




-- limit the requests under 200 req/sec with a burst of 100 req/sec,
-- that is, we delay requests under 300 req/sec and above 200
-- req/sec, and reject any requests exceeding 300 req/sec.

-- the following call must be per-request.
-- here we use the remote (IP) address as the limiting key
local key = ngx.var.binary_remote_addr
local delay, err = lim:incoming(key, true)
if not delay then
if err == "rejected" then
return ngx.exit(503)
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to limit req: ", err)
return ngx.exit(500)

if delay >= 0.001 then
-- the 2nd return value holds the number of excess requests
-- per second for the specified key. for example, number 31
-- means the current request rate is at 231 req/sec for the
-- specified key.
local excess = err

-- the request exceeding the 200 req/sec but below 300 req/sec,
-- so we intentionally delay it here a bit to conform to the
-- 200 req/sec rate.

the delay in seconds (the caller should sleep before processing the current request)


syntax: delay, err = obj:incoming(key, commit)

Fires a new request incoming event and calculates the delay needed (if any) for the current request upon the specified key or whether the user should reject it immediately.

This method accepts the following arguments:

key is the user specified key to limit the rate.

For example, one can use the host name (or server zone) as the key so that we limit rate per host name. Otherwise, we can also use the authorization header value as the key so that we can set a rate for individual user.

Please note that this module does not prefix nor suffix the user key so it is the user's responsibility to ensure the key is unique in the lua_shared_dict shm zone).

commit is a boolean value. If set to true, the object will actually record the event in the shm zone backing the current object; otherwise it would just be a "dry run" (which is the default).

The return values depend on the following cases:

If the request does not exceed the count value specified in the new method, then this method returns 0 as the delay and the remaining count of allowed requests at the current time (as the 2nd return value).

If the request exceeds the count limit specified in the new method then this method returns nil and the error string "rejected".

If an error occurred (like failures when accessing the lua_shared_dict shm zone backing the current object), then this method returns nil and a string describing the error.

The limiting works on the granularity of an individual NGINX server instance (including all its worker processes). Thanks to the shm mechanism; we can share state cheaply across all the workers in a single NGINX server instance.

-- we do not handle changing rate values specifically. the excess value
-- can get automatically adjusted by the following formula with new rate
-- values rather quickly anyway.
excess = max(tonumber(rec.excess) - rate * abs(elapsed) / 1000 + 1000,0)

if conn > max + self.burst then
conn, err = dict:incr(key, -1)
if not conn then
return nil, err
return nil, "rejected"
self.committed = true

function _M.incoming(self, key, commit)
local dict = self.dict
local max = self.max self.committed = false local conn, err
if commit then
conn, err = dict:incr(key, 1, 0)
if not conn then
return nil, err
end if conn > max + self.burst then
conn, err = dict:incr(key, -1)
if not conn then
return nil, err
return nil, "rejected"
self.committed = true else
conn = (dict:get(key) or 0) + 1
if conn > max + self.burst then
return nil, "rejected"
end if conn > max then
-- make the exessive connections wait
return self.unit_delay * floor((conn - 1) / max), conn
end -- we return a 0 delay by default
return 0, conn
end function _M.is_committed(self)
return self.committed
end function _M.leaving(self, key, req_latency)
local dict = self.dict local conn, err = dict:incr(key, -1)
if not conn then
return nil, err
end if req_latency then
local unit_delay = self.unit_delay
self.unit_delay = (req_latency + unit_delay) / 2
end return conn


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