
js, py, c++, java, php


[Full-stack] 快速上手开发 - React

[Full-stack] 状态管理技巧 - Redux

[Full-stack] 网页布局艺术 - Less

[Full-stack] 异步即时通信 - Async

[Full-stack] 跨平台大框架 - RN

[Full-stack] 世上最好语言 - PHP


/* 这部分有点全栈系列的味道,日后进阶 */


语言 - PYTHON 基础


[PyData] Web Crawler - What is Beautiful Soup

[PyData] *Data Preprocessing and Cleaning

[PyData] *Data Representation - mgrid

[PyProj] How to be professional - Python Programming Books

[PyProj] Think in Python : Number

[PyProj] Think in Python : Extended - numpy

[PyProj] Think in Python : Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Set

[PyProj] Think in Python : Files

[PyProj] Think in Python : Extended - load data

[PyProj] Think in Python : Statements

[PyProj] Think in Python : Functions and Modules

[PyProj] Think in Python : Regex

语言 - PHP 基础

[PHP] 01 - Hypertext Preprocessor                   【Trait 概念】

[PHP] 02 - Namespace & Class                        【命名空间的理解】

[PHP] 03 - Form & Input

[PHP] 04 - Upload files

[PHP] 05 - Cookie & Session

[PHP] 06 - Security: Error, Exception and Filter

[PHP] 07 - Json, XML and MySQL

[PHP] 08 - AJAX

[PHP] 09 - PHP 7

语言 - JS 基础

[JS] Topic - why "strict mode" here                                 【3. 其中有一个方法】

[JS] Topic - this is ”closure“

[JS] Topic - variable and function hoisting

[JS] Topic -Object.create                                               【1. 跟类、对象、原型相关的知识点,有必要细看】

[JS] Topic - define "class" by tricky methods【重点】 【2. 结合类,复习一遍】

[JS] Topic - hijack this by "apply" and "call"

[JS] Topic - Object.create vs new

[JS] JS Basic : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Variable : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Destructuring

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - String, Number, Function : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Array : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Object : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Prototype : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Class : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Inheritance : compare with c#

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Async : compare with c#               【重点课题,尤其是与nodejs的关系】

[JS] ECMAScript 6 - Set & Map : compare with c#        【新课题】

后端 - Laravel 基础

# 基础概念

[Laravel] 01 - Love beautiful code? We do too.

[Laravel] 02 - Route and MVC

[Laravel] 03 - DB facade, Query builder & Eloquent ORM

[Laravel] 04 - Blade templates

[Laravel] 05 - Controller

# 表单项目

[Laravel] 06 - Project: from Usercase to View

[Laravel] 07 - Project: functions in Controller

# 高级功能

[Laravel] 08 - Auth & Data Migration

[Laravel] 09 - Functional models


[Laravel] 10 - WEB API : wrapper

[Laravel] 11 - WEB API : cache & timer

[Laravel] 12 - WEB API : cache implement

[Laravel] 13 - WEB API : update & error tracking

# Laravel API

[Laravel] 14 - REST API: Laravel from scratch

[Laravel] 15 - REST API: sidebar with unit test

# 数据库

[Laravel] 16 - DB: Eloquent

后端 - NODE JS 基础

[Node.js] 00 - Where do we put Node.js                        【前后端分离的思想】

[Node.js] 01 - How to learn node.js

[Node.js] 02 - Read Eval Print Loop

[Node.js] 03 - Buffer, Stream and File IO

[Node.js] 04 - Event and Callback

[Node.js] 05 - Modules and Function

[Node.js] 06 - Multi-thread and process module

[Node.js] 07 - Html and Http

[Node.js] 08 - Web Server and REST API

[Node.js] 09 - Connect with Database


# 是个什么

[AWS] Serverless

# 用户管理

[AWS] User management

[AWS] SSO: Single sign-on

[AWS] OAuth2.0

[AWS] Amazon Cognito

# 网站部署

[AWS] Deploy react project on EC2

前端 - UI 基础

[UI] 01 - CSS

[UI] 02 - Layout & CSS3

[UI] 03 - Bootstrap: component

[UI] 04 - Bootstrap: layout & navigation

[UI] 05 - Bootstrap: built-in components

[UI] 06 - jQuery

前端 - REACT JS 基础

[React] 01 - Intro: javaScript library for building user interfaces

[React] 02 - Intro: why react and its design pattern

[React] 03 - Intro: react.js in twelve demos

[React] 04 - Intro: MongoDB becomes popular

[React] 05 - Route: connect with ExpressJS         【Nodejs + Express + MongoDB 基础篇】

[React] 06 - Route: koa makes your life easier

[React] 07 - Flux: uni-flow for react                  【Flux乃Redux的前辈】

[React] 08 - Tutorial: code-behind            【"client.js进化" 展示 “代码分离"】

[React] 09 - Tutorial: components            【组件学习】

[React] 10 - Tutorial: router

[React] 11 - Redux: redux

[React] 12 - Redux: async & middleware

[React] 13 - Redux: react-redux

[React] 14 - Redux: Redux Saga

[React] 15 - Redux: practice IM

[React] 16 - Topic: Mixins & Higher-Order Components




[Arch] 01. Before Design Patterns - UML

[Arch] 02. Design principle and Software Pattern

[Arch] 03. Practice UML in project

[Arch] 04. Software Architectural Patterns




# 指导:本篇底部是底层语言与基础,越上面越偏向于框架。

编程语言 - C系列 (重新架构中)


[c++] STL = Standard Template Library

[c++] Associative Containers

[c++] Iterators

[c++] Class

[c++] Copy Control

[c++] Operator overloading

[c++] Callable Objects

[c++] Exceptions

[c++] Smart Pointers

[c++] constexpr and literal class

[c++] Templates


[Qt5] How to connect c++ with QML

[Qt5] Develop openCV3 by QML on Qt-creator

[Link Qt] Qt Quick 图像处理实例之美图秀秀

[Link Valgrind] linux下利用valgrind工具进行内存泄露检测和性能分析

[Link Valgrind] Qt Creator Valgrind内存分析前端(分析Nginx内存)

[Unity3D] C# Basic : Gameplay Scripting

[Android] Java Basic : preview

操作系统 - Linux系统编程 & C language


Linux's Heartbeat





Starting from fork(...)

I need a Page!

a.out run!


内核回调 之 一"读"到底



More about Struct&Union

Sort for Fun!



~Linux C_1_一些细节

~Linux C_2/3/11_GDB DEBUG

~Linux C_4_调错实例

~Linux C_5/6/7/12_ELF链接

~Linux C_8/14_作用域

~Linux C_13_变量存储布局

~Linux C_16_预处理

[Optimisation] Read & Write file on Hard Disk

底层硬件 - ARM驱动开发





~Datasheet - MemoryController

~Datasheet - DMA

~Datasheet - IIS

~Datasheet - Nand

~Datasheet - Clock

~Datasheet - RTC, WATCHDAG

~Datasheet - AC97

Communication - 01.Foreword

Communication - 02.Call U

Communication - 03.RILC

Everything here starts from 2011

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