django 备件管理系统

- 1 class limit:
- 2
- 3 def limit(self,res,obj):
- 4 limit = int(res.GET.get('limit',1))
- 5 pagelimit = int(res.GET.get('pagelimit',30))
- 6 startlimit = (limit-1)*pagelimit
- 7 endlimit = limit*pagelimit
- 8 logdb = obj[startlimit:endlimit]
- 9 page_count,lastpage_count = divmod(obj.count(),pagelimit)
- 10 if lastpage_count:
- 11 page_count +=1
- 12 startpage = 1
- 13 endpage = page_count
- 14 hrefli=[]
- 15 pagenumber = [30,50,70,100,200]
- 16 part1 = '<form style="display: inline;" method="GET" action="%s">每页显示<select name="pagelimit" class = "pagelimit">'%res.path
- 17 part2li=[]
- 18 part3 = '<input type="submit" value = "确定"></form>'
- 19 for number in pagenumber:
- 20 if number == pagelimit:
- 21 option = '<option selected>%s</option>'%number
- 22 else:
- 23 option = '<option>%s</option>'%number
- 24 part2li.append(option)
- 25 part2 = ''.join(part2li)
- 26 pagesize = part1+part2+part3
- 27 hrefli.append(pagesize)
- 28 if limit !=1:
- 29 hrefli.append('<a class="page" href="%s?limit=%s&pagelimit=%s">%s</a>'%(res.path,limit-1,pagelimit,'上一页'))
- 30 for x in range(startpage,endpage+1):
- 31 if limit+3 < x or x <limit -3:
- 32 hrefli.append('<a class="page pitch hidden" href="%s?limit=%s&pagelimit=%s">%s</a>'%(res.path,x,pagelimit,x))
- 33 elif x == limit:
- 34 hrefli.append('<a class="page pitch" href="%s?limit=%s&pagelimit=%s">%s</a>'%(res.path,x,pagelimit,x))
- 35 else:
- 36 hrefli.append('<a class="page unpitch" href="%s?limit=%s&pagelimit=%s">%s</a>'%(res.path,x,pagelimit,x))
- 37 if limit != endpage:
- 38 hrefli.append('<a class="page" href="%s?limit=%s&pagelimit=%s">%s</a>'%(res.path,limit+1,pagelimit,'下一页'))
- 39 href=''.join(hrefli)
- 40 return href,logdb

