# series.apply()
ary = np.array(['80公斤','83公斤','78公斤','74公斤','84公斤'])
s = pd.Series(ary)
def func(x):
return x[:2]
# dataframe.apply()
def func(x):
x[pd.isna(x)] = x.mean()
return x
ratings.apply(func, axis=1)
import numpy as np
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack','Lee','David','Gasper','Betina','Andres']),
unsorted_df = pd.DataFrame(d)
进行排序。 默认情况下,按照升序对行标签进行排序。
# 按照行标进行排序
print (sorted_df)
# 控制排序顺序
sorted_df = unsorted_df.sort_index(ascending=False)
print (sorted_df)
# 按照列标签进行排序
print (sorted_df)
sorted_df = unsorted_df.sort_values(by='Age')
print (sorted_df)
# 先按Age进行升序排序,然后按Rating降序排序
sorted_df = unsorted_df.sort_values(by=['Age', 'Rating'], ascending=[True, False])
print (sorted_df)
r = pd.concat(datas, axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=False,
keys=['x', 'y', 'z'])
merge & join
pd.merge(left, right, how='inner', on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None,left_index=False, right_index=False)
参数名称 | 说明 |
left | 接收DataFrame或Series。表示要添加的新数据。无默认。 |
right | 接收DataFrame或Series。表示要添加的新数据。无默认。。 |
how | 接收inner,outer,left,right。表示数据的连接方式。默认为inner。 |
on | 接收string或sequence。表示外键字段名。默认为None。 |
left_on | 接收string或sequence。关联操作时左表中的关联字段名。 |
right_on | 接收string或sequence。关联操作时右表中的关联字段名。 |
left_index | 接收boolean。表示是否将left参数接收数据的index作为连接主键。默认为False。 |
right_index | 接收boolean。表示是否将right参数接收数据的index作为连接主键。默认为False。 |
sort | 接收boolean。表示是否根据连接键对合并后的数据进行排序。默认为False。 |
suffixes | 接收接收tuple。表示用于追加到left和right参数接收数据重叠列名的尾缀默认为(’_x’, ‘_y’)。 |
import pandas as pd
left = pd.DataFrame({
'student_name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung', 'Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty', 'Emma', 'Marry', 'Allen', 'Jean', 'Rose', 'David', 'Tom', 'Jack', 'Daniel', 'Andrew'],
'gender':['M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F'],
right = pd.DataFrame(
'class_name': ['ClassA', 'ClassB', 'ClassC', 'ClassE']})
# 合并两个DataFrame
data = pd.merge(left,right)
合并方法 | SQL等效 | 描述 |
left |
使用左侧对象的键 |
right |
使用右侧对象的键 |
outer |
使用键的联合 |
inner |
使用键的交集 |
# 合并两个DataFrame (左连接)
rs = pd.merge(left,right,on='subject_id', how='right')
# 合并两个DataFrame (左连接)
rs = pd.merge(left,right,on='subject_id', how='outer')
# 合并两个DataFrame (左连接)
rs = pd.merge(left,right,on='subject_id', how='inner')
pandas提供了功能类似于数据库中group by语句的用于拆分数据组的方法pd.groupby();该方法提供的是分组聚合步骤中的拆分功能,能根据索引或字段对数据进行分组(Split) 进而针对得到的多组数据执行聚合操作(Apply),最终合并为最终结果(Combine)。
DataFrame.groupby(by=None, axis=0, as_index=True, sort=True)
参数名称 | 说明 |
by | 接收list,string,mapping或generator。用于确定进行分组的依据。无默认。 |
axis | 接收int。表示操作的轴向,默认对行进行操作。默认为0。 |
as_index | 接收boolearn。表示聚合后的聚合标签是否以DataFrame索引形式输出。默认为True。 |
sort | 接收boolearn。表示是否对分组依据分组标签进行排序。默认为True。 |
方法 | 说明 |
groupObject.get_group(‘A’) | 返回A组的详细数据 |
groupObject.size() | 返回每一组的频数 |
grouped = data.groupby(by=['class_id', 'gender'])
grouped.get_group((1, 'M'))
