Question  131
 You are designing multiple SharePoint 2010 features. You have the following requirements:
.There must be three features, named Feature_1, Feature_2, and Feature_3.
.Feature_1 must be dependent on Feature_2; Feature_2 must be dependent on Feature_3.
.Feature_1 must be available to a site collection named Finance.
You need to ensure that your feature design meets these requirements and follows the SharePoint Feature Activation Dependency Rules. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Design Feature_1 and Feature_2 as visible; design Feature_3 as a hidden feature. Set the scopes for Feature_1, Feature_2, and Feature_3 to Site.
B. Design Feature_1 and Feature_2 as visible; design Feature_3 as a hidden feature. Set the scopes for Feature_1 and Feature_2 to Site. Set the scope for Feature_3 to Web.
C. Design Feature_1 and Feature_2 as visible; design Feature_3 as a hidden feature. Set the scope for Feature_1 to Web Application. Set the scopes for Feature_2 and Feature_3 to Web.
D. Design Feature_1, Feature_2, and Feature_3 as visible features. Set the scopes for Feature_1 and Feature_2 to Site. Set the scope for Feature_3 to Web.

 要求1.三个功能分别为Feature_1, Feature_2, and Feature_3
 要求2. Feature_1 必须依赖于Feature_2; 而Feature_2 必须依赖于Feature_3.
要求3. Feature_1 必须可供名为Fiance的网站集使用。
 首先,根据要求2.3可知,Feature_1是网站集范围的功能,而且它依赖于Feature2,而Feature2依赖于Feature3。根据微软描述:” 如果所依赖的功能处于限制较严格的范围内,则不支持跨范围激活依赖关系。例如,网站集范围的功能对于网站范围的功能不会具有激活依赖关系。”,这就说明,Feature_1, Feature_2, and Feature_3都必须设置为网站集范围。

因此本题答案应该选  A


Question  132
 You are planning to add more features to a SharePoint 2010 farm. Two developers are working independently in a developer environment; each has created a custom solution with a new feature. You have the following requirements:
.Each new feature that the developers created must share an assembly with an existing feature on the production farm.
.The new features must be deployed from the developer environment to the production environment.
.The possibility must be minimized that an existing application will be unavailable if the assembly needs to be redeployed after a bug fix.
.You must use the fewest solutions possible.
You need to create a deployment plan that meets these requirements. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create one solution that combines the two new features with the existing feature and deploy the solution to the production farm.
B. Create two solutions to deploy the new features and extend the existing solution in the production farm to include the new features.
C. Create a solution for each of the two new features and extend one of the new solutions to include the feature in the other new solution. Then deploy both solutions to the production farm.
D. Create three independent solutions, each consisting of one feature and deploy them separately to the production farm.

  你打算向Sharepoint2010场中添加更多的功能, 有两名开发人员分别在开发环境中进行独立的开发,每人负责创建自己的解决方案以提供对应的功能,你需要满足如下要求:
由于题干中说得很清楚: each has created a custom solution with a new feature(每人负责创建自己的解决方案以提供对应的功能)。所以当然是创建两个解决方案了(Create two solutions),仅有选项B.C符合此要求。但由于选项C是在一个解决方案中包含另一个解决方案的Feature,然后再把两个Solution都部署到生产环境,这样在生产环境中就涉及两个解决方案,它要比选项B中仅扩充原解决方案涉及的方案个数多,结果要求4,所以选项B比选项C优。
因此本题答案应该选 B


Question  133
 You are designing a solution package for an application project, which has several types of SharePoint 2010 artifacts. Your project contains a Web Part, features, list definitions, assemblies, customized ASPX pages, and workflows. You have the following requirements:
.You must ensure the security and manageability of the SharePoint applications.
.SharePoint administrators must enforce quota limits on resources consumed. Based on your analysis, the Web Part will exceed the limit.
.You must deploy all of the artifacts with the fewest solutions possible.
You need to create a deployment plan that meets these requirements. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create one solution package that contains all of the artifacts in the development project.
B. Create two solution packages:
    .A farm-scoped solution that contains the Web Part
    .A solution that contains all the remaining artifacts in the project
C. Create two solution packages:
    .A sandboxed solution containing the Web Part
    .A solution that contains all the remaining artifacts in the project
D. Create three solution packages:
    .A solution for list definitions
    .A solution containing the Web Part and its related assemblies
    .A solution for customized ASPX pages and workflows

  你设计一个Sharepoint2010应用,包含Web Part,功能,列表定义,程序集,用户定义的ASPX页面以及工作流。此应用需要满足如下要求:
 要求1. 你需要确保此应用程序的安全性和易管理性。
 要求2. Sharepoint管理员可以控制此应用对资源的配额限制。如有必要,你的Web Part可以突破这些限制。
 要求3. 尽可以采用最少的解决方案来部署这些应用。
 选项C.把Web Part放到沙盒方案,其余放到场解决方案,符合本题的要求。
 选项D.总共使用了3个解决方案,且没有使用沙盒方案,从而无法满足控制此应用对资源的配额限制。而且list definitions与Aspx和Workflow的方案完全可以合并,用不着一分二。所以本选项也被排除。
因此本题答案应该选 C


Question  134
 You are designing a SharePoint 2010 solution package that includes a feature. The feature should be available for activation in only those site collections contained within specified Web applications in the farm. You need to design your solution package to ensure this behavior. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a sandboxed solution and set the scope of the feature to Web Application.
B. Create a sandboxed solution and set the scope of the feature to Site.
C. Create a farm solution and set the Deployment Target property of the feature assembly to
D. Create a farm solution and set the Deployment Target property of the feature assembly to Web Application.

 你在一个Sharepoint2010解决方案中包括了一个功能,此功能只能在指定的Web Application内的网站集中被激活,你需要你所设计的解决方案包满足此需要。
  由于Sandbox解决方案都是针对网站集部署的,而本题则针对Web Application,所以可以直接排除选项A.B。
  选项C.功能的Scope属性只有Farm, Web Application,Site,Web等值,没有此选项所谓的GlobalAssemblCache设置,所以排除。而选项D则设置了正确的Scope值。

因此本题答案应该选 D


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