With DJ Java Decompiler you can decompile java class-files and save it in text or other format. It's simple and easy.

 DJ Java Decompiler is Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 decompiler and disassembler for Java that reconstructs the original source code from the compiled binary CLASS files (for example Java applets). DJ Java Decompiler is able to decompile complex Java applets and binaries, producing accurate source code. It lets you quickly obtain all essential information about the class files. It might be easy to decompile the Java files with DJ Java Decompiler.

DJ Java Decompiler is a stand-alone Windows application; it doesn't require having Java installed! DJ Java Decompiler is not just Java decompiler and disassembler but it is also a fully featured Java editor using the graphical user interface with syntax-coloring. Using DJ Java Decompiler is easy. Select "Open" and load your desired class file, or just double-click the CLASS file you want to decompile. DJ Java Decompiler supports drag-and-drop functions for OLE. You will see the source code instantly! In "Windows Explorer" Right mouse-button pop-up menu available too. You can decompile or disassembler a CLASS files on your computer hard disk or on a network drive that you have a connection to (you must have write privileges or just change the default output directory for .jad files).

You don't need to have the Java Virtual Machine or any other Java SDK installed. But this release is able to compile, run, create JAR archives and run applets outside of the context of a Web browser when JDK is installed.

With DJ Java Decompiler you can decompile more than one java class file at one time. "Tools"-> "Decompile more files..." allows you to select and decompile more than one Java compiled file at one time.

This release enables users to decompile "dead" parts of code. It can add the original line numbers as the comments in the decompiled file, that is very useful for debugging.

DJ Java Decompiler is suitable for studying JAVA bytecode. The program enables users to save, print, edit and compile the generated java code. Included Applet Tag Editor enables users to create applets quickly.

Included "Archiver" tool is a simple archive file manager wich enables users to work with .JAR, .ZIP, .APK, .EAR, .WAR and .EXE archives. (see New features in version and New features in version This tool lets you create or view archives, extract files from archives, decompile .class files from archives, etc. The option "Use folder names stored in archive" enables users to decompile whole class tree.

The "Hexadecimal View" - F11 shows the file in hexadecimal. This view lets you examine the file at the lowest possible level.

Special information features added in this latest version: "Class version info" (shows the JVM version, Major and Minor version), "Access flags", "Superclass", "Methods, Interfaces and Constant Pool", "Fields", "Attributes", "General Information".

DJ Java Decompiler is a graphical decompiler and disassembler for Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 that uses the command-line version of Jad as its decompiling engine . There is a link to another Java Decompiler home page

The old version of DJ Java Decompiler - was a freeware software. You can still find it on: http://dj.navexpress.com/. If you already have a copy and are happy with it, you are welcome to continue using it. If you like this program and want to help it's author to continue working on it and improving it, you may contribute a modest / small donation, which I would be extremely grateful to receive from you!

If you have any questions regarding DJ Java Decompiler, please mail to at_neshkov@yahoo.com
See also: End-User License Agreement (EULA) | How do I Uninstall or Install DJ Java Decompiler

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