grouped = data.groupby(by=['class_id', 'gender'])
grouped.get_group((1, 'M'))
grouped = data.groupby(by='class_id')
grouped.agg({'age':np.max, 'score':np.mean})
result = grouped.agg(
{'age':np.max, 'score':[np.mean, np.max]})
方法名称 | 说明 |
count | 计算分组的数目,包括缺失值。 |
head | 返回每组的前n个值。 |
max | 返回每组最大值。 |
mean | 返回每组的均值。 |
median | 返回每组的中位数。 |
cumcount | 对每个分组中组员的进行标记,0至n-1。 |
size | 返回每组的大小。 |
min | 返回每组最小值。 |
std | 返回每组的标准差。 |
sum | 返回每组的和。 |
透视表(pivot table)是各种电子表格程序和其他数据分析软件中一种常见的数据汇总工具。它根据一个或多个键对数据进行分组聚合,并根据每个分组进行数据汇总。
# 以class_id与gender做分组汇总数据,默认聚合统计所有列
print(data.pivot_table(index=['class_id', 'gender']))
# 以class_id与gender做分组汇总数据,聚合统计score列
print(data.pivot_table(index=['class_id', 'gender'], values=['score']))
# 以class_id与gender做分组汇总数据,聚合统计score列,针对age的每个值列级分组统计
print(data.pivot_table(index=['class_id', 'gender'], values=['score'], columns=['age']))
# 以class_id与gender做分组汇总数据,聚合统计score列,针对age的每个值列级分组统计,添加行、列小计
print(data.pivot_table(index=['class_id', 'gender'], values=['score'], columns=['age'], margins=True))
# 以class_id与gender做分组汇总数据,聚合统计score列,针对age的每个值列级分组统计,添加行、列小计
print(data.pivot_table(index=['class_id', 'gender'], values=['score'], columns=['age'], margins=True, aggfunc='max'))
交叉表(cross-tabulation, 简称crosstab)是一种用于计算分组频率的特殊透视表:
# 按照class_id分组,针对不同的gender,统计数量
print(pd.crosstab(data.class_id, data.gender, margins=True))
字段 | 说明 |
gender | 性别 |
race/ethnicity | 种族 |
parental level of education | 父母教育水平 |
lunch | 午餐 |
test preparation course | 是否通过预科考试 |
math score | 数学得分 |
reading score | 阅读得分 |
writing score | 写作得分 |
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('StudentsPerformance.csv')
data['total score'] = data.sum(axis=1)
# 参数number,object意为:统计数字列与字符串列
data.describe(include=['number', 'object'])
gender | race/ethnicity | parental level of education | lunch | test preparation course | math score | reading score | writing score | total score | |
count | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000.00000 | 1000.000000 | 1000.000000 | 1000.000000 |
unique | 2 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 2 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
top | female | group C | some college | standard | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
freq | 518 | 319 | 226 | 645 | 642 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
mean | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 66.08900 | 69.169000 | 68.054000 | 203.312000 |
std | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 15.16308 | 14.600192 | 15.195657 | 42.771978 |
min | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.00000 | 17.000000 | 10.000000 | 27.000000 |
25% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 57.00000 | 59.000000 | 57.750000 | 175.000000 |
50% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 66.00000 | 70.000000 | 69.000000 | 205.000000 |
75% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 77.00000 | 79.000000 | 79.000000 | 233.000000 |
max | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 100.00000 | 100.000000 | 100.000000 | 300.000000 |
# 分析性别对学习成绩的影响(按性别分组)
math score | reading score | total score | writing score | |
gender | ||||
female | 63.633205 | 72.608108 | 208.708494 | 72.467181 |
male | 68.728216 | 65.473029 | 197.512448 | 63.311203 |
# 分析种族对学习成绩的影响
math score | reading score | total score | writing score | |
race/ethnicity | ||||
group A | 61.629213 | 64.674157 | 188.977528 | 62.674157 |
group B | 63.452632 | 67.352632 | 196.405263 | 65.600000 |
group C | 64.463950 | 69.103448 | 201.394984 | 67.827586 |
group D | 67.362595 | 70.030534 | 207.538168 | 70.145038 |
group E | 73.821429 | 73.028571 | 218.257143 | 71.407143 |
种族划分(优秀-及格): E - D - C - B - A
# 分析父母教育水平对学习成绩的影响
r = data.pivot_table(index='parental level of education')
r.sort_values(by='total score', ascending=False)
math score | reading score | total score | writing score | |
parental level of education | ||||
master's degree | 69.745763 | 75.372881 | 220.796610 | 75.677966 |
bachelor's degree | 69.389831 | 73.000000 | 215.771186 | 73.381356 |
associate's degree | 67.882883 | 70.927928 | 208.707207 | 69.896396 |
some college | 67.128319 | 69.460177 | 205.429204 | 68.840708 |
some high school | 63.497207 | 66.938547 | 195.324022 | 64.888268 |
high school | 62.137755 | 64.704082 | 189.290816 | 62.448980 |
# 分析中午饭学习成绩的影响
r = data.pivot_table(index='lunch')
r.sort_values(by='total score', ascending=False)
math score | reading score | total score | writing score | |
lunch | ||||
standard | 70.034109 | 71.654264 | 212.511628 | 70.823256 |
free/reduced | 58.921127 | 64.653521 | 186.597183 | 63.022535 |
# 分析中午饭学习成绩的影响
r = data.pivot_table(index='test preparation course')
r.sort_values(by='total score', ascending=False)
math score | reading score | total score | writing score | |
test preparation course | ||||
completed | 69.695531 | 73.893855 | 218.008380 | 74.418994 |
none | 64.077882 | 66.534268 | 195.116822 | 64.504673 |
r = data.pivot_table(index=['gender','test preparation course'])
math score | reading score | total score | writing score | ||
gender | test preparation course | ||||
female | completed | 67.195652 | 77.375000 | 223.364130 | 78.793478 |
none | 61.670659 | 69.982036 | 200.634731 | 68.982036 | |
male | completed | 72.339080 | 70.212644 | 212.344828 | 69.793103 |
none | 66.688312 | 62.795455 | 189.133117 | 59.649351 |
r = data.sort_values(by='total score', ascending=False)
top100 = r.head(100)
tail100 = r.tail(100)
r1 = pd.DataFrame({'top100':top100['gender'].value_counts(),
tail100 | top100 | |
female | 38 | 66 |
male | 62 | 34 |
data['parental level of education'].value_counts()
some college 226
associate's degree 222
high school 196
some high school 179
bachelor's degree 118
master's degree 59
