E - Tunnel Warfare HDU - 1540 F - Hotel G - 约会安排 HDU - 4553 区间合并
E - Tunnel Warfare HDU - 1540
这个最左边的值 pre_max = 子左节点的 pre_max
如果这个 pre_max==len 那就可以合并子右节点的 pre_max
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define inf64 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e5 + ;
typedef long long ll;
struct node
int l, r, len;
int pre_max, last_max;
}tree[maxn*]; void push_up(int id)
tree[id].pre_max = tree[id << ].pre_max;
tree[id].last_max = tree[id << | ].last_max;
if (tree[id << ].len == tree[id << ].pre_max) tree[id].pre_max += tree[id<<|].pre_max;
if (tree[id << | ].len == tree[id << | ].last_max) tree[id].last_max += tree[id << ].last_max;
// printf("tree[%d].max=%d tree[%d].min=%d\n", id, tree[id].pre_max, id, tree[id].last_max);
// printf("tree[%d].max=%d tree[%d].min=%d\n", id << 1, tree[id << 1].pre_max, id << 1, tree[id << 1].last_max);
// printf("tree[%d].max=%d tree[%d].min=%d\n", id << 1 | 1, tree[id << 1 | 1].pre_max, id << 1 | 1, tree[id << 1 | 1].last_max);
} void build(int id,int l,int r)
tree[id].l = l;
tree[id].r = r;
tree[id].len = r - l + ;
tree[id].last_max = tree[id].pre_max = ;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
build(id << , l, mid);
build(id << | , mid + , r);
} void update(int id,int pos,int val)
//printf("id=%d pos=%d val=%d\n", id, pos, val);
int l = tree[id].l;
int r = tree[id].r;
tree[id].last_max = tree[id].pre_max = val;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (pos <= mid) update(id << , pos, val);
else update(id << | , pos, val);
} int query_pre(int id,int x,int y)
int l = tree[id].l;
int r = tree[id].r;
//printf("id=%d l=%d r=%d x=%d y=%d\n", id, l, r, x, y);
if(x<=l&&y>=r) return tree[id].pre_max;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
int ans = , res = ;
if (x <= mid) ans = query_pre(id << , x, y);
if (y > mid) res = query_pre(id << | , x, y);
// printf("id=%d res=%d ans=%d\n", id, res, ans);
if (ans >= mid - x + ) return ans += res;//这个区间长度就是mid-x+1 因为mid 是在里面的所以要+1
return ans;
} int query_last(int id, int x, int y) {
int l = tree[id].l;
int r = tree[id].r;
//printf("id=%d l=%d r=%d x=%d y=%d \n", id, l, r, x, y);
if (x <= l && y >= r) return tree[id].last_max;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
int ans = , res = ;
if (x <= mid) ans = query_last(id << , x, y);
if (y > mid) res = query_last(id << | , x, y);
//printf("Ans=%d res=%d\n", ans, res);
if (res >= y - mid) res += ans;//区间长度为 y-mid mid不在里面
return res;
} int main()
int m, n;
while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)!=EOF)
build(, , n);
char s[];
int x;
scanf("%s", s);
scanf("%d", &x);
update(, x, );
else if(s[]=='R')
int num = sta.top(); sta.pop();
update(, num, );
else if(s[]=='Q')
scanf("%d", &x);
int ans = query_pre(, x, n);
ans += query_last(, , x);
if(ans) printf("%d\n", ans - );
else printf("0\n");
return ;
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define inf64 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e5 + ;
typedef long long ll;
struct node {
int l, r, lazy, len;
int pre_max, last_max, max;
}tree[maxn * ]; void push_up(int id) {
tree[id].pre_max = tree[id << ].pre_max;
