

(1) _thread.error




  Raise a KeyboardInterrupt exception in the main thread. A subthread can use this function to interrupt the main thread.



import _thread

a_lock = _thread.allocate_lock()

with a_lock:
print("a_lock is locked while this executes")





  Without any optional argument, this method acquires the lock unconditionally, if necessary waiting until it is released by another thread (only one thread at a time can acquire a lock — that’s their reason for existence).

  If the integer waitflag argument is present, the action depends on its value: if it is zero, the lock is only acquired if it can be acquired immediately without waiting, while if it is nonzero, the lock is acquired unconditionally as above.

  If the floating-point timeout argument is present and positive, it specifies the maximum wait time in seconds before returning. A negative timeout argument specifies an unbounded wait. You cannot specify a timeout if waitflag is zero.

  The return value is True if the lock is acquired successfully, False if not.





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