- 1 from django.shortcuts import render,redirect,HttpResponse
- 2 from dw import models
- 3 from dw.views import form
- 4 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
- 5 from functools import wraps
- 6 from django.db.models import Q
- 7 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
- 8 # Create your views here.
- 9 def auth(func):
- 10 @wraps(func)
- 11 def check_login(res,*args,**kwargs):
- 12 try:
- 13 res.session['name']
- 14 return func(res,*args,**kwargs)
- 15 except:
- 16 return redirect('/login.html')
- 17 return check_login
- 18 @csrf_exempt
- 19 def login(request):
- 20 form_obj = form.login()
- 21 if request.method == 'GET':
- 22 return render(request,'login.html',{'form_obj':form_obj})
- 23 elif request.method == 'POST':
- 24 auth_obj = models.login.objects
- 25 request_form = form.login(request.POST)
- 26 if request_form.is_valid():
- 27 user_info = request_form.clean()
- 28 if auth_obj.filter(**user_info):
- 29 request.session['name']=user_info['username']
- 30 return redirect('/index.html/')
- 31 else:
- 32 errors = '用户名或密码错误'
- 33 return render(request,'login.html',{'form_obj':form_obj,'errors':errors})
- 34 else:
- 35 errors = request_form.errors()
- 36 return render(request,'login.html',{'form_obj':form_obj,'errors':errors})
- 37 return render(request,'login.html',{'form_obj':form_obj})
- 38 @csrf_exempt
- 39 def register(request):
- 40 form_obj = form.register()
- 41 if request.method == 'GET':
- 42 return render(request,'register.html',{'form_obj':form_obj})
- 43 elif request.method == 'POST':
- 44 register_form = form.register(request.POST)
- 45 if register_form.is_valid():
- 46 userinfo = register_form.clean()
- 47 if models.login.objects.filter(username=userinfo['username']):
- 48 errors='用户名已经被注册'
- 49 return render(request,'register.html',{'form_obj':form_obj,'errors':errors})
- 50 else:
- 51 models.login.objects.create(**userinfo)
- 52 return redirect('/index.html/')
- 53 else:
- 54 errors = register_form.errors['pwd'][0]
- 55 return render(request,'register.html',{'form_obj':form_obj,'errors':errors})
- 56 @csrf_exempt
- 57 @auth
- 58 def index(request):
- 59 return render(request,'index.html')
- 60 @csrf_exempt
- 61 @auth
- 62 def module(request):
- 63 obj = models.module_info.objects
- 64 if request.method == 'GET':
- 65 search = request.GET.get('search','')
- 66 db_search = obj.filter( Q(module_vendor__vendor_name__icontains=search)|\
- 67 Q(module_type__device_type__icontains=search)|\
- 68 Q(module_model__module_model__icontains=search)|\
- 69 Q(module_length__length__icontains=search)|\
- 70 Q(module_sn__icontains=search)|\
- 71 Q(module_status__icontains=search))
- 72 form_obj = form.moduladd()
- 73 if search:
- 74 count = db_search.count()
- 75 web_limit = '<p class="font">共计:%s</p>'%count
- 76 db_obj = db_search
- 77 else:
- 78 count = obj.all().count()
- 79 from dw.views.limit import limit
- 80 data_limit = limit()
- 81 web_limit,db_obj = data_limit.limit(request,obj.all())
- 82 return render(request,'module.html',{'db_queryset':db_obj,'form_obj':form_obj,'limit':mark_safe(web_limit),'count':count})
- 83 elif request.method == 'POST':
- 84 if request.POST.get('id'):
- 85 sid = request.POST.get('id')
- 86 obj.filter(id=sid).delete()
- 87 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 88 elif request.POST.getlist('data'):
- 89 datalist = request.POST.getlist('data')
- 90 dic = {}
- 91 dic['module_vendor_id'],dic['module_type_id'],dic['module_model_id'],\
- 92 dic['module_length_id'],dic['module_sn'],dic['module_status'],dic['id'] = datalist
- 93 obj.filter(id=dic['id']).update(**dic)
- 94 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 95 data_form = form.moduladd(request.POST)
- 96 data_form.is_valid()
- 97 obj.create(**data_form.clean())
- 98 return redirect('/module.html/')
- 99 @csrf_exempt
- 100 @auth
- 101 def server(request):
- 102 obj = models.server_info.objects
- 103 if request.method == 'GET':
- 104 search = request.GET.get('search','')
- 105 db_search = obj.filter( Q(server_vendor__vendor_name__icontains=search)|\
- 106 Q(server_type__device_type__icontains=search)|\
- 107 Q(server_model__server_model__icontains=search)|\
- 108 Q(server_sn__icontains=search)|\
- 109 Q(server_image__icontains=search)|\
- 110 Q(server_status__icontains=search))
- 111 form_obj = form.serveradd()
- 112 if search:
- 113 count = db_search.count()
- 114 web_limit = '<p class="font">共计:%s</p>'%count
- 115 db_obj = db_search
- 116 else:
- 117 count = obj.all().count()
- 118 from dw.views.limit import limit
- 119 data_limit = limit()
- 120 web_limit,db_obj = data_limit.limit(request,obj.all())
- 121 return render(request,'server.html',{'db_queryset':db_obj,'form_obj':form_obj,'limit':mark_safe(web_limit),'count':count})
- 122 elif request.method == 'POST':
- 123 if request.POST.get('id'):
- 124 sid = request.POST.get('id')
- 125 obj.filter(id=sid).delete()
- 126 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 127 elif request.POST.getlist('data'):
- 128 datalist = request.POST.getlist('data')
- 129 dic = {}
- 130 dic['server_vendor_id'],dic['server_type_id'],dic['server_model_id'],\
- 131 dic['server_sn'],dic['server_image'],dic['server_status'],dic['id'] = datalist
- 132 obj.filter(id=dic['id']).update(**dic)
- 133 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 134 data_form = form.serveradd(request.POST)
- 135 data_form.is_valid()
- 136 obj.create(**data_form.clean())
- 137 return redirect('/server.html/')
- 138
- 139
- 140
- 141
- 142
- 143
- 144
- 145
- 146
- 147
- 148
- 149 @csrf_exempt
- 150 @auth
- 151 def switch(request):
- 152 obj = models.switch_info.objects
