static #检查group_vars中某组是否存在主机
- name: ensure only one monitoring host exists
fail: msg="One, or no monitoring host may be specified."
when: "groups.get('monitoring_servers', [])|length > 1" #如果不定义值,那么使用默认值
- name: set deploy dir if not presented
set_fact: deploy_dir="/home/{{deploy_user}}/deploy"
when: deploy_dir is not defined #禁掉swap
- name: disable swap
shell: "([ $(swapon -s | wc -l) -ge 1 ] && (swapoff -a && echo disable)) || echo already"
ignore_errors: yes
register: swapoff_result
changed_when: "swapoff_result.stdout.strip() == 'disable'" #当set_timezone定义,设置相应时区
- name: set timezone to {{timezone}}
timezone: name={{ timezone }}
when: set_timezone #设置hostname
- name: set hostname by ip
hostname: name=ip-{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address | replace(".","-") }}
register: hostname_set
- set_hostname
- "ansible_default_ipv4.address | replace('.','-') not in ansible_hostname" #设置/etc/hosts
- name: inject hostname to hosts file
lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts line=' ip-{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address | replace(\".\",\"-\") }}'
when: set_hostname '#修改文件中匹配到的某行
- name:modify centos irqbalance configuration file
- tuning_irqbalance_value
- centos_irq_config_file.stat.exists #检查umask
- name: get umask
shell: umask
register: umask
changed_when: False - name: does the system have a standard umask
fail: 'The umask of the system ({{ umask.stdout.strip() }}) prevents successful installation. We suggest a standard umask such as 0022.'
when: umask.stdout.strip()[-:] not in ('', '', '', '') #根据facts值,检查系统版本
- name: check system version
msg: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6 is deprecated"
when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '6" #检查文件挂载点
- name: detemine which mountpoint depoly dir exists on
shell: "df {{ deploy_dir }} | tail -n1 | awk '{print $NF}'"
register: deploy_partition
changed_when: False #抓取log
- name: fetch pd log file
src: "{{ log_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-pd.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ fetch_tmp_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}/"
flat: yes
validate_checksum: no
when: "'pd_servers' in group_names" #下载tidb二进制
- name: download tidb binary
url: "{{ item.url }}"
dest: "{{ doenloads_dir }}/{{ item.name }}-{{ item.version }}.tar.gz"
checksum: "{{ item.checksum | default(omit) }}"
force: yes
validate_certs: no
register: get_url_result
until: "'OK' in get_url_result.msg or 'file already exists' in get_url_result.msg"
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
with_items: "{{ tidb_packages }}"
when: has_outband_network #debug
- debug:
msg: "run command on server: {{ disk_randread_iops.cmd }}"

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