SPOJ:Triple Sums(母函数+FFT)
You're given a sequence s of N distinct integers.
Consider all the possible sums of three integers from the sequence at three different indicies.
For each obtainable sum output the number of different triples of indicies that generate it.
N <= 40000, |si| <= 20000
The first line of input contains a single integer N.
Each of the next N lines contain an element of s.
Print the solution for each possible sum in the following format:
sum_value : number_of_triples
Smaller sum values should be printed first.
Input: 5
1 : 1
2 : 1
4 : 2
5 : 1
6 : 1
7 : 2
8 : 1
10 : 1
4 can be obtained using triples ( 0, 1, 2 ) and ( 0, 3, 4 ).
7 can be obtained using triples ( 0, 2, 4 ) and ( 1, 3, 4 ).
Note: a triple is considered the same as any of its permutations.
这题可以先用母函数表示出选一个的方案(系数是物品出现次数,指数是物品价值) A(x)=a*x^1+b*x^2+c*x^3 所以不考虑重复,在物品中选出三个的方案就是 1/6*A(x)^3
现在用 B(x),C(x) 分别表示一种物品选了 2 次和 3 次的方案 B(x)=a*x^2+b*x^4+c*x^6 C(x)=a*x^3+b*x^6+c*x^9 选三个有可能是 AAB, ABA, BAA, AAA 这几种重复情况,所以扣掉后方案就是 [A(x)^3−3*A(x)⋅B(x)+2*C(x)]/6
#define ll long long
const int maxn=<<;
const double pi=acos(-1.0);
using namespace std;
struct complex{
double r,i;
complex(double rr,double ii):r(rr),i(ii){}
complex friend operator +(complex a,complex b){return (complex){a.r+b.r,a.i+b.i};}
complex friend operator -(complex a,complex b){return (complex){a.r-b.r,a.i-b.i};}
complex friend operator *(complex a,complex b){return (complex){a.r*b.r-a.i*b.i,a.r*b.i+a.i*b.r};}
struct DFT{
complex a[maxn];
void fft(int sz,int bg,int step,int opt){
if(sz==) return; int m=sz>>;
fft(m,bg,step<<,opt); fft(m,bg+step,step<<,opt);
complex w=complex(,),t=complex(cos(2.0*pi/sz),sin(2.0*pi*opt/sz));
for(int k=;k<m;k++)
int pos=*step*k;
for(int i=;i!=sz;i++) a[i*step+bg]=tmp[i];
int a[maxn],b[maxn],c[maxn];
int main(){
int n; scanf("%d",&n);
for(int i=,x;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&x),a[x+]++,b[*(x+)]++,c[*(x+)]++;
for(int i=;i<maxn;i++) A.a[i].r=a[i], B.a[i].r=b[i], C.a[i].r=c[i];
A.fft(maxn,,,), B.fft(maxn,,,);
for(int i=;i<maxn;i++) C.a[i]=A.a[i]*(A.a[i]*A.a[i]-(complex){3.0,0.0}*B.a[i]);
for(int i=;i<maxn;i++){
ll ans=((ll)(C.a[i].r/maxn+0.5)+*c[i])/;
if (ans) printf("%d : %I64d\n",i-,ans);
return ;
return ;
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