- 153 if request.method == 'GET':
- 154 search = request.GET.get('search','')
- 155 db_search = obj.filter( Q(switch_vendor__vendor_name__icontains=search)|\
- 156 Q(switch_type__device_type__icontains=search)|\
- 157 Q(switch_model__switch_model__icontains=search)|\
- 158 Q(switch_image__icontains=search)|\
- 159 Q(switch_sn__icontains=search)|\
- 160 Q(switch_status__icontains=search))
- 161 form_obj = form.switchadd()
- 162 if search:
- 163 count = db_search.count()
- 164 web_limit = '<p class="font">共计:%s</p>'%count
- 165 db_obj = db_search
- 166 else:
- 167 count = obj.all().count()
- 168 from dw.views.limit import limit
- 169 data_limit = limit()
- 170 web_limit,db_obj = data_limit.limit(request,obj.all())
- 171 return render(request,'switch.html',{'form_obj':form_obj,'db_queryset':db_obj,'limit':mark_safe(web_limit),'count':count})
- 172 elif request.method == 'POST':
- 173 if request.POST.get('id'):
- 174 sid = request.POST.get('id')
- 175 obj.filter(id=sid).delete()
- 176 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 177 elif request.POST.getlist('data'):
- 178 datalist = request.POST.getlist('data')
- 179 dic = {}
- 180 dic['switch_vendor_id'],dic['switch_type_id'],dic['switch_model_id'],\
- 181 dic['switch_sn'],dic['switch_image'],dic['switch_status'],dic['id'] = datalist
- 182 obj.filter(id=dic['id']).update(**dic)
- 183 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 184 data_form = form.switchadd(request.POST)
- 185 data_form.is_valid()
- 186 obj.create(**data_form.clean())
- 187 return redirect('/switch.html/')
- 188
- 189
- 190
- 191 @csrf_exempt
- 192 @auth
- 193 def cable(request):
- 194 obj = models.cable_info.objects
- 195 if request.method == 'GET':
- 196 search = request.GET.get('search','')
- 197 db_search = obj.filter( Q(cable_vendor__vendor_name__icontains=search)|\
- 198 Q(cable_type__device_type__icontains=search)|\
- 199 Q(cable_model__cable_model__icontains=search)|\
- 200 Q(cable_length__length__icontains=search)|\
- 201 Q(cable_status__icontains=search))
- 202 form_obj = form.cableadd()
- 203 if search:
- 204 count = db_search.count()
- 205 web_limit = '<p class="font">共计:%s</p>'%count
- 206 db_obj = db_search
- 207 else:
- 208 count = obj.all().count()
- 209 from dw.views.limit import limit
- 210 data_limit = limit()
- 211 web_limit,db_obj = data_limit.limit(request,obj.all())
- 212 return render(request,'cable.html',{'db_queryset':db_obj,'form_obj':form_obj,'limit':mark_safe(web_limit),'count':count})
- 213 elif request.method == 'POST':
- 214 if request.POST.get('id'):
- 215 sid = request.POST.get('id')
- 216 obj.filter(id=sid).delete()
- 217 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 218 elif request.POST.getlist('data'):
- 219 datalist = request.POST.getlist('data')
- 220 dic = {}
- 221 dic['cable_vendor_id'],dic['cable_type_id'],dic['cable_model_id'],\
- 222 dic['cable_length_id'],dic['cable_status'],dic['id'] = datalist
- 223 obj.filter(id=dic['id']).update(**dic)
- 224 return HttpResponse('ok')
- 225 data_form = form.cableadd(request.POST)
- 226 data_form.is_valid()
- 227 obj.create(**data_form.clean())
- 228 return redirect('/cable.html/')

- 1 *{margin: 0;padding: 0; }
- 2 .top{
- 3 background-color: rgb(83, 83, 236);
- 4 height: 52px;
- 5 }
- 6
- 7 .top-left{
- 8 width: 300px;height: 53px;
- 9 float: left;
- 10 text-align: center;line-height: 48px;
- 11 color: seashell;
- 12
- 13 }
- 14
- 15 .top-right{height: 53px;
- 16 float: right;
- 17 text-align: center;line-height: 48px;
- 18 color: seashell;
- 19 margin-right: 60px;
- 20 }
- 21
- 22 .left{background-color: whitesmoke;
- 23 position: absolute;left: 0;top: 48px;bottom: 0; z-index: 99;
- 24 width: 300px;
- 25 border-right:1px solid black;
- 26 z-index: 99;
- 27 }
- 28
- 29 .right{
- 30 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 31 position: absolute;left: 301px;top: 48px;bottom: 0;right: 0; z-index: 99;
- 32 overflow: scroll;
- 33 z-index: 99;
- 34 }
- 35
- 36 a:hover{
- 37 background-color: cornflowerblue;
- 38 }
- 39
- 40 .leftmenu{
- 41 display: block;padding: 10px;
- 42 }
- 43
- 44 .block{
- 45 position: absolute;top: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;left: 0;
- 46 background-color: black ;opacity: 0.2;z-index: 100;
- 47 }
- 48 .currsor:hover{
- 49 cursor: pointer;
- 50 }
- 51 .hidden{
- 52 display: none;
- 53 }
- 54 .pitch{
- 55 background-color:black;color: white;
- 56 }
- 57 .unpitch{
- 58 background-color: white;color: black;
- 59 }
- 60 .page{
- 61 margin-left: 10px;
- 62 }

- 1 .font{font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;}
- 2
- 3 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 4
- 5 .manageadd{
- 6 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 7 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 8 z-index: 101;
- 9 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 10 width: 500px;
- 11 height: 50px;
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 .manageadd input{height: 20px;}
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18 table.gridtable {
- 19 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 20 font-size:11px;
- 21 width: 50%;
- 22 color:#333333;
- 23 border-width: 1px;
- 24 border-color: #666666;
- 25 border-collapse: collapse;
- 26 }
- 27 table.gridtable th {
- 28 border-width: 1px;
- 29 padding: 8px;
- 30 border-style: solid;
- 31 border-color: #666666;
- 32 background-color: #dedede;
- 33 }
- 34 .change{
- 35 width: 70px;
- 36 }
- 37 table.gridtable td {
- 38 border-width: 1px;
- 39 padding: 8px;
- 40 border-style: solid;
- 41 border-color: #666666;
- 42 background-color: #ffffff;
- 43 }