Name: parental level of education, dtype: int64
r2 = pd.DataFrame({'top100':top100['parental level of education'].value_counts(),
'tail100':tail100['parental level of education'].value_counts()})
tail100 | top100 | |
associate's degree | 17 | 29 |
bachelor's degree | 8 | 20 |
high school | 32 | 6 |
master's degree | 1 | 15 |
some college | 14 | 21 |
some high school | 28 | 9 |
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# apply() 应用于Series
ary = np.array(['80公斤','83公斤','78公斤','74公斤','84公斤'])
s = pd.Series(ary)
def func(item):
return float(item[:-2])
s = s.apply(func)
0 80.0
1 83.0
2 78.0
3 74.0
4 84.0
dtype: float64
# apply() 应用于 DataFrame
ratings = pd.read_json('../../data/ratings.json')
def func(item):
item[item.isna()] = item.mean()
return item
ratings.apply(func, axis=0)
<ipython-input-7-ebdfbe0e051f>:5: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
item[item.isna()] = item.mean()
John Carson | Michelle Peterson | William Reynolds | Jillian Hobart | Melissa Jones | Alex Roberts | Michael Henry | |
Inception | 2.5 | 3.0 | 2.50 | 3.5 | 3 | 3.0 | 3.166667 |
Pulp Fiction | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.00 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.0 | 4.500000 |
Anger Management | 3.0 | 1.5 | 3.25 | 3.0 | 2 | 3.7 | 3.166667 |
Fracture | 3.5 | 5.0 | 3.50 | 4.0 | 3 | 5.0 | 4.000000 |
Serendipity | 2.5 | 3.5 | 3.25 | 2.5 | 2 | 3.5 | 1.000000 |
Jerry Maguire | 3.0 | 3.0 | 4.00 | 4.5 | 3 | 3.0 | 3.166667 |
d = {'Name':pd.Series(['Tom','James','Ricky','Vin','Steve','Minsu','Jack','Lee','David','Gasper','Betina','Andres']),
unsorted_df = pd.DataFrame(d)
Name | Age | Rating | |
0 | Tom | 25 | 4.23 |
1 | James | 26 | 3.24 |
2 | Ricky | 25 | 3.98 |
3 | Vin | 23 | 2.56 |
4 | Steve | 30 | 3.20 |
5 | Minsu | 29 | 4.60 |
6 | Jack | 23 | 3.80 |
7 | Lee | 34 | 3.78 |
8 | David | 40 | 2.98 |
9 | Gasper | 30 | 4.80 |
10 | Betina | 51 | 4.10 |
11 | Andres | 46 | 3.65 |
unsorted_df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=True)
Age | Name | Rating | |
0 | 25 | Tom | 4.23 |
1 | 26 | James | 3.24 |
2 | 25 | Ricky | 3.98 |
3 | 23 | Vin | 2.56 |
4 | 30 | Steve | 3.20 |
5 | 29 | Minsu | 4.60 |
6 | 23 | Jack | 3.80 |
7 | 34 | Lee | 3.78 |
8 | 40 | David | 2.98 |
9 | 30 | Gasper | 4.80 |
10 | 51 | Betina | 4.10 |
11 | 46 | Andres | 3.65 |
Name | Age | Rating | |
11 | Andres | 46 | 3.65 |
10 | Betina | 51 | 4.10 |
9 | Gasper | 30 | 4.80 |
8 | David | 40 | 2.98 |
7 | Lee | 34 | 3.78 |
6 | Jack | 23 | 3.80 |
5 | Minsu | 29 | 4.60 |
4 | Steve | 30 | 3.20 |
3 | Vin | 23 | 2.56 |
2 | Ricky | 25 | 3.98 |
1 | James | 26 | 3.24 |
0 | Tom | 25 | 4.23 |
by=['Age', 'Rating'], ascending=[True, False])
Name | Age | Rating | |
6 | Jack | 23 | 3.80 |
3 | Vin | 23 | 2.56 |
0 | Tom | 25 | 4.23 |
2 | Ricky | 25 | 3.98 |
1 | James | 26 | 3.24 |
5 | Minsu | 29 | 4.60 |
9 | Gasper | 30 | 4.80 |
4 | Steve | 30 | 3.20 |
7 | Lee | 34 | 3.78 |
