UVaOJ 694 - The Collatz Sequence
题目很简单,但是一开始却得到了Time Limit的结果,让人感到很诧异。仔细阅读发现,题目中有一个说明:
Neither of these, A or L, is larger than 2,147,483,647 (the largest value that can be stored in a 32-bit signed integer).
将A由int改为long long后即正确。其中cin,cout默认支持long long。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
long long a, lim,a_store;
int count;
int casenum=;
//cin >> a>>lim;
//while (a>=0||lim>=0)
while (cin >> a >> lim)
a_store = a;
count = ;
if (a < && lim < )
return ;
while (a != && a <= lim)
if (a % )
a = a * + ;
a = a / ;
if (a > lim)
count--; cout <<"Case "<< casenum<<": A = " << a_store << ", limit = " << lim << ", number of terms = " << count<<endl;
return ;
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