tree[id].last_max = tree[id << | ].last_max;
if (tree[id << ].pre_max == tree[id << ].len) tree[id].pre_max += tree[id << | ].pre_max;
if (tree[id << | ].last_max == tree[id << | ].len) tree[id].last_max += tree[id << ].last_max;
tree[id].max = max(max(tree[id<<].max, tree[id<<|].max), tree[id << ].last_max + tree[id << | ].pre_max);
//printf("tree[%d].pre_max=%d tree[%d].last_max=%d\n", id, tree[id].pre_max, id, tree[id].last_max);
} void build(int id, int l, int r) {
tree[id].l = l;
tree[id].r = r;
tree[id].lazy = -;
tree[id].len = tree[id].last_max = tree[id].pre_max = tree[id].max = r - l + ;
//printf("tree[%d].pre_max=%d tree[%d].last_max=%d\n", id, tree[id].pre_max, id, tree[id].last_max);
if (l == r) return;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
build(id << , l, mid);
build(id << | , mid + , r);
} void push_down(int id) {
if (tree[id].lazy != -) {
tree[id << ].lazy = tree[id << | ].lazy = tree[id].lazy; if (tree[id].lazy) {
tree[id << ].last_max = tree[id << ].pre_max = tree[id << ].max = tree[id << ].len;
tree[id << | ].last_max = tree[id << | ].pre_max = tree[id << | ].max = tree[id << | ].len;
else {
tree[id << ].last_max = tree[id << ].pre_max = tree[id << ].max = ;
tree[id << | ].last_max = tree[id << | ].pre_max = tree[id << | ].max = ;
tree[id].lazy = -;
} void update(int id, int x, int y, int val) {
// printf("id=%d x=%d y=%d val=%d\n", id, x, y, val);
int l = tree[id].l;
int r = tree[id].r;
if (x == l && y == r) {
tree[id].lazy = val;
if (val) tree[id].last_max = tree[id].pre_max = tree[id].max = tree[id].len;
else tree[id].last_max = tree[id].pre_max = tree[id].max = ;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (y <= mid) update(id << , x, y, val);
else if (mid + <= x) update(id << | , x, y, val);
else {
update(id << , x, mid, val);
update(id << | , mid + , y, val);
} int query(int id, int val) {
int l = tree[id].l;
int r = tree[id].r;
//printf("id=%d l=%d r=%d\n", id, l, r);
if (l == r) return l;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (tree[id << ].max >= val) return query(id << , val);
//printf("id1=%d\n", id);
if (tree[id << ].last_max + tree[id << | ].pre_max >= val) return mid - tree[id << ].last_max + ;
//printf("tree[%d].last=%d tree[%d].pre=%d id2=%d\n", id<<1,tree[id<<1].last_max,id<<1|1,tree[id<<1|1].pre_max,id);
return query(id << | , val);
} int main() {
int n, m;
while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) != EOF) {
build(, , n);
while (m--) {
int opt, x, y;
scanf("%d", &opt);
if (opt == ) {
scanf("%d", &x);
if (tree[].max < x) {
int ans = query(, x);
if (ans) update(, ans, ans + x - , );
printf("%d\n", ans);
else {
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
update(, x, x + y - , );
return ;
G - 约会安排
这个题目 :
如果是 DS 就是普通的查找,如果找到就输出最靠前的时间点,这个和上面的操作很像,然后更新。
如果是 NS 就要进行两次查找,第一次是普通查找,没有找到就是二级查找,这个二级查找就是一种覆盖,然后更新。
如果是 study 那就是清空为0 的操作。
这个题目一定要注意 输出答案
描述中的“如果找到,就说“X,let’s fly”(此处,X为开始时间)…"
和Output中的 “X,let's fly”
里的“ ’ ”和 “ ' ” 不是一个符号,别复制错了!!!
#include <cstdio>//描述中的“如果找到,就说“X,let’s fly”(此处,X为开始时间)…"
#include <cstdlib>//和Output中的 “X, let's fly”
#include <cstring>//里的“ ’ ”和 “ ' ” 不是一个符号,别复制错了!!!
