1.Bound Services

  A bound service is the server in a client-server interface. A bound service allows components (such as activities) to bind to the service, send requests, receive responses, and even perform interprocess communication (IPC). A bound service typically lives only while it serves another application component and does not run in the background indefinitely.

  This document shows you how to create a bound service, including how to bind to the service from other application components. However, you should also refer to the Services document for additional information about services in general, such as how to deliver notifications from a service, set the service to run in the foreground, and more.

2.The Basics

2.1 简介

  A bound service is an implementation of the Service class that allows other applications to bind to it and interact with it. To provide binding for a service, you must implement the onBind() callback method. This method returns an IBinder object that defines the programming interface that clients can use to interact with the service.

 IBinder定义了客户端与Bound Service的交互接口。

2.2 Binding to a Started Service

  As discussed in the Services document, you can create a service that is both started and bound. That is, the service can be started by calling startService(), which allows the service to run indefinitely, and also allow a client to bind to the service by calling bindService().


  If you do allow your service to be started and bound, then when the service has been started, the system does not destroy the service when all clients unbind. Instead, you must explicitly stop the service, by calling stopSelf() or stopService().

  Although you should usually implement either onBind() or onStartCommand(), it's sometimes necessary to implement both. For example, a music player might find it useful to allow its service to run indefinitely and also provide binding. This way, an activity can start the service to play some music and the music continues to play even if the user leaves the application. Then, when the user returns to the application, the activity can bind to the service to regain control of playback.

  Be sure to read the section about Managing the Lifecycle of a Bound Service, for more information about the service lifecycle when adding binding to a started service.

  A client can bind to the service by calling bindService(). When it does, it must provide an implementation of ServiceConnection, which monitors the connection with the service. The bindService() method returns immediately without a value, but when the Android system creates the connection between the client and service, it calls onServiceConnected() on the ServiceConnection, to deliver the IBinder that the client can use to communicate with the service.


  Multiple clients can connect to the service at once. However, the system calls your service's onBind() method to retrieve the IBinder only when the first client binds. The system then delivers the same IBinder to any additional clients that bind, without calling onBind() again.


  When the last client unbinds from the service, the system destroys the service (unless the service was also started by startService()).


  When you implement your bound service, the most important part is defining the interface that your onBind() callback method returns. There are a few different ways you can define your service's IBinder interface and the following section discusses each technique.

3.Creating a Bound Service

  When creating a service that provides binding, you must provide an IBinder that provides the programming interface that clients can use to interact with the service. There are three ways you can define the interface:

 客户端与Bound Service交流接口有3种定义方式:
  If your service is private to your own application and runs in the same process as the client (which is common), you should create your interface by extending the Binder class and returning an instance of it from onBind(). The client receives the Binder and can use it to directly access public methods available in either the Binder implementation or even the Service.
  This is the preferred technique when your service is merely a background worker for your own application. The only reason you would not create your interface this way is because your service is used by other applications or across separate processes.

  If you need your interface to work across different processes, you can create an interface for the service with a Messenger. In this manner, the service defines a Handler that responds to different types of Message objects. This Handler is the basis for a Messenger that can then share an IBinder with the client, allowing the client to send commands to the service using Message objects. Additionally, the client can define a Messenger of its own so the service can send messages back.

 客户端与Bound Service在不同进程时,可以使用一个Messager交互,Messager关联一个Hanlder,这个Hanlder可以发送,接收消息。

  This is the simplest way to perform interprocess communication (IPC), because the Messenger queues all requests into a single thread so that you don't have to design your service to be thread-safe.

  • Using AIDL
  AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) performs all the work to decompose objects into primitives that the operating system can understand and marshall them across processes to perform IPC. The previous technique, using a Messenger, is actually based on AIDL as its underlying structure. As mentioned above, the Messenger creates a queue of all the client requests in a single thread, so the service receives requests one at a time. If, however, you want your service to handle multiple requests simultaneously, then you can use AIDL directly. In this case, your service must be capable of multi-threading and be built thread-safe.
  To use AIDL directly, you must create an .aidl file that defines the programming interface. The Android SDK tools use this file to generate an abstract class that implements the interface and handles IPC, which you can then extend within your service.

  Note: Most applications should not use AIDL to create a bound service, because it may require multithreading capabilities and can result in a more complicated implementation. As such, AIDL is not suitable for most applications and this document does not discuss how to use it for your service. If you're certain that you need to use AIDL directly, see the AIDL document.

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