RabbitMq related

Integration of message queuing tools with systems is the usual solution to handle high concurrency in web platforms, there are several queues to choose from, but most often used is an opensource tool written in ErLang.

ErLang is said to be a functional programming language which is created for handling concurrency, there are processing models in built. Like exception handling, each erLang function is a process, and each process throws exception to an exception pool, in this way, exception handling can be in general dealt with in the pool.

RabbitMq server provides a solution to queue messages and interact with client using client, consumer, producer, etc. So, concurrency is multiplied by several times as the queue goes.

Installation of RabbitMq

1. Erlang is the precondition of RabbitMq, so, first go to Erlang website, download and install ErLang on windows
2. Go to RabbitMq website and install RabbitMq server on windows
3. Open ErLang shell and start using shell commands
4. If prompted that ERLANG_HOME environmental variable not set correctly, go to system advanced config and add system environmental variable ERLANG_HOME pointing to erlang installation home folder. Remember to restart console after environmental variable is set.
5. Check rabbitmq status, go to RabbitMq installation folder subfolder sbin and run command "rabbitmqctl status", and see rabbitmq running status there in console including pid etc.
6. RabbitMq visualization, still in sbin folder, run command "rabbitmqplugins enable rabbitmq_management", and visit "" with default username and password "guest" "guest".
7. Stop the service, using "rabbitmqctl stop", or "rabbitmq-server -detached" to restart and run in background.
8. Rabbitmq installation has been finished, now it is time to integrate with apps! Conclusion from above is, this article talked about _"installtion of rabbitmq"_ which consists of _"installation of erlang; rabbitmq configuration and how to operate rabbitmq services with commands; visulation portal with default username and password guest"_

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