- 1 *{margin: 0;padding:0}
- 2 body{background-color: royalblue;}
- 3 .login{position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);}
- 4 .button,input{width: 300px; height: 20px;margin-top: 10px;}
- 5 h1{text-align: center; color: seashell}
- 6 .errors{color: red;}

- 1 /* .swadd{
- 2 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 3 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 4 z-index: 101;
- 5 background-color:teal;
- 6 width: 300px;
- 7 } */
- 8 .font{font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;}
- 9
- 10 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 11
- 12 .manageadd{
- 13 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 14 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 15 z-index: 101;
- 16 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 17 width: 500px;
- 18 height: 50px;
- 19 }
- 20
- 21 .manageadd input{height: 20px;}
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26 table.gridtable {
- 27 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 28 font-size:11px;
- 29 width: 50%;
- 30 color:#333333;
- 31 border-width: 1px;
- 32 border-color: #666666;
- 33 border-collapse: collapse;
- 34 }
- 35 table.gridtable th {
- 36 border-width: 1px;
- 37 padding: 8px;
- 38 border-style: solid;
- 39 border-color: #666666;
- 40 background-color: #dedede;
- 41 }
- 42 .change{
- 43 width: 70px;
- 44 }
- 45 table.gridtable td {
- 46 border-width: 1px;
- 47 padding: 8px;
- 48 border-style: solid;
- 49 border-color: #666666;
- 50 background-color: #ffffff;
- 51 }

- 1 /* .swadd{
- 2 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 3 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 4 z-index: 101;
- 5 background-color:teal;
- 6 width: 300px;
- 7 } */
- 8 .font{
- 9 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 10 font-size:11px;
- 11 }
- 12
- 13 .search{
- 14 float: right;margin-right: 10px;
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 18
- 19 .swadd{
- 20 position: absolute;top:0px;bottom: 0px; right: 0px;
- 21 z-index: 101;
- 22 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 23 width: 500px;
- 24 }
- 25
- 26 .swadd p,hr{
- 27 margin-top: 50px;
- 28 }
- 29
- 30 .swadd input,.swadd select{
- 31 width: 50%;height: 20px;
- 32 }
- 33 .info input{
- 34 border: none
- 35 }
- 36 .info .date{
- 37 width: 100px;
- 38 }
- 39 .info .short{
- 40 width: 70px;
- 41 }
- 42
- 43 .info .long{
- 44 width: 100%;
- 45 }
- 46
- 47
- 48 table.gridtable {
- 49 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 50 font-size:11px;
- 51 width: 100%;
- 52 color:#333333;
- 53 border-width: 1px;
- 54 border-color: #666666;
- 55 border-collapse: collapse;
- 56 }
- 57 table.gridtable th {
- 58 border-width: 1px;
- 59 padding: 8px;
- 60 border-style: solid;
- 61 border-color: #666666;
- 62 background-color: #dedede;
- 63 }
- 64 .change{
- 65 width: 70px;
- 66 }
- 67 table.gridtable td {
- 68 border-width: 1px;
- 69 padding: 8px;
- 70 border-style: solid;
- 71 border-color: #666666;
- 72 background-color: #ffffff;
- 73 }

- 1 /* .swadd{
- 2 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 3 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 4 z-index: 101;
- 5 background-color:teal;
- 6 width: 300px;
- 7 } */
- 8 .font{
- 9 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 10 font-size:11px;
- 11 }
- 12
- 13 .search{
- 14 float: right;margin-right: 10px;
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 18
- 19 .serveradd{
- 20 position: absolute;top:0px;bottom: 0px; right: 0px;
- 21 z-index: 101;
- 22 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 23 width: 500px;
- 24 }
- 25
- 26 .serveradd p,hr{
- 27 margin-top: 50px;
- 28 }
- 29
- 30 .serveradd input,.serveradd select{
- 31 width: 50%;height: 20px;
- 32 }
- 33 .info input{
- 34 border: none
- 35 }
- 36 .info .date{
- 37 width: 100px;
- 38 }
- 39 .info .short{
- 40 width: 70px;
- 41 }
- 42
- 43 .info .long{
- 44 width: 100%;
- 45 }
- 46
- 47
- 48 table.gridtable {
- 49 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 50 font-size:11px;
- 51 width: 100%;
- 52 color:#333333;
- 53 border-width: 1px;
- 54 border-color: #666666;
- 55 border-collapse: collapse;
- 56 }
- 57 table.gridtable th {
- 58 border-width: 1px;
- 59 padding: 8px;
- 60 border-style: solid;
- 61 border-color: #666666;
- 62 background-color: #dedede;
- 63 }
- 64 .change{
- 65 width: 70px;
- 66 }
- 67 table.gridtable td {
- 68 border-width: 1px;
- 69 padding: 8px;
- 70 border-style: solid;
- 71 border-color: #666666;
- 72 background-color: #ffffff;
- 73 }

- 1 .font{
- 2 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 3 font-size:11px;
- 4 }
- 5
- 6 .search{
- 7 float: right;margin-right: 10px;
- 8 }
- 9
- 10
- 11 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 12
- 13 .swadd{
- 14 position: absolute;top:0px;bottom: 0px; right: 0px;
- 15 z-index: 101;
- 16 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 17 width: 500px;
- 18 }
- 19
- 20 .swadd p,hr{
- 21 margin-top: 50px;
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 .swadd input,.swadd select{
- 25 width: 50%;height: 20px;
- 26 }
- 27 .info input{
- 28 border: none
- 29 }
- 30 .info .date{
- 31 width: 100px;
- 32 }
- 33 .info .short{
- 34 width: 70px;
- 35 }
- 36
- 37 .info .long{
- 38 width: 100%;
- 39 }
- 40
- 41
- 42 table.gridtable {
- 43 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 44 font-size:11px;
- 45 width: 100%;
- 46 color:#333333;
- 47 border-width: 1px;
- 48 border-color: #666666;
- 49 border-collapse: collapse;
- 50 }
- 51 table.gridtable th {
- 52 border-width: 1px;
- 53 padding: 8px;
- 54 border-style: solid;
- 55 border-color: #666666;
- 56 background-color: #dedede;
- 57 }
- 58 .change{
- 59 width: 70px;
- 60 }
- 61 table.gridtable td {
- 62 border-width: 1px;
- 63 padding: 8px;
- 64 border-style: solid;
- 65 border-color: #666666;
- 66 background-color: #ffffff;
- 67 }