8 | David | 40 | 2.98 |
11 | Andres | 46 | 3.65 |
10 | Betina | 51 | 4.10 |
Merge & join
left = pd.DataFrame({
'student_name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung', 'Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty', 'Emma', 'Marry', 'Allen', 'Jean', 'Rose', 'David', 'Tom', 'Jack', 'Daniel', 'Andrew'],
'gender':['M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F'],
right = pd.DataFrame(
'class_name': ['ClassA', 'ClassB', 'ClassC', 'ClassE']})
student_id | student_name | class_id | gender | age | score | |
0 | 1 | Alex | 1 | M | 20 | 98 |
1 | 2 | Amy | 1 | M | 21 | 74 |
2 | 3 | Allen | 1 | F | 22 | 67 |
3 | 4 | Alice | 2 | F | 20 | 38 |
4 | 5 | Ayoung | 2 | M | 21 | 65 |
5 | 6 | Billy | 2 | M | 22 | 29 |
6 | 7 | Brian | 3 | F | 23 | 32 |
7 | 8 | Bran | 3 | F | 20 | 34 |
8 | 9 | Bryce | 3 | M | 21 | 85 |
9 | 10 | Betty | 4 | M | 22 | 64 |
10 | 11 | Emma | 1 | F | 20 | 52 |
11 | 12 | Marry | 1 | F | 21 | 38 |
12 | 13 | Allen | 1 | M | 22 | 26 |
13 | 14 | Jean | 2 | M | 23 | 89 |
14 | 15 | Rose | 2 | F | 20 | 68 |
15 | 16 | David | 2 | F | 21 | 46 |
16 | 17 | Tom | 3 | M | 22 | 32 |
17 | 18 | Jack | 3 | M | 20 | 78 |
18 | 19 | Daniel | 3 | F | 21 | 79 |
19 | 20 | Andrew | 2 | F | 22 | 87 |
class_id | class_name | |
0 | 1 | ClassA |
1 | 2 | ClassB |
2 | 3 | ClassC |
3 | 5 | ClassE |
r = pd.merge(left, right, how='inner')
student_id | student_name | class_id | gender | age | score | class_name | |
0 | 1 | Alex | 1 | M | 20 | 98 | ClassA |
1 | 2 | Amy | 1 | M | 21 | 74 | ClassA |
2 | 3 | Allen | 1 | F | 22 | 67 | ClassA |
3 | 11 | Emma | 1 | F | 20 | 52 | ClassA |
4 | 12 | Marry | 1 | F | 21 | 38 | ClassA |
5 | 13 | Allen | 1 | M | 22 | 26 | ClassA |
6 | 4 | Alice | 2 | F | 20 | 38 | ClassB |
7 | 5 | Ayoung | 2 | M | 21 | 65 | ClassB |
8 | 6 | Billy | 2 | M | 22 | 29 | ClassB |
9 | 14 | Jean | 2 | M | 23 | 89 | ClassB |
10 | 15 | Rose | 2 | F | 20 | 68 | ClassB |
11 | 16 | David | 2 | F | 21 | 46 | ClassB |
12 | 20 | Andrew | 2 | F | 22 | 87 | ClassB |
13 | 7 | Brian | 3 | F | 23 | 32 | ClassC |
14 | 8 | Bran | 3 | F | 20 | 34 | ClassC |
15 | 9 | Bryce | 3 | M | 21 | 85 | ClassC |
16 | 17 | Tom | 3 | M | 22 | 32 | ClassC |
17 | 18 | Jack | 3 | M | 20 | 78 | ClassC |
18 | 19 | Daniel | 3 | F | 21 | 79 | ClassC |
grouped = r.groupby(by=['class_id', 'gender'])
# 返回每个分组的频数
class_id gender
1 F 3
M 3
2 F 4
M 3
3 F 3
M 3
dtype: int64
# 获取某一个分组细节
grouped.get_group((2, 'F'))
student_id | student_name | class_id | gender | age | score | class_name | |
6 | 4 | Alice | 2 | F | 20 | 38 | ClassB |
10 | 15 | Rose | 2 | F | 20 | 68 | ClassB |
11 | 16 | David | 2 | F | 21 | 46 | ClassB |
12 | 20 | Andrew | 2 | F | 22 | 87 | ClassB |
# 针对每小组执行聚合操作 agg()
r = grouped.agg({'score':np.mean, 'age':[np.max, np.min]})
score | age | |||
mean | amax | amin | ||
class_id | gender | |||
1 | F | 52.333333 | 22 | 20 |
