make defconfig
ihid@ubuntu:~/chaos_calmer$ make defconfig
Checking 'working-make'... ok.
Checking 'case-sensitive-fs'... ok.
Checking 'gcc'... ok.
Checking 'working-gcc'... ok.
Checking 'g++'... ok.
Checking 'working-g++'... ok.
Checking 'ncurses'... ok.
Checking 'zlib'... ok.
Checking 'libssl'... ok.
Checking 'tar'... ok.
Checking 'find'... ok.
Checking 'bash'... ok.
Checking 'patch'... ok.
Checking 'diff'... ok.
Checking 'cp'... ok.
Checking 'seq'... ok.
Checking 'awk'... ok.
Checking 'grep'... ok.
Checking 'getopt'... ok.
Checking 'stat'... ok.
Checking 'md5sum'... ok.
Checking 'unzip'... ok.
Checking 'bzip2'... ok.
Checking 'wget'... ok.
Checking 'perl'... ok.
Checking 'python'... ok.
Checking 'svn'... ok.
Checking 'git'... failed.
Checking 'file'... ok.
Checking 'openssl'... ok.
Checking 'ldconfig-stub'... ok.
Build dependency: Please install Git (git-core) >= 1.6.5
/home/ihid/chaos_calmer/include/ recipe for target 'prereq' failed
Prerequisite check failed. Use FORCE=1 to override.
/home/ihid/chaos_calmer/include/ recipe for target 'staging_dir/host/.prereq-build' failed
make: *** [staging_dir/host/.prereq-build] Error 1
- 下载patch文件:
- 将文件复制到/home/ihid/chaos_calmer/include路径下
- 在当前路径下执行命令
patch < git-version-check-fix.patch
- 回到chaos_calmer主目录,再次检查依赖,发现没,没有问题了。
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14.总结 首先,这是一本太老的书,很多观点已经被固化或者过时了.但核心观点没有问题,虽然大多数观点已经被认为是理所当然的事情了. 重构的定义 重构分几种: 1.狭义的代码重构 就是本书讲的, ...
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