- 1 .font{font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;}
- 2
- 3 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 4
- 5 .manageadd{
- 6 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 7 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 8 z-index: 101;
- 9 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 10 width: 500px;
- 11 height: 50px;
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 .manageadd input{height: 20px;}
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18 table.gridtable {
- 19 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 20 font-size:11px;
- 21 width: 50%;
- 22 color:#333333;
- 23 border-width: 1px;
- 24 border-color: #666666;
- 25 border-collapse: collapse;
- 26 }
- 27 table.gridtable th {
- 28 border-width: 1px;
- 29 padding: 8px;
- 30 border-style: solid;
- 31 border-color: #666666;
- 32 background-color: #dedede;
- 33 }
- 34 .change{
- 35 width: 70px;
- 36 }
- 37 table.gridtable td {
- 38 border-width: 1px;
- 39 padding: 8px;
- 40 border-style: solid;
- 41 border-color: #666666;
- 42 background-color: #ffffff;
- 43 }

- 1 .font{font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;}
- 2
- 3 .add{padding: 6px;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;}
- 4
- 5 .manageadd{
- 6 position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;
- 7 transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
- 8 z-index: 101;
- 9 background-color: whitesmoke;
- 10 width: 500px;
- 11 height: 50px;
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 .manageadd input{height: 20px;}
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18 table.gridtable {
- 19 font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
- 20 font-size:11px;
- 21 width: 50%;
- 22 color:#333333;
- 23 border-width: 1px;
- 24 border-color: #666666;
- 25 border-collapse: collapse;
- 26 }
- 27 table.gridtable th {
- 28 border-width: 1px;
- 29 padding: 8px;
- 30 border-style: solid;
- 31 border-color: #666666;
- 32 background-color: #dedede;
- 33 }
- 34 .change{
- 35 width: 70px;
- 36 }
- 37 table.gridtable td {
- 38 border-width: 1px;
- 39 padding: 8px;
- 40 border-style: solid;
- 41 border-color: #666666;
- 42 background-color: #ffffff;
- 43 }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 edit()
- 6 commit()
- 7 pagelimit()
- 8 })
- 9
- 10 function add(){
- 11 $('.add').click(function(){
- 12 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 13 $('.cableadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 14 })
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 function cancel(){
- 18 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 19 $('.cableadd').addClass('hidden')
- 20 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 21 })
- 22 }
- 23 function del(){
- 24 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 25 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 26 $.ajax({
- 27 url:'/cable.html/',
- 28 data:{'id':id},
- 29 type:'POST',
- 30 success:function(){
- 31 location.reload()
- 32 }
- 33 })
- 34 })
- 35 }
- 36
- 37 function edit(){
- 38 $('.edit').click(function(){
- 39 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 40 $('.commit'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 41 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 42 $('.'+id).removeAttr('readonly')
- 43 $('.option'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 44 $('.p'+id).addClass('hidden')
- 45 })
- 46 }
- 47
- 48 function commit(){
- 49 $('.commit').click(function(){
- 50 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 51 $('.edit').removeClass('hidden')
- 52 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 53 $('.'+id).attr('readonly','readonly')
- 54 var data = $('.'+id)
- 55 var list = new Array()
- 56 $(this).parent().siblings().find('select option:checked').each(function(k,v){
- 57 list.push(v.text)
- 58 })
- 59 data.each(function(index,x){
- 60 list.push(x.value)
- 61 });
- 62 list.push(id)
- 63 $.ajax({
- 64 url:'/cable.html/',
- 65 data:{'data':list},
- 66 type:'POST',
- 67 traditional:true,
- 68 success:function(res){
- 69 if(res=='ok'){
- 70 location.reload()
- 71 }
- 72 else{
- 73 alert(res)
- 74 }
- 75 }
- 76 })
- 77 })
- 78 }
- 79
- 80
- 81
- 82 // function pagelimit(){
- 83 // var option = $('.pagelimit').val()
- 84 // var pagelimit = '&'+'?pagelimit'+option
- 85 // var a = $('.page')
- 86 // a.each(function(){
- 87 // var base_href = $(this).attr('href')
- 88 // var new_href = base_href + pagelimit
- 89 // console.log(new_href)
- 90 // })
- 91 // // for(x in a){
- 92 // // console.log(x)
- 93 // // }
- 94 // }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 edit()
- 6 commit()
- 7 // pagelimit()
- 8 text()
- 9 })
- 10
- 11 function add(){
- 12 $('.add').click(function(){
- 13 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 14 $('.swadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 15 })
- 16 }
- 17
- 18 function cancel(){
- 19 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 20 $('.swadd').addClass('hidden')
- 21 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 22 })
- 23 }
- 24 function del(){
- 25 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 26 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 27 $.ajax({
- 28 url:'/module.html/',
- 29 data:{'id':id},
- 30 type:'POST',
- 31 success:function(){
- 32 location.reload()
- 33 }
- 34 })
- 35 })
- 36 }
- 37
- 38 function edit(){
- 39 $('.edit').click(function(){
- 40 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 41 $('.commit'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 42 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 43 $('.'+id).removeAttr('readonly')
- 44 $('.option'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 45 $('.p'+id).addClass('hidden')
- 46 })
- 47 }
- 48
- 49 function commit(){
- 50 $('.commit').click(function(){
- 51 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 52 $('.edit').removeClass('hidden')
- 53 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 54 $('.'+id).attr('readonly','readonly')
- 55 var data = $('.'+id)
- 56 var list = new Array()
- 57 $(this).parent().siblings().find('select option:checked').each(function(k,v){
- 58 list.push(v.text)
- 59 })
- 60 data.each(function(index,x){
- 61 list.push(x.value)
- 62 });
- 63 list.push(id)
- 64 console.log(list)
- 65 $.ajax({
- 66 url:'/module.html/',
- 67 data:{'data':list},
- 68 type:'POST',
- 69 traditional:true,
- 70 success:function(res){
- 71 if(res=='ok'){
- 72 location.reload()
- 73 }
- 74 else{
- 75 alert(res)
- 76 }
- 77 }
- 78 })
- 79 })
- 80 }
- 81
- 82
- 83
- 84 // function pagelimit(){
- 85 // var option = $('.pagelimit').val()
- 86 // var pagelimit = '&'+'?pagelimit'+option
- 87 // var a = $('.page')
- 88 // a.each(function(){
- 89 // var base_href = $(this).attr('href')
- 90 // var new_href = base_href + pagelimit
- 91 // console.log(new_href)
- 92 // })
- 93 // // for(x in a){
- 94 // // console.log(x)
- 95 // // }
- 96 // }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 edit()
- 6 commit()
- 7 pagelimit()
- 8 })
- 9
- 10 function add(){
- 11 $('.add').click(function(){
- 12 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 13 $('.serveradd').removeClass('hidden')
- 14 })
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 function cancel(){
- 18 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 19 $('.serveradd').addClass('hidden')
- 20 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 21 })
- 22 }
- 23 function del(){
- 24 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 25 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 26 $.ajax({
- 27 url:'/server.html/',
- 28 data:{'id':id},
- 29 type:'POST',
- 30 success:function(){
- 31 location.reload()
- 32 }
- 33 })
- 34 })
- 35 }
- 36
- 37 function edit(){
- 38 $('.edit').click(function(){
- 39 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 40 $('.commit'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 41 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 42 $('.'+id).removeAttr('readonly')
- 43 $('.option'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 44 $('.p'+id).addClass('hidden')
- 45 })
- 46 }
- 47
- 48 function commit(){
- 49 $('.commit').click(function(){
- 50 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 51 $('.edit').removeClass('hidden')
- 52 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 53 $('.'+id).attr('readonly','readonly')
- 54 var data = $('.'+id)
- 55 var list = new Array()
- 56 $(this).parent().siblings().find('select option:checked').each(function(k,v){
- 57 list.push(v.text)
- 58 })
- 59 data.each(function(index,x){
- 60 list.push(x.value)
- 61 });
- 62 list.push(id)
- 63
- 64 $.ajax({
- 65 url:'/server.html/',
- 66 data:{'data':list},
- 67 type:'POST',
- 68 traditional:true,
- 69 success:function(res){
- 70 if(res=='ok'){
- 71 location.reload()
- 72 }
- 73 else{
- 74 alert(res)
- 75 }
- 76 }
- 77 })
- 78 })
- 79 }
- 80
- 81
- 82
- 83 // function pagelimit(){
- 84 // var option = $('.pagelimit').val()
- 85 // var pagelimit = '&'+'?pagelimit'+option
- 86 // var a = $('.page')
- 87 // a.each(function(){
- 88 // var base_href = $(this).attr('href')
- 89 // var new_href = base_href + pagelimit
- 90 // console.log(new_href)
- 91 // })
- 92 // // for(x in a){
- 93 // // console.log(x)
- 94 // // }
- 95 // }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 edit()
- 6 commit()
- 7 })
- 8
- 9 function add(){
- 10 $('.add').click(function(){
- 11 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 12 $('.swadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 13 })
- 14 }
- 15
- 16 function cancel(){
- 17 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 18 $('.swadd').addClass('hidden')
- 19 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 20 })
- 21 }
- 22 function del(){
- 23 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 24 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 25 $.ajax({
- 26 url:'/switch.html/',
- 27 data:{'id':id},
- 28 type:'POST',
- 29 success:function(){
- 30 location.reload()
- 31 }
- 32 })
- 33 })
- 34 }
- 35
- 36 function edit(){
- 37 $('.edit').click(function(){
- 38 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 39 $('.commit'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 40 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 41 $('.'+id).removeAttr('readonly')
- 42 $('.option'+id).removeClass('hidden')
- 43 $('.p'+id).addClass('hidden')
- 44 })
- 45 }
- 46
- 47 function commit(){
- 48 $('.commit').click(function(){
- 49 $(this).addClass('hidden')
- 50 $('.edit').removeClass('hidden')
- 51 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 52 $('.'+id).attr('readonly','readonly')
- 53 var data = $('.'+id)
- 54 var list = new Array()
- 55 $(this).parent().siblings().find('select option:checked').each(function(k,v){
- 56 list.push(v.text)
- 57 })
- 58 data.each(function(index,x){
- 59 list.push(x.value)
- 60 });
- 61 list.push(id)
- 62 $.ajax({
- 63 url:'/switch.html/',
- 64 data:{'data':list},
- 65 type:'POST',
- 66 traditional:true,
- 67 success:function(res){
- 68 if(res=='ok'){
- 69 location.reload()
- 70 }
- 71 else{
- 72 alert(res)
- 73 }
- 74 }
- 75 })
- 76 })
- 77 }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 })
- 6
- 7 function add(){
- 8 $('.add').click(function(){
- 9 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 10 $('.manageadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 11 })
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 function cancel(){
- 15 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 16 $('.manageadd').addClass('hidden')
- 17 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 18 event.preventDefault()
- 19 })
- 20 }
- 21
- 22 function del(){
- 23 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 24 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 25 $.ajax({
- 26 url:'/length_manage.html/',
- 27 data:{'id':id},
- 28 type:'POST',
- 29 success:function(){
- 30 location.reload()
- 31 }
- 32 })
- 33 })
- 34 }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 })
- 6
- 7 function add(){
- 8 $('.add').click(function(){
- 9 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 10 $('.manageadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 11 })
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 function cancel(){
- 15 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 16 $('.manageadd').addClass('hidden')
- 17 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 18 event.preventDefault()
- 19 })
- 20 }
- 21
- 22 function del(){
- 23 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 24 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 25 var table_name = $(this).attr('dtype')
- 26 $.ajax({
- 27 url:'/model_manage.html/',
- 28 data:{'id':id,'table_name':table_name},
- 29 type:'POST',
- 30 success:function(){
- 31 location.reload()
- 32 }
- 33 })
- 34 })
- 35 }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 })
- 6
- 7 function add(){
- 8 $('.add').click(function(){
- 9 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 10 $('.manageadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 11 })
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 function cancel(){
- 15 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 16 $('.manageadd').addClass('hidden')
- 17 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 18 event.preventDefault()
- 19 })
- 20 }
- 21
- 22 function del(){
- 23 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 24 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 25 $.ajax({
- 26 url:'/type_manage.html/',
- 27 data:{'id':id},
- 28 type:'POST',
- 29 success:function(){
- 30 location.reload()
- 31 }
- 32 })
- 33 })
- 34 }

