1. 概述

public static <K,V> Map<K,V> unmodifiableMap(Map<? extends K,? extends V> m)
试图修改返回的映射(不管是直接修改还是通过其 collection 视图进行修改)将导致抛出 UnsupportedOperationException


m - 将为其返回一个不可修改视图的映射。

2. demo

2.1 code (摘自 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3999086/when-is-the-unmodifiablemap-really-necessary)

package com.rocky.catest;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; public class SeeminglyUnmodifiable {
private Map<String, Point> startingLocations = new HashMap<String, Point>(3); public SeeminglyUnmodifiable(){
startingLocations.put("LeftRook", new Point(1, 1));
startingLocations.put("LeftKnight", new Point(1, 2));
startingLocations.put("LeftCamel", new Point(1, 3));
//..more locations..
} public Map<String, Point> getStartingLocations(){
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(startingLocations);
} public static void main(String [] args){
SeeminglyUnmodifiable pieceLocations = new SeeminglyUnmodifiable();
Map<String, Point> locations = pieceLocations.getStartingLocations(); Point camelLoc = locations.get("LeftCamel");
System.out.println("The LeftCamel's start is at [ " + camelLoc.getX() + ", " + camelLoc.getY() + " ]"); //Try 1. update elicits Exception
locations.put("LeftCamel", new Point(0,0));
} catch (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException e){
System.out.println("Try 1 - Could not update the map!");
} //Try 2. Now let's try changing the contents of the object from the unmodifiable map!
camelLoc.setLocation(0,0); //Now see whether we were able to update the actual map
Point newCamelLoc = pieceLocations.getStartingLocations().get("LeftCamel");
System.out.println("Try 2 - Map updated! The LeftCamel's start is now at [ " + newCamelLoc.getX() + ", " + newCamelLoc.getY() + " ]"); }
} class Point{
public float x;
public float y;
public Point(float x, float y){
setLocation(x, y);
public void setLocation(float x, float y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
} public float getX(){
return x;
} public float getY(){
return y;

2.2 控制台输出

The LeftCamel's start is at [ 1.0, 3.0 ]
Try 1 - Could not update the map!
Try 2 - Map updated! The LeftCamel's start is now at [ 0.0, 0.0 ]

3. 解释

unmodifiableMap方法返回的Map, 它本身不允许修改, 就是说其中每一个entry引用不允许修改,但是entry中的value如果是对象,value引用的对象的属性值是可以修改的


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