

例如,如果给定的序列X和Y分别为X=actaagacct, Y=gacctacctc,子串包含约束集S={ata, tact},则子序列actacct是X和Y的一个无约束的最长公共子序列,而包含约束集S中所有字符串为其子串的一个最长公共子序列是atact 。

在本题中请特别关注子串与子序列的区别。字符串T=t1…tn的子串是一个形如T’=t1+i…tm+i的字符串,其中,0≤i,m+i≤n。例如,T=abcdefg,则bcd是T 的一个子串,而bce是T的一个子序列,但不是T 的子串。


第1行中给出正整数n,m,k,m<300, n<300, k<6。n和m分别表示给定序列X和Y的长度。k表示子串包含约束集S中共有k个字符串。
第3行和第4行分别给出序列X和Y 。




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#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue> #ifdef WIN32
#define LL "%I64d"
#define LL "%lld"
#endif #ifdef CT
#define debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define setfile()
#define debug(...)
#define filename ""
#define setfile() freopen(filename".in", "r", stdin); freopen(filename".out", "w", stdout);
#endif #define R register
#define getc() (S == T && (T = (S = B) + fread(B, 1, 1 << 15, stdin), S == T) ? EOF : *S++)
#define dmax(_a, _b) ((_a) > (_b) ? (_a) : (_b))
#define dmin(_a, _b) ((_a) < (_b) ? (_a) : (_b))
#define cmax(_a, _b) (_a < (_b) ? _a = (_b) : 0)
#define cmin(_a, _b) (_a > (_b) ? _a = (_b) : 0)
char B[1 << 15], *S = B, *T = B;
inline int FastIn()
R char ch; R int cnt = 0; R bool minus = 0;
while (ch = getc(), (ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '-') ;
ch == '-' ? minus = 1 : cnt = ch - '0';
while (ch = getc(), ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') cnt = cnt * 10 + ch - '0';
return minus ? -cnt : cnt;
#define maxn 310
#define maxk 10
#define maxcnt 30010
int sl[maxk], trie[maxcnt][60], fail[maxcnt], t1[maxn][60], t2[maxn][60], len, cnt;
char str1[maxn], str2[maxn], str[maxn];
int end[maxcnt];
inline void Insert(R int pos)
R int now = 0;
for (R int i = 1; i <= len; i++)
R int c = str[i] - 'A';
if (!trie[now][c]) now = trie[now][c] = ++cnt;
else now = trie[now][c];
end[now] |= pos;
std::queue<int> q;
inline void ACmach()
fail[0] = 0;
for (R int i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
if (trie[0][i]) q.push(trie[0][i]);
while (!q.empty())
R int now = q.front(); q.pop(); end[now] |= end[fail[now]];
for (R int i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
if (!trie[now][i]) trie[now][i] = trie[fail[now]][i];
fail[trie[now][i]] = trie[fail[now]][i];
#define hashsize 9991023
#define INF 0x7fffffff
struct Hashtable
long long v; int dp;
Hashtable *next;
}*last[hashsize], mem[hashsize], *tot = mem;
inline Hashtable *Ha(R int a, R int b, R int now, R int s)
R long long key = ((((long long)a<<9|b)<< 11|now)<< 6|s);
for (R Hashtable *pos = last[key % hashsize]; pos; pos = pos -> next) if (pos -> v == key) return pos;
*++tot = (Hashtable){key, 0,last[key % hashsize]};
last[key % hashsize] = tot;
return tot;
int full;
int dfs(R int a, R int b, R int now, R int s)
s |= end[now];
R Hashtable *key = Ha(a, b, now, s);
if (key -> dp) return key->dp;
R int tmp = (s == full ? 0 : -INF);
for (R int i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
if (t1[a][i] && t2[b][i])
R int temp = dfs(t1[a][i], t2[b][i], trie[now][i], s);
cmax(tmp, temp);
return key->dp = tmp + 1;
int main()
R int n, m, k;
scanf("%d %d %d\n", &n, &m, &k);
full = (1 << k) - 1;
for (R int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
scanf("%d ", &sl[i]);
gets(str1 + 1);
gets(str2 + 1);
for (R int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
gets(str + 1);
len = sl[i];
Insert(1 << i);
memset(t1[n], 0, sizeof(t1[n]));
for (R int i = n; i; --i)
memcpy(t1[i - 1], t1[i], sizeof(t1[i]));
t1[i - 1][str1[i] - 'A'] = i;
memset(t2[m], 0, sizeof(t2[m]));
for (R int i = m; i; --i)
memcpy(t2[i - 1], t2[i], sizeof(t2[i]));
t2[i - 1][str2[i] - 'A'] = i;
R int ans = dfs(0, 0, 0, 0) - 1;
printf("%d\n", dmax(ans, 0));
return 0;
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