- 1 $(function(){
- 2 add()
- 3 cancel()
- 4 del()
- 5 })
- 6
- 7 function add(){
- 8 $('.add').click(function(){
- 9 $('.block').removeClass('hidden')
- 10 $('.manageadd').removeClass('hidden')
- 11 })
- 12 }
- 13
- 14 function cancel(){
- 15 $('.cancel').click(function(){
- 16 $('.manageadd').addClass('hidden')
- 17 $('.block').addClass('hidden')
- 18 event.preventDefault()
- 19 })
- 20 }
- 21
- 22 function del(){
- 23 $('.delete').click(function(){
- 24 var id = $(this).attr('sid')
- 25 $.ajax({
- 26 url:'/vendor_manage.html/',
- 27 data:{'id':id},
- 28 type:'POST',
- 29 success:function(){
- 30 location.reload()
- 31 }
- 32 })
- 33 })
- 34 }

- 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
- 2 <html lang="en">
- 3 <head>
- 4 <meta charset="UTF-8">
- 5 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
- 7 <title>index</title>
- 8 <link href="/static/css/index.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 9 <script src="/static/js/jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
- 10 <script src="/static/js/index.js"></script>
- 11 {%block cssandjs%}
- 12 {%endblock%}
- 13 </head>
- 14 <body>
- 15
- 16 <div class="hidden block"></div>
- 17 <div class="top">
- 18 <div class="top-left">
- 19 备件管理系统
- 20 </div>
- 21 <div class="top-right">
- 22 <div>用户:{{username}}</div>
- 23 </div>
- 24
- 25 </div>
- 26
- 27 <div class="left">
- 28 <a class="leftmenu" href="/switch.html">交换机</a>
- 29 <a class="leftmenu" href="/server.html">服务器</a>
- 30 <a class="leftmenu" href="/module.html">模块</a>
- 31 <a class="leftmenu" href="/cable.html">线缆</a>
- 32 <a class="leftmenu vendor_manage" href="/vendor_manage.html">厂商管理</a>
- 33 <a class="leftmenu type_manage" href="/type_manage.html">设备类型管理</a>
- 34 <a class="leftmenu model_manage" href="/model_manage.html">型号管理</a>
- 35 <a class="leftmenu model_manage" href="/length_manage.html">传输距离管理</a>
- 36
- 37
- 38 </div>
- 39 {%block change%}
- 40 {%endblock%}
- 41 <div class="right">
- 42 {%block data%}
- 43 {%endblock%}
- 44 </div>
- 45 </body>
- 46 </html>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/cable.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/cable.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9
- 10 </script>
- 11
- 12 {%endblock%}
- 13
- 14 {%block change%}
- 15 <div class="hidden cableadd">
- 16 <p class="font">
- 17 线缆信息添加
- 18 </p>
- 19 <hr>
- 20
- 21 <form id="add" action="/cable.html/" method="POST">
- 22
- 23 <p>
- 24 <p>
- 25 <label for="id_cable_vendor_id">厂商</label>
- 26 </p>
- 27 {{form_obj.cable_vendor_id}}
- 28 </p>
- 29
- 30 <p>
- 31 <p>
- 32 <label for="id_cable_type_id">线缆类型</label>
- 33 </p>
- 34 {{form_obj.cable_type_id}}
- 35 </p>
- 36
- 37 <p>
- 38 <p>
- 39 <label for="id_cable_model_id">线缆型号</label>
- 40 </p>
- 41 {{form_obj.cable_model_id}}
- 42 </p>
- 43
- 44 <p>
- 45 <p>
- 46 <label for="id_cable_length_id">长度</label>
- 47 </p>
- 48 {{form_obj.cable_length_id}}
- 49 </p>
- 50
- 51 <p>
- 52 <p>
- 53 <label for="id_cabls_status">备注</label>
- 54 </p>
- 55 {{form_obj.cable_status}}
- 56 </p>
- 57 <p>
- 58 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 59 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 60 </p>
- 61
- 62 </form>
- 63
- 64 </div>
- 65 {%endblock%}
- 66
- 67
- 68
- 69 {%block data %}
- 70 <div >
- 71 <h3 style="text-align: center;">共计{{count}}</h3>
- 72 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 73 <form class="search" action="/cable.html/" method="GET" >
- 74 <input type="text" name="search">
- 75 <input type="submit" value="搜索">
- 76 </form>
- 77 </div>
- 78
- 79 <table class="gridtable">
- 80 <tr>
- 81 <th>添加日期</th>
- 82 <th>厂商</th>
- 83 <th>类型</th>
- 84 <th>型号</th>
- 85 <th>传输距离</th>
- 86 <th>备注</th>
- 87 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 88 </tr>
- 89 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 90 <tr class="info">
- 91 <td class="date">
- 92 {{}}
- 93 </td>
- 94 <td>
- 95 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.cable_vendor.vendor_name}}" readonly='readonly'>
- 96 </td>
- 97 <td>
- 98 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.cable_type.device_type}}" readonly='readonly' >
- 99 </td>
- 100 <td>
- 101 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.cable_model.cable_model}}" readonly='readonly' >
- 102 </td>
- 103 <td>
- 104 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.cable_length.length}}" readonly='readonly'>
- 105 </td>
- 106 <td>
- 107 <input class='short {{}}' value={{x.cable_status}} readonly='readonly'>
- 108 </td>
- 109
- 110 <td>
- 111 <a class="edit currsor" sid={{}}>编辑</a>
- 112 <a class="currsor hidden commit commit{{}} " sid={{}}>确定</a>
- 113 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 114 </td>
- 115 </tr>
- 116 {%endfor%}
- 117 </table>
- 118
- 119
- 120
- 121 {{limit}}
- 122 {%endblock%}
- 123 <script>
- 124
- 125 </script>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/length_manage.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/length_manage.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9 </script>
- 10
- 11 {%endblock%}
- 12
- 13 {%block change%}
- 14 <div class="hidden manageadd">
- 15 <form id="add" method="POST" action="/length_manage.html/">
- 16 <input type="text" placeholder="传输距离" name="length">
- 17 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 18 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 19 </form>
- 20
- 21
- 22 </div>
- 23 {%endblock%}
- 24
- 25 {%block data %}
- 26
- 27 <div >
- 28 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 29 </div>
- 30
- 31 <table class="gridtable">
- 32 <tr>
- 33 <th>添加日期</th>
- 34 <th>传输距离</th>
- 35 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 36 </tr>
- 37 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 38 <tr>
- 39 <td>
- 40 {{}}
- 41 </td>
- 42 <td>{{x.length}}</td>
- 43 <td>
- 44 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 45 </td>
- 46 </tr>
- 47 {%endfor%}
- 48 </table>
- 49 {{limit}}
- 50 {%endblock%}
- 51 <script>
- 52
- 53 </script>

