L - Prime Number(求n内质数的个数)
Write a program which reads an integer n and prints the number of prime numbers which are less than or equal to n. A prime number is a natural number which has exactly two distinct natural number divisors: 1 and itself. For example, the first four prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5 and 7.
Input consists of several datasets. Each dataset has an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 999,999) in a line.
The number of datasets is less than or equal to 30.
For each dataset, prints the number of prime numbers.
Sample Input
Output for the Sample Input
using namespace std;
const int maxn=1e6+;
int n,cnt=,prime[maxn];bool isp[maxn];
void euler_sieve(){
for(int i=;i<maxn;++i){
for(int j=;j<cnt&&i*prime[j]<maxn;++j){
int main(){
int num=;
for(int i=;prime[i]<=n&&i<cnt;++i)num++;
return ;
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