


这篇文章提到了 Apache Commons Configuration项目,也解释了其功能原理,很符合我的要求。

The Commons Configuration software library provides a generic configuration interface which enables a Java application to read configuration data from a variety of sources. 


节选Automatic Reloading部分的说明:

Automatic Reloading

A common issue with file-based configurations is to handle the reloading of the data file when it changes. This is especially important if you have long running applications and do not want to restart them when a configuration file was updated. Commons Configuration has the concept of so called reloading strategies that can be associated with a file-based configuration. Such a strategy monitors a configuration file and is able to detect changes. A default reloading strategy is FileChangedReloadingStrategy. It can be set on a file-based configuration as follows:

PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration("");
config.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());

FileChangedReloadingStrategy works as follows: On every property access the configuration checks its associated reloading strategy. FileChangedReloadingStrategy will then obtain the last modification date of the configuration file and check whether it has changed since the last access. If this is the case, a reload is triggered. To avoid often disk access when multiple properties are queried from the configuration, a refresh delay can be set on the reloading strategy. This is a time in milli seconds with the meaning that the reloading strategy will only once check the file's last modification time in the period specified here.



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