- 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
- 2 <html lang="en">
- 3 <head>
- 4 <meta charset="UTF-8">
- 5 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
- 7 <link href="/static//css/login.css" rel='stylesheet'>
- 8 <title>login</title>
- 9 </head>
- 10 <body>
- 11 <div class="login">
- 12 <form action="/login.html/" method="POST">
- 13 <h1>备间管理系统</h1>
- 14 <p>
- 15 {{form_obj.username}}
- 16 </p>
- 17 <p>
- 18 {{form_obj.pwd}}
- 19 </p>
- 20 <input type="submit" value="登录">
- 21
- 22 </form>
- 23 <a href="/register.html/">
- 24 <button class="button">注册</button>
- 25 </a>
- 26 <p class="errors">
- 27 {{errors}}
- 28 </p>
- 29 </div>
- 30 </body>
- 31 </html>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/model_manage.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/model_manage.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9 </script>
- 10
- 11 {%endblock%}
- 12
- 13 {%block change%}
- 14 <div class="hidden manageadd">
- 15 <form id="add" method="POST" action="/model_manage.html/">
- 16 <select name="type">
- 17 <option>switch_model</option>
- 18 <option>module_model</option>
- 19 <option>cable_model</option>
- 20 <option>server_model</option>
- 21 </select>
- 22 <input type="text" placeholder="型号" name="model">
- 23 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 24 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 25 </form>
- 26
- 27
- 28 </div>
- 29 {%endblock%}
- 30
- 31 {%block data %}
- 32 <div >
- 33 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 34 </div>
- 35
- 36 <table class="gridtable">
- 37 <tr>
- 38 <th>添加日期</th>
- 39 <th>型号</th>
- 40 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 41 </tr>
- 42 {%for x in switch_model_queryset%}
- 43 <tr class="info">
- 44 <td>
- 45 {{}}
- 46 </td>
- 47 <td>
- 48 {{x.switch_model}}
- 49 </td>
- 50 <td>
- 51 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}} dtype='switch_model'>删除</a>
- 52 </td>
- 53 </tr>
- 54 {%endfor%}
- 55
- 56 {%for x in module_model_queryset%}
- 57 <tr class="info">
- 58 <td>
- 59 {{}}
- 60 </td>
- 61 <td>
- 62 {{x.module_model}}
- 63 </td>
- 64 <td>
- 65 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}} dtype='module_model'>删除</a>
- 66 </td>
- 67 </tr>
- 68 {%endfor%}
- 69
- 70 {%for x in cable_model_queryset%}
- 71 <tr class="info">
- 72 <td>
- 73 {{}}
- 74 </td>
- 75 <td>
- 76 {{x.cable_model}}
- 77 </td>
- 78 <td>
- 79 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}} dtype='cable_model'>删除</a>
- 80 </td>
- 81 </tr>
- 82 {%endfor%}
- 83
- 84 {%for x in server_model_queryset%}
- 85 <tr class="info">
- 86 <td>
- 87 {{}}
- 88 </td>
- 89 <td >
- 90 {{x.server_model}}
- 91 </td>
- 92 <td>
- 93 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}} dtype='server_model'>删除</a>
- 94 </td>
- 95 </tr>
- 96 {%endfor%}
- 97 </table>
- 98 {{limit}}
- 99 {%endblock%}
- 100 <script>
- 101 </script>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/module.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/module.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9
- 10 </script>
- 11
- 12 {%endblock%}
- 13
- 14 {%block change%}
- 15 <div class="hidden swadd">
- 16 <p class="font">
- 17 模块信息添加
- 18 </p>
- 19 <hr>
- 20
- 21 <form id="add" action="/module.html/" method="POST">
- 22
- 23 <p>
- 24 <p>
- 25 <label for="id_module_vendor_id">设备厂商</label>
- 26 </p>
- 27 {{form_obj.module_vendor_id}}
- 28 </p>
- 29
- 30 <p>
- 31 <p>
- 32 <label for="id_module_type_id">设备类型</label>
- 33 </p>
- 34 {{form_obj.module_type_id}}
- 35 </p>
- 36
- 37 <p>
- 38 <p>
- 39 <label for="id_module_model_id">设备型号</label>
- 40 </p>
- 41 {{form_obj.module_model_id}}
- 42 </p>
- 43
- 44 <p>
- 45 <p>
- 46 <label for="id_module_sn">模块SN</label>
- 47 </p>
- 48 {{form_obj.module_sn}}
- 49 </p>
- 50
- 51 <p>
- 52 <p>
- 53 <label for="module_length_id">传输距离</label>
- 54 </p>
- 55 {{form_obj.module_length_id}}
- 56 </p>
- 57
- 58 <p>
- 59 <p>
- 60 <label for="id_module_status">备注</label>
- 61 </p>
- 62 {{form_obj.module_status}}
- 63 </p>
- 64 <p>
- 65 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 66 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 67 </p>
- 68
- 69 </form>
- 70
- 71 </div>
- 72 {%endblock%}
- 73
- 74
- 75
- 76 {%block data %}
- 77 <div >
- 78 <h3 style="text-align: center;">共计{{count}}</h3>
- 79 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 80 <form class="search" action="/module.html/" method="GET" >
- 81 <input type="text" name="search">
- 82 <input type="submit" value="搜索">
- 83 </form>
- 84 </div>
- 85
- 86 <table class="gridtable">
- 87 <tr>
- 88 <th>添加日期</th>
- 89 <th>厂商</th>
- 90 <th>类型</th>
- 91 <th>型号</th>
- 92 <th>SN</th>
- 93 <th>传输距离</th>
- 94 <th>备注</th>
- 95 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 96 </tr>
- 97 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 98 <tr class="info">
- 99 <td class="date">
- 100 {{}}
- 101 </td>
- 102 <td>
- 103 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.module_vendor.vendor_name}}" readonly='readonly'>
- 104 </td>
- 105 <td>
- 106 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.module_type.device_type}}" readonly='readonly' >
- 107 </td>
- 108 <td>
- 109 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.module_model.module_model}}" readonly='readonly' >
- 110 </td>
- 111 <td>
- 112 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.module_sn}}" readonly='readonly'>
- 113 </td>
- 114 <td>
- 115 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value="{{x.module_length.length}}" readonly='readonly'>
- 116 </td>
- 117 <td>
- 118 <input class='short {{}}' value={{x.module_status}} readonly='readonly'>
- 119 </td>
- 120
- 121 <td>
- 122 <a class="edit currsor" sid={{}}>编辑</a>
- 123 <a class="currsor hidden commit commit{{}} " sid={{}}>确定</a>
- 124 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 125 </td>
- 126 </tr>
- 127 {%endfor%}
- 128 </table>
- 129
- 130
- 131
- 132 {{limit}}
- 133 {%endblock%}
- 134 <script>
- 135
- 136 </script>

