
  给一个n*m的X O构成的格子,对一个点操作可以使与它相连通的所有一样颜色的格子翻转颜色(X—>O或O—>X),问给定的矩阵最少操作多少次可以全部变成一样的颜色。






const int dx[]={-,,,},dy[]={,-,,},M=,N=;
int cnt,num,b[M][M],d[N],q[N],v[N<<],hea[N],nex[N<<];
bool f,a[M][M],c[N][N],vis[N];
char s[M]; void sd(int x,int y)
for (int i=,u,v;i<;++i)
if (b[u=x+dx[i]][v=y+dy[i]]== && a[u][v]==a[x][y]) sd(u,v);
} void add(int x,int y) { v[++num]=y,nex[num]=hea[x],hea[x]=num; } int dep(int x)
int l=,r=,y,i;
for (vis[q[]=x]=f,d[x]=;l^r;)
for (i=hea[x=q[++l]];i;i=nex[i])
if (vis[y=v[i]]^f) vis[q[++r]=y]=f,d[y]=d[x]+;
return d[q[r]];
} int main()
int T,n,m,i,j,k,x,y,u,v;
for (scanf("%d",&T);T;--T)
for (i=;i<=n;++i)
for (scanf("%s",s),j=;j<=m;++j)
if (s[j-]=='O') a[i][j]=; else a[i][j]=;
for (i=cnt=num=;i<n+;++i) b[i][]=b[i][m+]=-;
for (i=;i<m+;++i) b[][i]=b[n+][i]=-;
for (i=;i<=n;++i)
for (j=;j<=m;++j) b[i][j]=;
for (i=;i<=n;++i)
for (j=;j<=m;++j)
if (!b[i][j]) ++cnt,sd(i,j);
for (i=;i<=cnt;++i)
for (j=;j<=cnt;++j) c[i][j]=;
for (i=;i<=cnt;++i) hea[i]=;
for (i=;i<=n;++i)
for (j=;j<=m;++j)
for (u=b[i][j],k=;k<;++k)
if (~(v=b[x=i+dx[k]][y=j+dy[k]]) && c[u][v] && u^v)
for (i=;i<=cnt;++i) vis[i]=f;
for (y=cnt,i=;i<=cnt;++i)
if (f=!f,(x=dep(i))<y) y=x;
return ;

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