组,先对t_id进行分组,然后用decode函数过滤数据,例:decode(type, 1, value) type=1就显示为value由于分组后select后面的列字段只能是分组的字段或者组函数,所有使用max()。同一个人的type没有重复数值所以 decode(type, 1, value)返回的值只有一个,最大值也就是这个值*/select max(decode(type, 1, value)) "姓名", max(decode(type, 2, value)) "性别", max(decode(type, 3, value)) "年龄" from test group by t_id;

/*使用连表,通过where过滤生成3张type分别等于1(姓名)、2(性别)、3(年龄)的3张虚拟表 再通过where 连接条件 三张表t_id相等的为同一个人或者说同一条记录(行)*/select t1.value "姓名",t2.value "性别",t3.value "年龄" from(select value,t_id from test where type=1) t1,(select value,t_id from test where type=2) t2,(select value,t_id from test where type=3) t3where t1.t_id=t2.t_id and t1.t_id=t3.t_id;



create table tmp(rq varchar2(10),shengfu varchar2(5));

insert into tmp values('2019-07-09','胜');insert into tmp values('2019-07-09','胜');insert into tmp values('2019-07-09','负');insert into tmp values('2019-07-09','负');insert into tmp values('2019-07-10','胜');insert into tmp values('2019-07-10','负');insert into tmp values('2019-07-10','负');commit;

select * from tmp;


如果要生成下列结果, 该如何写sql语句?


--使用分组--按日期分组,用conut函数计算次数select rq "日期", count(decode(shengfu, '胜', 1)) "胜", count(decode(shengfu, '负', 1)) "负" from tmp group by rq order by rq;

--使用连表--这道题本身就需要分组,不建议使用连表做select t1.rq,t1.胜, t2.负 from(select count(decode(shengfu, '胜', 1)) "胜", rq from tmp group by rq) t1join(select count(decode(shengfu, '负', 1)) "负", rq from tmp group by rq) t2on t1.rq=t2.rq;



create table STUDENT_SCORE( name VARCHAR2(20), subject VARCHAR2(20), score NUMBER(4,1));insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('张三', '语文', 78.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('张三', '数学', 88.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('张三', '英语', 98.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('李四', '语文', 89.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('李四', '数学', 76.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('李四', '英语', 90.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('王五', '语文', 99.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('王五', '数学', 66.0);insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('王五', '英语', 91.0);commit;select * from STUDENT_SCORE;


有一张表,里面有3个字段:语文,数学,英语。其中有3条记录分别表示语文70分,数学80分,英语58分,请用一条sql语句查询出这三条记录并按以下条件显示出来(并写出您的思路): 大于或等于80表示优秀,大于或等于60表示及格,小于60分表示不及格。


--使用分组select name "姓名", max(decode(subject, '语文' ,score)) "语文", max(decode(subject, '数学' ,score)) "数学", max(decode(subject, '英语' ,score)) 英语 from STUDENT_SCORE group by name;

--使用连表select t1.name 姓名, t1.score 语文, t2.score 数学, t3.score 英语 from(select name,score from STUDENT_SCORE where subject='语文') t1join(select name,score from STUDENT_SCORE where subject='数学') t2on t1.name=t2.namejoin(select name,score from STUDENT_SCORE where subject='英语') t3on t1.name=t3.name;

--在分组的基础上使用 case when then esle endselect t.姓名,(case when t.语文>=80 then '优秀' when t.语文>=60 then '及格' else '不及格' end) 语文,(case when t.数学>=80 then '优秀' when t.数学>=60 then '及格' else '不及格' end) 数学,(case when t.英语>=80 then '优秀' when t.英语>=60 then '及格' else '不及格' end) 英语 from(select t1.name 姓名, t1.score 语文, t2.score 数学, t3.score 英语 from(select name,score from STUDENT_SCORE where subject='语文') t1join(select name,score from STUDENT_SCORE where subject='数学') t2on t1.name=t2.namejoin(select name,score from STUDENT_SCORE where subject='英语') t3on t1.name=t3.name) t;



create table yj01( month varchar2(10), deptno number(10), yj number(10));

insert into yj01(month,deptno,yj) values('一月份',01,10);insert into yj01(month,deptno,yj) values('二月份',02,10);insert into yj01(month,deptno,yj) values('二月份',03,5);insert into yj01(month,deptno,yj) values('三月份',02,8);insert into yj01(month,deptno,yj) values('三月份',04,9);insert into yj01(month,deptno,yj) values('三月份',03,8);

create table yjdept( deptno number(10), dname varchar2(20));

insert into yjdept(deptno,dname) values(01,'国内业务一部');insert into yjdept(deptno,dname) values(02,'国内业务二部');insert into yjdept(deptno,dname) values(03,'国内业务三部');insert into yjdept(deptno,dname) values(04,'国际业务部');

select * from yj01;select * from yjdept;




--使用分组select deptno,max(decode(month,'一月份',yj)) 一月份, max(decode(month,'二月份',yj)) 二月份, max(decode(month,'三月份',yj)) 三月份 from yj01 group by deptnoorder by deptno;

--这道题给出了两张表,而用分组做,使用yj01表就能做出来了,所以这道题考察的应该是连表的知识/*这两张表中有的月份有的部门业绩是空的,而用前几道题的做法,不匹配条件的值会被过滤掉,例如month=一月份的只有1部门,形成的表里deptno只有1和二月份、三月份形成的表中的deptno无法匹配而yjdept表中包含了所有部门编号deptno,这时就可以用到外连接的特性(在满足一张表的内容都显示的基础上,连接另外一张表,如果连接匹配则正常显示,连接不匹配,另外一张表补null)*/select t1.deptno, t1.yj 一月份, t2.yj 二月份, t3.yj 三月份from(select y2.deptno,y1.yj from(select yj, deptno from yj01 where month='一月份') y1 right join yjdept y2 on y1.deptno=y2.deptno)t1join(select y2.deptno,y1.yj from(select yj, deptno from yj01 where month='二月份') y1 right join yjdept y2 on y1.deptno=y2.deptno)t2on t1.deptno=t2.deptnojoin(select y2.deptno,y1.yj from(select yj, deptno from yj01 where month='三月份') y1 right join yjdept y2 on y1.deptno=y2.deptno)t3on t1.deptno=t3.deptnoorder by t1.deptno;


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