MySQL Sakila示例数据库
Table of Contents
- 1 Preface and Legal Notices
- 2 Introduction
- 3 History
- 4 Installation
- 5 Structure
- 6 Usage Examples
- 7 Acknowledgments
- 8 License for the Sakila Sample Database
- 9 Note for Authors
- 10 Sakila Change History
- 在页面下载sakila-db.tar.gz
# tar -xvf sakila-db.tar.gz
The sakila-schema.sql
file contains all the CREATE
statements required to create the structure of the Sakila database including tables, views, stored procedures, and triggers.
The sakila-data.sql
file contains the INSERT
statements required to populate the structure created by the sakila-schema.sql
file, along with definitions for triggers that must be created after the initial data load.
The sakila.mwb
file is a MySQL Workbench data model that you can open within MySQL Workbench to examine the database structure. For more information, see MySQL Workbench.
(dba_user@localhost) [(none)]> source /soft/sakila-db/sakila-schema.sql
(dba_user@localhost) [sakila]> source /soft/sakila-db/sakila-data.sql
5.1 Tables
- 5.1.1 The actor Table
- 5.1.2 The address Table
- 5.1.3 The category Table
- 5.1.4 The city Table
- 5.1.5 The country Table
- 5.1.6 The customer Table
- 5.1.7 The film Table
- 5.1.8 The film_actor Table
- 5.1.9 The film_category Table
- 5.1.10 The film_text Table
- 5.1.11 The inventory Table
- 5.1.12 The language Table
- 5.1.13 The payment Table
- 5.1.14 The rental Table
- 5.1.15 The staff Table
- 5.1.16 The store Table
5.3 Stored Procedures
5.4 Stored Functions
5.5 Triggers
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