M | 66.000000 | 22 | 20 | |
2 | F | 59.750000 | 22 | 20 |
M | 61.000000 | 23 | 21 | |
3 | F | 48.333333 | 23 | 20 |
M | 65.000000 | 22 | 20 |
data = pd.merge(left, right)
# 透视表
age | score | student_id | |
class_id | |||
1 | 21.000000 | 59.166667 | 7.000000 |
2 | 21.285714 | 60.285714 | 11.428571 |
3 | 21.166667 | 56.666667 | 13.000000 |
student_id | student_name | class_id | gender | age | score | class_name | |
0 | 1 | Alex | 1 | M | 20 | 98 | ClassA |
1 | 2 | Amy | 1 | M | 21 | 74 | ClassA |
2 | 3 | Allen | 1 | F | 22 | 67 | ClassA |
3 | 11 | Emma | 1 | F | 20 | 52 | ClassA |
4 | 12 | Marry | 1 | F | 21 | 38 | ClassA |
5 | 13 | Allen | 1 | M | 22 | 26 | ClassA |
6 | 4 | Alice | 2 | F | 20 | 38 | ClassB |
7 | 5 | Ayoung | 2 | M | 21 | 65 | ClassB |
8 | 6 | Billy | 2 | M | 22 | 29 | ClassB |
9 | 14 | Jean | 2 | M | 23 | 89 | ClassB |
10 | 15 | Rose | 2 | F | 20 | 68 | ClassB |
11 | 16 | David | 2 | F | 21 | 46 | ClassB |
12 | 20 | Andrew | 2 | F | 22 | 87 | ClassB |
13 | 7 | Brian | 3 | F | 23 | 32 | ClassC |
14 | 8 | Bran | 3 | F | 20 | 34 | ClassC |
15 | 9 | Bryce | 3 | M | 21 | 85 | ClassC |
16 | 17 | Tom | 3 | M | 22 | 32 | ClassC |
17 | 18 | Jack | 3 | M | 20 | 78 | ClassC |
18 | 19 | Daniel | 3 | F | 21 | 79 | ClassC |
# 结果集中只希望看到score列的均值
data.pivot_table(index='class_id', values='score')
score | |
class_id | |
1 | 59.166667 |
2 | 60.285714 |
3 | 56.666667 |
# 依据class_id 与 gender 同时做分组
data.pivot_table(index=['class_id','gender'], values='score')
score | ||
class_id | gender | |
1 | F | 52.333333 |
M | 66.000000 | |
2 | F | 59.750000 |
M | 61.000000 | |
3 | F | 48.333333 |
M | 65.000000 |
columns='age', values='score')
age | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |
class_id | gender | ||||
1 | F | 52.0 | 38.0 | 67.0 | NaN |
M | 98.0 | 74.0 | 26.0 | NaN | |
2 | F | 53.0 | 46.0 | 87.0 | NaN |
M | NaN | 65.0 | 29.0 | 89.0 | |
3 | F | 34.0 | 79.0 | NaN | 32.0 |
M | 78.0 | 85.0 | 32.0 | NaN |
columns='age', values='score', aggfunc=np.max)
age | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |
class_id | gender | ||||
1 | F | 52.0 | 38.0 | 67.0 | NaN |
M | 98.0 | 74.0 | 26.0 | NaN | |
2 | F | 68.0 | 46.0 | 87.0 | NaN |
M | NaN | 65.0 | 29.0 | 89.0 | |
3 | F | 34.0 | 79.0 | NaN | 32.0 |
M | 78.0 | 85.0 | 32.0 | NaN |
r = data.pivot_table(index=['class_id','gender'],
columns='age', values='score', aggfunc=np.max,
age | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | All | |
class_id | gender | |||||
1 | F | 52.0 | 38.0 | 67.0 | NaN | 67 |
M | 98.0 | 74.0 | 26.0 | NaN | 98 | |
2 | F | 68.0 | 46.0 | 87.0 | NaN | 87 |
M | NaN | 65.0 | 29.0 | 89.0 | 89 | |
3 | F | 34.0 | 79.0 | NaN | 32.0 | 79 |
M | 78.0 | 85.0 | 32.0 | NaN | 85 | |
All | 98.0 | 85.0 | 87.0 | 89.0 | 98 |
- 利用Python进行数据分析-Pandas(第五部分-数据规整:聚合、合并和重塑)
在许多应用中,数据可能分散在许多文件或数据库中,存储的形式也不利于分析.本部分关注可以聚合.合并.重塑数据的方法. 1.层次化索引 层次化索引(hierarchical indexing)是panda ...
