蓝牙主机和蓝牙设备建立连接之后,会在l2cap 层面上建立相应的channel,这些channel 基本上是用于各种不同的profile 或者protocol 进行通信用的。

当相应的profile或者protocol 不再被使用的时候,这些建立的channel 都要被清除掉。当一条link上面没有了 相应的channel之后,那么经过一段时间之后,它就会断开,这个时间就是link idle timeout。

这里分析一下LE 设备的link idle timeout

这段逻辑其实是在 建立channel 的过程中完成的,当前Android8.0 的bluedroid 是在link 建立完成,进行完remote feature的交互之后就会设置link idle timeout,这里分析的情况是Android6.0的bluedroid。

其实在BTA_GATTC_OPEN 中已经描述了channel open的过程,但是没有讲到 link idle timeout 相关,我们这里从gatt_connect 来分析:

** Function gatt_connect
** Description This function is called to initiate a connection to a peer device.
** Parameter rem_bda: remote device address to connect to.
** Returns TRUE if connection is started, otherwise return FALSE.
BOOLEAN gatt_connect (BD_ADDR rem_bda, tGATT_TCB *p_tcb, tBT_TRANSPORT transport)
BOOLEAN gatt_ret = FALSE; if (gatt_get_ch_state(p_tcb) != GATT_CH_OPEN)
gatt_set_ch_state(p_tcb, GATT_CH_CONN); if (transport == BT_TRANSPORT_LE)
p_tcb->att_lcid = L2CAP_ATT_CID;
gatt_ret = L2CA_ConnectFixedChnl (L2CAP_ATT_CID, rem_bda);//创建固定的channel
if ((p_tcb->att_lcid = L2CA_ConnectReq(BT_PSM_ATT, rem_bda)) != )
gatt_ret = TRUE;
} return gatt_ret;

LE设备 使用的固定的channel 都是L2CAP_ATT_CID :这里注意,执行到open channel的时候,一般都已经完成link的建立:

** Function L2CA_ConnectFixedChnl
** Description Connect an fixed signalling channel to a remote device.
** Parameters: Fixed CID
** BD Address of remote
** Return value: TRUE if connection started
BOOLEAN L2CA_ConnectFixedChnl (UINT16 fixed_cid, BD_ADDR rem_bda)
tL2C_LCB *p_lcb;
tL2C_BLE_FIXED_CHNLS_MASK peer_channel_mask; // If we already have a link to the remote, check if it supports that CID
if ((p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr (rem_bda, transport)) != NULL)
// Fixed channels are mandatory on LE transports so ignore the received
// channel mask and use the locally cached LE channel mask. #if BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE
if (transport == BT_TRANSPORT_LE)
peer_channel_mask = l2cb.l2c_ble_fixed_chnls_mask;
peer_channel_mask = p_lcb->peer_chnl_mask[]; // Check for supported channel
if (!(peer_channel_mask & ( << fixed_cid)))
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("%s() CID:0x%04x BDA: %08x%04x not supported", __func__,
return FALSE;
} // Get a CCB and link the lcb to it
if (!l2cu_initialize_fixed_ccb (p_lcb, fixed_cid,
&l2cb.fixed_reg[fixed_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].fixed_chnl_opts))
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("%s(0x%04x) - LCB but no CCB", __func__, fixed_cid);
return FALSE;
(*l2cb.fixed_reg[fixed_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb)
(fixed_cid,p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, TRUE, , p_lcb->transport);//回调,这里是重点
(*l2cb.fixed_reg[fixed_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb)
(fixed_cid, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, TRUE, , BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR);
return TRUE;
} // No link. Get an LCB and start link establishment
return TRUE;

那这个l2cb.fixed_reg[fixed_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb 是在哪里注册的呢?


** Function gatt_init
** Description This function is enable the GATT profile on the device.
** It clears out the control blocks, and registers with L2CAP.
** Returns void
void gatt_init (void)
tL2CAP_FIXED_CHNL_REG fixed_reg;
memset (&gatt_cb, , sizeof(tGATT_CB));
memset (&fixed_reg, , sizeof(tL2CAP_FIXED_CHNL_REG)); #if defined(GATT_INITIAL_TRACE_LEVEL)
gatt_cb.trace_level = GATT_INITIAL_TRACE_LEVEL;
gatt_cb.trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE; /* No traces */
gatt_cb.def_mtu_size = GATT_DEF_BLE_MTU_SIZE;
GKI_init_q (&gatt_cb.sign_op_queue);
GKI_init_q (&gatt_cb.srv_chg_clt_q);
GKI_init_q (&gatt_cb.pending_new_srv_start_q);
/* First, register fixed L2CAP channel for ATT over BLE */
fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mode = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.max_transmit = 0xFF;
fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.rtrans_tout = ;
fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mon_tout = ;
fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mps = ;
fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.tx_win_sz = ; fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb = gatt_le_connect_cback;
fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedData_Cb = gatt_le_data_ind;
fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedCong_Cb = gatt_le_cong_cback; /* congestion callback */
fixed_reg.default_idle_tout = 0xffff; /* 0xffff default idle timeout */ L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel (L2CAP_ATT_CID, &fixed_reg);//把ATT相关的参数和回调 注册到l2cap
gatt_cb.hdl_cfg.gatt_start_hdl = GATT_GATT_START_HANDLE;
gatt_cb.hdl_cfg.gap_start_hdl = GATT_GAP_START_HANDLE;
gatt_cb.hdl_cfg.app_start_hdl = GATT_APP_START_HANDLE;
gatt_profile_db_init(); }

