python tp_ready函数分析
PyType_Ready(PyTypeObject *type)
PyObject *dict, *bases;
PyTypeObject *base;
Py_ssize_t i, n; if (type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_READY) {
assert(type->tp_dict != NULL);
return ;
assert((type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_READYING) == ); type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_READYING; #ifdef Py_TRACE_REFS
/* PyType_Ready is the closest thing we have to a choke point
* for type objects, so is the best place I can think of to try
* to get type objects into the doubly-linked list of all objects.
* Still, not all type objects go thru PyType_Ready.
_Py_AddToAllObjects((PyObject *)type, );
#endif /* Initialize tp_base (defaults to BaseObject unless that's us) */
base = type->tp_base;
if (base == NULL && type != &PyBaseObject_Type) {
base = type->tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
} /* Now the only way base can still be NULL is if type is
* &PyBaseObject_Type.
*/ /* Initialize the base class */
if (base && base->tp_dict == NULL) {
if (PyType_Ready(base) < )
goto error;
} /* Initialize ob_type if NULL. This means extensions that want to be
compilable separately on Windows can call PyType_Ready() instead of
initializing the ob_type field of their type objects. */
/* The test for base != NULL is really unnecessary, since base is only
NULL when type is &PyBaseObject_Type, and we know its ob_type is
not NULL (it's initialized to &PyType_Type). But coverity doesn't
know that. */
if (Py_TYPE(type) == NULL && base != NULL)
Py_TYPE(type) = Py_TYPE(base); /* Initialize tp_bases */
bases = type->tp_bases;
if (bases == NULL) {
if (base == NULL)
bases = PyTuple_New();
bases = PyTuple_Pack(, base);
if (bases == NULL)
goto error;
type->tp_bases = bases;
} /* Initialize tp_dict */
dict = type->tp_dict;
if (dict == NULL) {
dict = PyDict_New();
if (dict == NULL)
goto error;
type->tp_dict = dict;
} /* Add type-specific descriptors to tp_dict */
if (add_operators(type) < )
goto error;
if (type->tp_methods != NULL) {
if (add_methods(type, type->tp_methods) < )
goto error;
if (type->tp_members != NULL) {
if (add_members(type, type->tp_members) < )
goto error;
if (type->tp_getset != NULL) {
if (add_getset(type, type->tp_getset) < )
goto error;
} /* Calculate method resolution order */
if (mro_internal(type) < ) {
goto error;
} /* Inherit special flags from dominant base */
if (type->tp_base != NULL)
inherit_special(type, type->tp_base); /* Initialize tp_dict properly */
bases = type->tp_mro;
assert(bases != NULL);
n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(bases);
for (i = ; i < n; i++) {
PyObject *b = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(bases, i);
if (PyType_Check(b))
inherit_slots(type, (PyTypeObject *)b);
} /* Sanity check for tp_free. */
if (PyType_IS_GC(type) && (type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE) &&
(type->tp_free == NULL || type->tp_free == PyObject_Del)) {
/* This base class needs to call tp_free, but doesn't have
* one, or its tp_free is for non-gc'ed objects.
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "type '%.100s' participates in "
"gc and is a base type but has inappropriate "
"tp_free slot",
goto error;
} /* if the type dictionary doesn't contain a __doc__, set it from
the tp_doc slot.
if (PyDict_GetItemString(type->tp_dict, "__doc__") == NULL) {
if (type->tp_doc != NULL) {
PyObject *doc = PyString_FromString(type->tp_doc);
if (doc == NULL)
goto error;
PyDict_SetItemString(type->tp_dict, "__doc__", doc);
} else {
"__doc__", Py_None);
} /* Some more special stuff */
base = type->tp_base;
if (base != NULL) {
if (type->tp_as_number == NULL)
type->tp_as_number = base->tp_as_number;
if (type->tp_as_sequence == NULL)
type->tp_as_sequence = base->tp_as_sequence;
if (type->tp_as_mapping == NULL)
type->tp_as_mapping = base->tp_as_mapping;
if (type->tp_as_buffer == NULL)
type->tp_as_buffer = base->tp_as_buffer;
} /* Link into each base class's list of subclasses */
bases = type->tp_bases;
n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(bases);
for (i = ; i < n; i++) {
PyObject *b = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(bases, i);
if (PyType_Check(b) &&
add_subclass((PyTypeObject *)b, type) < )
goto error;
} /* All done -- set the ready flag */
assert(type->tp_dict != NULL);
type->tp_flags =
(type->tp_flags & ~Py_TPFLAGS_READYING) | Py_TPFLAGS_READY;
return ; error:
type->tp_flags &= ~Py_TPFLAGS_READYING;
return -;
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