- pandas.apply()函数
1.介绍 apply函数是pandas里面所有函数中自由度最高的函数.该函数如下: DataFrame.apply(func, axis=0, broadcast=False, raw=False, ...
- 利用Python进行数据分析(10) pandas基础: 处理缺失数据
数据不完整在数据分析的过程中很常见. pandas使用浮点值NaN表示浮点和非浮点数组里的缺失数据. pandas使用isnull()和notnull()函数来判断缺失情况. 对于缺失数据一般处理 ...
- pandas apply()函数参数 args
#!/usr/bin/python import pandas as pd data = {'year':[2000,2001,2002,2001,2002],'value':[1.5,1.7,3.6 ...
- SQLServer中利用NTILE函数对数据进行分组的一点使用
本文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/wy123/p/6908377.html NTILE函数可以按照指定的排序规则,对数据按照指定的组数(M个对象,按照某种排序分N个组)进行分组, ...
- 数据分析入门——pandas之DataFrame多层/多级索引与聚合操作
一.行多层索引 1.隐式创建 在构造函数中给index.colunms等多个数组实现(datafarme与series都可以) df的多级索引创建方法类似: 2.显式创建pd.MultiIndex 其 ...
- 数据分析05 /pandas的高级操作
数据分析05 /pandas的高级操作 目录 数据分析05 /pandas的高级操作 1. 替换操作 2. 映射操作 3. 运算工具 4. 映射索引 / 更改之前索引 5. 排序实现的随机抽样/打乱表 ...
- 利用Python进行数据分析(9) pandas基础: 汇总统计和计算
pandas 对象拥有一些常用的数学和统计方法. 例如,sum() 方法,进行列小计: sum() 方法传入 axis=1 指定为横向汇总,即行小计: idxmax() 获取最大值对应的索 ...
- (数据科学学习手札99)掌握pandas中的时序数据分组运算
本文示例代码及文件已上传至我的Github仓库https://github.com/CNFeffery/DataScienceStudyNotes 1 简介 我们在使用pandas分析处理时间序列数据 ...
- Flask聚合函数(基本聚合函数、分组聚合函数、去重聚合函数))
Flask聚合函数 1.基本聚合函数(sun/count/max/min/avg) 使用聚合函数先导入:from sqlalchemy import func 使用方法: sun():func.sum ...
- Tomcat源码部署
1.下载源码 https://dlcdn.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.54/src/apache-tomcat-9.0.54-src.zip 2.解压 3.在解压后 ...
- 四、用CSS制作图形以及简单动画
一.利用阴影画一个月亮 说明:画月亮,需要先画一个圆,然后利用box-shadow属性,生成阴影,再将圆的颜色变为透明即可. <html> <head></head> ...
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- vs2019配置boost库(转载)
网址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42214953/article/details/105087015 关于途中的执行文件,可以使用b2.exe,不用跟着教程走. 如果本来就有b ...
- ubuntu14.04 cm12.0 genymotion
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- base64压缩
1 /** * 压缩图片 * base64 : 图片base64字符串 * w : 图片宽高最大值 * callback : 回调函数 * quality : 压缩系数0-1之间, 默认0.92 * ...
- Android笔记--图形控制
图形Drawable 形状图形(其定义文件是以shape标签为根节点的XML描述文件,支持四种类型的形状) 具体实现: 在shape标签里面,solid指定填充的颜色,stroke指定边框颜色,cor ...
- 一起听、一起看、一起唱掀起Z世代青年社交浪潮
6月5日,声网Agora 联合人人都是产品经理在成都举办了主题为"社交泛娱乐APP运营增长力和新玩法解析"的沙龙.现场围绕社交泛娱乐新玩法解析以及出海的新机遇.支付痛点.增长.运营 ...