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define inf64 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e5 + ;
typedef long long ll;
struct node {
int len;
int lsum, rsum, sum;//1 级的
int lmax, rmax, max;//2 级的
}tree[maxn * ]; void build(int id, int l, int r) {
tree[id].max = tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = r - l + ;
tree[id].len = tree[id].lsum = tree[id].rsum = tree[id].sum = r - l + ;
if (l == r) return;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
build(id << , l, mid);
build(id << | , mid + , r);
} void push_up(int id) {
tree[id].lsum = tree[id << ].lsum;
tree[id].rsum = tree[id << | ].rsum;
if (tree[id << ].lsum == tree[id << ].len) tree[id].lsum += tree[id << | ].lsum;
if (tree[id << | ].rsum == tree[id << | ].len) tree[id].rsum += tree[id << ].rsum;
tree[id].sum = max(max(tree[id << ].sum, tree[id << | ].sum), tree[id << ].rsum + tree[id << | ].lsum);
tree[id].sum = max(tree[id].sum, tree[id].lsum);
tree[id].sum = max(tree[id].sum, tree[id].rsum); tree[id].lmax = tree[id << ].lmax;
tree[id].rmax = tree[id << | ].rmax;
if (tree[id << ].lmax == tree[id << ].len) tree[id].lmax += tree[id << | ].lmax;
if (tree[id << | ].rmax == tree[id << | ].len) tree[id].rmax += tree[id << ].rmax;
tree[id].max = max(max(tree[id << ].max, tree[id << | ].max), tree[id << ].rmax + tree[id << | ].lmax);
tree[id].max = max(tree[id].max, tree[id].lmax);
tree[id].max = max(tree[id].max, tree[id].rmax);
} void push_down(int id) {
tree[id << ].max = tree[id << ].lmax = tree[id << ].rmax = tree[id << ].len;
tree[id << | ].max = tree[id << | ].lmax = tree[id << | ].rmax = tree[id << | ].len;
tree[id << ].max = tree[id << ].lmax = tree[id << ].rmax = ;
tree[id << | ].max = tree[id << | ].lmax = tree[id << | ].rmax = ;
tree[id << ].sum = tree[id << ].lsum = tree[id << ].rsum = tree[id << ].len;
tree[id << | ].sum = tree[id << | ].lsum = tree[id << | ].rsum = tree[id << | ].len;
tree[id << ].sum = tree[id << ].lsum = tree[id << ].rsum = ;
tree[id << | ].sum = tree[id << | ].lsum = tree[id << | ].rsum = ;
} void update(int id, int l, int r, int x, int y, int val) {
if (x <= l && y >= r) {
if (val == ) {
tree[id].max = tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = ;
tree[id].sum = tree[id].lsum = tree[id].rsum = ;
if (val == ) {
tree[id].sum = tree[id].lsum = tree[id].rsum = ;
if (val == ) {
tree[id].max = tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = tree[id].len;
tree[id].sum = tree[id].lsum = tree[id].rsum = tree[id].len;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (x <= mid) update(id << , l, mid, x, y, val);
if (y > mid) update(id << | , mid + , r, x, y, val);
} int query_1(int id, int l, int r, int val) {
if (l == r) return l;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (tree[id << ].sum >= val) return query_1(id << , l, mid, val);
if (tree[id << ].rsum + tree[id << | ].lsum >= val) return mid - tree[id << ].rsum + ;
return query_1(id << | , mid + , r, val);
} int query_2(int id,int l,int r,int val)
if (l == r) return l;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (tree[id << ].max >= val) return query_2(id << , l, mid, val);
if (tree[id << ].rmax + tree[id << | ].lmax >= val) return mid - tree[id << ].rmax + ;
return query_2(id << | , mid + , r, val);
} int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
for(int cas=;cas<=t;cas++)
int n, m, x, y;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
build(, , n);
printf("Case %d:\n", cas);
char s[];
scanf("%s", s);
scanf("%d", &x);
printf("fly with yourself\n");
int ans = query_1(, , n, x);
printf("%d,let's fly\n", ans);
update(, , n, ans, x + ans - , );
scanf("%d", &x);
int ans = query_1(, , n, x);
printf("%d,don't put my gezi\n", ans);
update(, , n, ans, x + ans - , );
printf("wait for me\n");
int ans = query_2(,,n,x);
printf("%d,don't put my gezi\n", ans);
update(, , n, ans, x + ans - , );
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
update(, , n, x, y, );
printf("I am the hope of chinese chengxuyuan!!\n");
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