

public static void DisableWPFTabletSupport()
// Get a collection of the tablet devices for this window.
TabletDeviceCollection devices = System.Windows.Input.Tablet.TabletDevices; if (devices.Count > )
// Get the Type of InputManager.
Type inputManagerType = typeof(System.Windows.Input.InputManager); // Call the StylusLogic method on the InputManager.Current instance.
object stylusLogic = inputManagerType.InvokeMember("StylusLogic",
BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
null, InputManager.Current, null); if (stylusLogic != null)
// Get the type of the device class.
Type devicesType = devices.GetType(); // Loop until there are no more devices to remove.
int count = devices.Count + ; while (devices.Count > )
// Remove the first tablet device in the devices collection.
devicesType.InvokeMember("HandleTabletRemoved", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, devices, new object[] { (uint) }); count--; if (devices.Count != count)
throw new Win32Exception("Unable to remove real-time stylus support.");



   private void Button_TouchDown(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)


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