


  1. CREATE FUNCTION func_name ( [func_parameter] ) //括号是必须的,参数是可选的
  2. RETURNS type
  3. [ characteristic ...] routine_body
  • CREATE FUNCTION 用来创建函数的关键字;
  • func_name 表示函数的名称;
  • func_parameters为函数的参数列表,参数列表的形式为:[IN|OUT|INOUT] param_name type
  1. IN:表示输入参数;
  2. OUT:表示输出参数;
  3. INOUT:表示既可以输入也可以输出;
  4. param_name:表示参数的名称;
  5. type:表示参数的类型,该类型可以是MySQL数据库中的任意类型;



  1. create database hr;
  2. use hr;
  3. create table employees
  4. (
  5. employee_id int(11) primary key not null auto_increment,
  6. employee_name varchar(50) not null,
  7. employee_sex varchar(10) default '男',
  8. hire_date datetime not null default current_timestamp,
  9. employee_mgr int(11),
  10. employee_salary float default 3000,
  11. department_id int(11)
  12. );
  13. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('David Tian','男',10,7500,1);
  14. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Black Xie','男',10,6600,1);
  15. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Moses Wang','男',10,4300,1);
  16. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Rena Ruan','女',10,5300,1);
  17. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Sunshine Ma','女',10,6500,2);
  18. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Scott Gao','男',10,9500,2);
  19. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Warren Si','男',10,7800,2);
  20. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Kaishen Yang','男',10,9500,3);
  21. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Simon Song','男',10,5500,3);
  22. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Brown Guan','男',10,5000,3);
  23. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Eleven Chen','女',10,3500,2);
  24. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Cherry Zhou','女',10,5500,4);
  25. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Klause He','男',10,4500,5);
  26. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Maven Ma','男',10,4500,6);
  27. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Stephani Wang','女',10,5500,7);
  28. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Jerry Guo','男',10,8500,1);
  29. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Gerardo Garza','男',10,25000,8);
  30. insert into employees(employee_name,employee_sex,employee_mgr,employee_salary,department_id) values ('Derek Wu','男',10,5500,5);
  31. select * from employees;


  2. CREATE FUNCTION GetEmployeeInformationByID(id INT)
  4. BEGIN
  5. RETURN(SELECT CONCAT('employee name:',employee_name,'---','salary: ',employee_salary) FROM employees WHERE employee_id=id);
  6. END//



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