注册的过程很简单就是 将注册结构 放置到l2cb 结构下:

BOOLEAN  L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel (UINT16 fixed_cid, tL2CAP_FIXED_CHNL_REG *p_freg)
if ( (fixed_cid < L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL) || (fixed_cid > L2CAP_LAST_FIXED_CHNL) )
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel() Invalid CID: 0x%04x", fixed_cid);
return (FALSE);
l2cb.fixed_reg[fixed_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL] = *p_freg;
return (TRUE);

我们下面重点 看一下 刚刚的回调:

fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb = gatt_le_connect_cback;

看看这个回调的功能,看注册其是 当fix channel 建立完成之后才会调用的:

** Function gatt_le_connect_cback
** Description This callback function is called by L2CAP to indicate that
** the ATT fixed channel for LE is
** connected (conn = TRUE)/disconnected (conn = FALSE).
static void gatt_le_connect_cback (UINT16 chan, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BOOLEAN connected,
UINT16 reason, tBT_TRANSPORT transport)
{ tGATT_TCB *p_tcb = gatt_find_tcb_by_addr(bd_addr, transport);
BOOLEAN check_srv_chg = FALSE;
tGATTS_SRV_CHG *p_srv_chg_clt=NULL; /* ignore all fixed channel connect/disconnect on BR/EDR link for GATT */
if (transport == BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR)
if ((p_srv_chg_clt = gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list(bd_addr)) != NULL)
check_srv_chg = TRUE;
if (btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev(bd_addr))
} if (connected)
/* do we have a channel initiating a connection? */
if (p_tcb)
/* we are initiating connection */
if ( gatt_get_ch_state(p_tcb) == GATT_CH_CONN)
/* send callback */
gatt_set_ch_state(p_tcb, GATT_CH_OPEN);
p_tcb->payload_size = GATT_DEF_BLE_MTU_SIZE; gatt_send_conn_cback(p_tcb);//看这里的回调
if (check_srv_chg)
gatt_chk_srv_chg (p_srv_chg_clt);
/* this is incoming connection or background connection callback */

这里我们关注重点,就是 如何设置 link timeout 的:

** Function gatt_send_conn_cback
** Description Callback used to notify layer above about a connection.
** Returns void
static void gatt_send_conn_cback(tGATT_TCB *p_tcb)
UINT8 i;
tGATT_REG *p_reg;
UINT16 conn_id; p_bg_dev = gatt_find_bg_dev(p_tcb->peer_bda);
... if (gatt_num_apps_hold_link(p_tcb) && p_tcb->att_lcid == L2CAP_ATT_CID )
/* disable idle timeout if one or more clients are holding the link disable the idle timer */
GATT_SetIdleTimeout(p_tcb->peer_bda, GATT_LINK_NO_IDLE_TIMEOUT, p_tcb->transport);

我们看到了GATT_SetIdleTimeout ,这个函数从名字上面 看就是设置了GATT所在link的 timeout的时间。

void GATT_SetIdleTimeout (BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT16 idle_tout, tBT_TRANSPORT transport)
tGATT_TCB *p_tcb;
BOOLEAN status = FALSE; if ((p_tcb = gatt_find_tcb_by_addr (bd_addr, transport)) != NULL)
if (p_tcb->att_lcid == L2CAP_ATT_CID)
status = L2CA_SetFixedChannelTout (bd_addr, L2CAP_ATT_CID, idle_tout); if (idle_tout == GATT_LINK_IDLE_TIMEOUT_WHEN_NO_APP)
status = L2CA_SetIdleTimeout (p_tcb->att_lcid, idle_tout, FALSE);
} }


** Function L2CA_SetFixedChannelTout
** Description Higher layers call this function to set the idle timeout for
** a fixed channel. The "idle timeout" is the amount of time that
** a connection can remain up with no L2CAP channels on it.
** A timeout of zero means that the connection will be torn
** down immediately when the last channel is removed.
** A timeout of 0xFFFF means no timeout. Values are in seconds.
** A bd_addr is the remote BD address. If bd_addr = BT_BD_ANY,
** then the idle timeouts for all active l2cap links will be
** changed.
** Returns TRUE if command succeeded, FALSE if failed
BOOLEAN L2CA_SetFixedChannelTout (BD_ADDR rem_bda, UINT16 fixed_cid, UINT16 idle_tout)
tL2C_LCB *p_lcb;
if (fixed_cid >= L2CAP_ATT_CID && fixed_cid <= L2CAP_SMP_CID)
transport = BT_TRANSPORT_LE;
#endif /* Is a fixed channel connected to the remote BDA ?*/
p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr (rem_bda, transport);
... p_lcb->p_fixed_ccbs[fixed_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL]->fixed_chnl_idle_tout = idle_tout;//设置timeout 时间 if (p_lcb->in_use && p_lcb->link_state == LST_CONNECTED && !p_lcb->ccb_queue.p_first_ccb)
/* If there are no dynamic CCBs, (re)start the idle timer in case we changed it */
l2cu_no_dynamic_ccbs (p_lcb);
} return TRUE;

在l2cu_no_dynamic_ccbs里面进行 idle timer 的设置。关于link timeout 的设置暂时就讲到这里。我们能够发现,这个link timeout与link 本身无关,而是和跑在link 上面的应用有关。

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