namespace base { class Time; class MessagePump : public RefCountedThreadSafe<MessagePump> {
// Please see the comments above the Run method for an illustration of how
// these delegate methods are used.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {} // Called from within Run in response to ScheduleWork or when the message
// pump would otherwise call DoDelayedWork. Returns true to indicate that
// work was done. DoDelayedWork will not be called if DoWork returns true.
virtual bool DoWork() = ; // Called from within Run in response to ScheduleDelayedWork or when the
// message pump would otherwise sleep waiting for more work. Returns true
// to indicate that delayed work was done. DoIdleWork will not be called
// if DoDelayedWork returns true. Upon return |next_delayed_work_time|
// indicates the time when DoDelayedWork should be called again. If
// |next_delayed_work_time| is null (per Time::is_null), then the queue of
// future delayed work (timer events) is currently empty, and no additional
// calls to this function need to be scheduled.
virtual bool DoDelayedWork(Time* next_delayed_work_time) = ; // Called from within Run just before the message pump goes to sleep.
// Returns true to indicate that idle work was done.
virtual bool DoIdleWork() = ;
}; virtual ~MessagePump() {} // The Run method is called to enter the message pump's run loop.
// Within the method, the message pump is responsible for processing native
// messages as well as for giving cycles to the delegate periodically. The
// message pump should take care to mix delegate callbacks with native
// message processing so neither type of event starves the other of cycles.
// The anatomy of a typical run loop:
// for (;;) {
// bool did_work = DoInternalWork();
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// did_work |= delegate_->DoWork();
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// did_work |= delegate_->DoDelayedWork();
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// if (did_work)
// continue;
// did_work = delegate_->DoIdleWork();
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// if (did_work)
// continue;
// WaitForWork();
// }
// Here, DoInternalWork is some private method of the message pump that is
// responsible for dispatching the next UI message or notifying the next IO
// completion (for example). WaitForWork is a private method that simply
// blocks until there is more work of any type to do.
// Notice that the run loop cycles between calling DoInternalWork, DoWork,
// and DoDelayedWork methods. This helps ensure that neither work queue
// starves the other. This is important for message pumps that are used to
// drive animations, for example.
// Notice also that after each callout to foreign code, the run loop checks
// to see if it should quit. The Quit method is responsible for setting this
// flag. No further work is done once the quit flag is set.
// NOTE: Care must be taken to handle Run being called again from within any
// of the callouts to foreign code. Native message pumps may also need to
// deal with other native message pumps being run outside their control
// (e.g., the MessageBox API on Windows pumps UI messages!). To be specific,
// the callouts (DoWork and DoDelayedWork) MUST still be provided even in
// nested sub-loops that are "seemingly" outside the control of this message
// pump. DoWork in particular must never be starved for time slices unless
// it returns false (meaning it has run out of things to do).
virtual void Run(Delegate* delegate) = ; // Quit immediately from the most recently entered run loop. This method may
// only be used on the thread that called Run.
virtual void Quit() = ; // Schedule a DoWork callback to happen reasonably soon. Does nothing if a
// DoWork callback is already scheduled. This method may be called from any
// thread. Once this call is made, DoWork should not be "starved" at least
// until it returns a value of false.
virtual void ScheduleWork() = ; // Schedule a DoDelayedWork callback to happen at the specified time,
// cancelling any pending DoDelayedWork callback. This method may only be
// used on the thread that called Run.
virtual void ScheduleDelayedWork(const Time& delayed_work_time) = ;
}; } // namespace base
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