August 31st 2017 Week 35th Thursday
Whatever happened in the past is gone, the best is always yet to come.
Correct judgements stem from thorough investigations and study.
Don't come to your conclusion too early without concrete proof and careful consideration, particularly on some vital things, like, your life.
Many things we do scarely give a thought to, we just do them from habit.
But the moment and the future are all based on the past, maybe we have passed the peak of our life, the best had already come to us.
And we never have that again.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
From Samuel Emerson.
Very strange, but funny, the two quotes we mentioned above are just the same in their underlying meaning.
Maybe they just want to tell me that I shouldn't give up even after being defeated all these times.
Because the best is yet to come.
Nothing worth achieving was easy.
Don't be destroyed by the frustrations that stem from your own thoughts.
Now that there is life, there is hope.
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