
xrdog has a number set. There are 95 numbers in this set. They all have something in common and are all positive integers less than 500. The naughty xiao zhuan has deleted one of the numbers in the set. Can you find the number that xiao zhuan deleted?

The following is a set of numbers after deleting a number:

{131,193,5,479,179,101,199,137,23,401,157,197,313,167,127,7,379,109,13,29,73,229,83,239,97,37,53,347,293,113,311,467,47,373,2,151,337,263,461,367,223,103,389, 211,17,443,251,227,11,457,41,331,107,257,59,271,269,19,433,71,67,79,421,463,317,277,241,397,139,353,359,173,449,409,383,191,233,89,283,419,349,3,163,439, 31,181,307,431,61,43,149,487,491,281 }


There is no input.


Output a positive integer indicating the number that was deleted.

Sample Input


Sample Output


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
int n;
int main()
return ;
} /**********************************************************************
Problem: 2218
User: therang
Language: C++
Result: AC
Time:0 ms
Memory:2024 kb

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