- 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
- 2 <html lang="en">
- 3 <head>
- 4 <meta charset="UTF-8">
- 5 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
- 7 <link href="/static//css/login.css" rel='stylesheet'>
- 8 <title>register</title>
- 9 </head>
- 10 <body>
- 11 <div class="login">
- 12 <form action="/register.html/" method="POST">
- 13 <h1>备间管理系统</h1>
- 14 <p>
- 15 {{form_obj.username}}
- 16 </p>
- 17 <p>
- 18 {{form_obj.pwd}}
- 19 </p>
- 20 <input type="submit" value="注册">
- 21 <p class="errors">{{errors}}</p>
- 22
- 23 </form>
- 24 </div>
- 25 </body>
- 26 </html>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/server.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/server.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9
- 10 </script>
- 11
- 12 {%endblock%}
- 13
- 14 {%block change%}
- 15 <div class="hidden serveradd">
- 16 <p class="font">
- 17 线缆信息添加
- 18 </p>
- 19 <hr>
- 20
- 21 <form id="add" action="/server.html/" method="POST">
- 22
- 23 <p>
- 24 <p>
- 25 <label for="id_server_vendor_id">厂商</label>
- 26 </p>
- 27 {{form_obj.server_vendor_id}}
- 28 </p>
- 29
- 30 <p>
- 31 <p>
- 32 <label for="id_servere_type_id">类型</label>
- 33 </p>
- 34 {{form_obj.server_type_id}}
- 35 </p>
- 36
- 37 <p>
- 38 <p>
- 39 <label for="id_server_model_id">型号</label>
- 40 </p>
- 41 {{form_obj.server_model_id}}
- 42 </p>
- 43
- 44 <p>
- 45 <p>
- 46 <label for="id_server_length_id">SN</label>
- 47 </p>
- 48 {{form_obj.server_sn}}
- 49 </p>
- 50
- 51 <p>
- 52 <p>
- 53 <label for="id_server_length_id">系统</label>
- 54 </p>
- 55 {{form_obj.server_image}}
- 56 </p>
- 57 <p>
- 58 <p>
- 59 <label for="id_server_status">备注</label>
- 60 </p>
- 61 {{form_obj.server_status}}
- 62 </p>
- 63 <p>
- 64 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 65 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 66 </p>
- 67
- 68 </form>
- 69
- 70 </div>
- 71 {%endblock%}
- 72
- 73
- 74
- 75 {%block data %}
- 76 <div >
- 77 <h3 style="text-align: center;">共计{{count}}</h3>
- 78 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 79 <form class="search" action="/server.html/" method="GET" >
- 80 <input type="text" name="search">
- 81 <input type="submit" value="搜索">
- 82 </form>
- 83 </div>
- 84
- 85 <table class="gridtable">
- 86 <tr>
- 87 <th>添加日期</th>
- 88 <th>厂商</th>
- 89 <th>类型</th>
- 90 <th>型号</th>
- 91 <th>SN</th>
- 92 <th>系统</th>
- 93 <th>备注</th>
- 94 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 95 </tr>
- 96 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 97 <tr class="info">
- 98 <td class="date">
- 99 {{}}
- 100 </td>
- 101 <td>
- 102 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.server_vendor.vendor_name}} readonly='readonly'>
- 103 </td>
- 104 <td>
- 105 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.server_type.device_type}} readonly='readonly' >
- 106 </td>
- 107 <td>
- 108 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.server_model.server_model}} readonly='readonly' >
- 109 </td>
- 110 <td>
- 111 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value={{x.server_sn}} readonly='readonly'>
- 112 </td>
- 113 <td>
- 114 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value={{x.server_image}} readonly='readonly'>
- 115 </td>
- 116 <td>
- 117 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.server_status}} readonly='readonly'>
- 118 </td>
- 119 <td>
- 120 <a class="edit currsor" sid={{}}>编辑</a>
- 121 <a class="currsor hidden commit commit{{}} " sid={{}}>确定</a>
- 122 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 123 </td>
- 124 </tr>
- 125 {%endfor%}
- 126 </table>
- 127
- 128
- 129
- 130 {{limit}}
- 131 {%endblock%}
- 132 <script>
- 133
- 134 </script>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/switch.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/switch.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9
- 10 </script>
- 11
- 12 {%endblock%}
- 13
- 14 {%block change%}
- 15 <div class="hidden swadd">
- 16 <p class="font">
- 17 交换机信息添加
- 18 </p>
- 19 <hr>
- 20
- 21 <form id="add" action="/switch.html/" method="POST">
- 22
- 23 <p>
- 24 <p>
- 25 <label for="id_switch_vendor_id">设备厂商</label>
- 26 </p>
- 27 {{form_obj.switch_vendor_id}}
- 28 </p>
- 29
- 30 <p>
- 31 <p>
- 32 <label for="id_switch_type_id">设备类型</label>
- 33 </p>
- 34 {{form_obj.switch_type_id}}
- 35 </p>
- 36
- 37 <p>
- 38 <p>
- 39 <label for="id_switch_model_id">设备型号</label>
- 40 </p>
- 41 {{form_obj.switch_model_id}}
- 42 </p>
- 43
- 44 <p>
- 45 <p>
- 46 <label for="id_switch_sn">设备SN</label>
- 47 </p>
- 48 {{form_obj.switch_sn}}
- 49 </p>
- 50
- 51 <p>
- 52 <p>
- 53 <label for="id_switch_image">设备镜像</label>
- 54 </p>
- 55 {{form_obj.switch_image}}
- 56 </p>
- 57
- 58 <p>
- 59 <p>
- 60 <label for="id_switch_status">备注</label>
- 61 </p>
- 62 {{form_obj.switch_status}}
- 63 </p>
- 64 <p>
- 65 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 66 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 67 </p>
- 68
- 69 </form>
- 70
- 71 </div>
- 72 {%endblock%}
- 73
- 74
- 75
- 76 {%block data %}
- 77 <div >
- 78 <h3 style="text-align: center;">共计{{count}}</h3>
- 79 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 80 <form class="search" action="/switch.html/" method="GET" >
- 81 <input type="text" name="search">
- 82 <input type="submit" value="搜索">
- 83 </form>
- 84 </div>
- 85
- 86 <table class="gridtable">
- 87 <tr>
- 88 <th>添加日期</th>
- 89 <th>厂商</th>
- 90 <th>类型</th>
- 91 <th>型号</th>
- 92 <th>SN</th>
- 93 <th>镜像</th>
- 94 <th>备注</th>
- 95 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 96 </tr>
- 97 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 98 <tr class="info">
- 99 <td class="date">
- 100 {{}}
- 101 </td>
- 102 <td>
- 103 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.switch_vendor.vendor_name}} readonly='readonly'>
- 104 </td>
- 105 <td>
- 106 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.switch_type.device_type}} readonly='readonly' >
- 107 </td>
- 108 <td>
- 109 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value={{x.switch_model.switch_model}} readonly='readonly' >
- 110 </td>
- 111 <td>
- 112 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value={{x.switch_sn}} readonly='readonly'>
- 113 </td>
- 114 <td>
- 115 <input class='long {{}}' type="text" value={{x.switch_image}} readonly='readonly'>
- 116 </td>
- 117 <td>
- 118 <input class='short {{}}' type="text" value={{x.switch_status}} readonly='readonly'>
- 119 </td>
- 120 <td>
- 121 <a class="edit currsor" sid={{}}>编辑</a>
- 122 <a class="currsor hidden commit commit{{}} " sid={{}}>确定</a>
- 123 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 124 </td>
- 125 </tr>
- 126 {%endfor%}
- 127 </table>
- 128 {{limit}}
- 129 {%endblock%}
- 130 <script>
- 131
- 132 </script>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2
- 3 {%block cssandjs%}
- 4 <link href="/static/css/type_manage.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 5 <style>
- 6
- 7 </style>
- 8 <script src="/static/js/type_manage.js"></script>
- 9 <script>
- 10 </script>
- 11
- 12 {%endblock%}
- 13
- 14 {%block change%}
- 15 <div class="hidden manageadd">
- 16 <form id="add" method="POST" action="/type_manage.html/">
- 17 <input type="text" placeholder="设备类型" name="type_name">
- 18 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 19 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 20 </form>
- 21
- 22
- 23 </div>
- 24 {%endblock%}
- 25
- 26 {%block data %}
- 27
- 28 <div >
- 29 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 30 </div>
- 31
- 32 <table class="gridtable">
- 33 <tr>
- 34 <th>添加日期</th>
- 35 <th>设备类型</th>
- 36 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 37 </tr>
- 38 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 39 <tr>
- 40 <td>
- 41 {{}}
- 42 </td>
- 43 <td>{{x.device_type}}</td>
- 44 <td>
- 45
- 46 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 47 </td>
- 48 </tr>
- 49 {%endfor%}
- 50 </table>
- 51 {{limit}}
- 52 {%endblock%}
- 53 <script>
- 54
- 55 </script>

- 1 {% extends 'index.html' %}
- 2 {%block cssandjs%}
- 3 <link href="/static/css/vendor_manage.css" rel='stylesheet' type="text/css">
- 4 <style>
- 5
- 6 </style>
- 7 <script src="/static/js/vendor_manage.js"></script>
- 8 <script>
- 9 </script>
- 10
- 11 {%endblock%}
- 12
- 13 {%block change%}
- 14 <div class="hidden manageadd">
- 15 <form id="add" method="POST" action="/vendor_manage.html/">
- 16 <input type="text" placeholder="厂商" name="vendor_name">
- 17 <button class="submit">提交</button>
- 18 <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- 19 </form>
- 20
- 21
- 22 </div>
- 23 {%endblock%}
- 24
- 25 {%block data %}
- 26
- 27 <div >
- 28 <button class="add currsor">新增</button>
- 29 </div>
- 30
- 31 <table class="gridtable">
- 32 <tr>
- 33 <th>添加日期</th>
- 34 <th>厂商</th>
- 35 <th class='change'>操作</th>
- 36 </tr>
- 37 {%for x in db_queryset%}
- 38 <tr>
- 39 <td>
- 40 {{}}
- 41 </td>
- 42 <td>{{x.vendor_name}}</td>
- 43 <td>
- 44 <a class="delete currsor" sid = {{}}>删除</a>
- 45 </td>
- 46 </tr>
- 47 {%endfor%}
- 48 </table>
- 49 {{limit}}
- 50 {%endblock%}
- 51 <script>
- 52
- 53 </script>
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