F. Ometto1,*, B. Raffeiner1,2, L. BERNARDI1, K. BOTSIOS1, L. PUNZI1, A. DORIA1
1Medicine Department - DIMED,
University of Padova, Rheumatology Unit, PADOVA,
2Medicine, General Hospital of Bolzano, Bolzano,
Background: Rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) flares may occur when patients are in remission [1]
and are associated with structural damage [2].
Objectives: To
investigate whether self-reported flares (SRF) and flares at visit
(FV) predict radiographic progression in RA patients in remission
who underwent etanercept (ETN) tapering.
Methods: Between
2007 and 2012, patients achieving 1 year of stable remission (DAS28
≤2.6) with full dose ETN (25 mg twice weekly) were included in the
study. At baseline, the dose of ETN was tapered to 25 mg once
weekly. In the case of a disease flare at the time of visit,
patients went back to full dose. Patients maintaining at least 2
years of remission, either succeeding ETN tapering or going back to
full dose, were considered for the analysis. Radiographs of hands
and feet were collected at baseline and after 2 years of remission.
At each 3 months-visit, FV (DAS28 worsening compared to previous
visit ≥0.6) were recorded and patients were asked to report SRF
(any worsening of RA symptoms). A multivariate statistical analysis
was used to study the effect on radiographic progression of age,
sex, disease duration, positive rheumatoid factor and/or
anti-citrullinated peptides, total Sharp Score (TSS) progression
per year before ETN treatment, previous biologic failures, baseline
DAS28, DMARDs use, corticosteroid use, dose tapering success or
failure, FV rate and SRF rate (expressed as FV rate < or ≥0.5
flares/year and SRF rate < or ≥1.0 flares/year). A binary
logistic regression model was used to identify independent
predictors of radiographic progression.
DAS28较前次随访值加重≥0.6 ),同时要求患者自报病情复发(
Results: 166
RA patients in stable remission underwent ETN dose reduction; 118
maintained at least 2 years of remission afterwards: 94 (79.67%)
kept low dose, 24 (20.34%) went back to full dose. Radiographic
progression occurred in 16 (13.56%) patients (mean ΔTSS 1.32±0.74).
No significant difference was seen in radiographic progression
between patients who succeeded ETN tapering and those who failed:
12/94 (12.77%) and 4/24 (16.67%), p 0.618. Mean TTS progression per
year before ETN treatment and age were was higher in the group that
experienced progression compared with to those who did not:
11.79±6.38 vs 8.49±5.63 (p 0.031) and 62.70±7.03 vs 49.49±12.97 (p
0.002), respectively. Overall flare rate, SRF and FV rates were
higher in the group with radiographic progression compared to the
group without radiographic progression: 2.09±0.52 vs 0.94±0.67,
p<0.001; 1.56±0.48 vs 0.60±0.50, p<0.001 and 0.53±0.39 vs
0.34±0.39 p 0.055 respectively. In a binary logistic regression
analysis a SRF rate ≥1.0 flares/year resulted an independent
predictor of radiographic progression (OR 51.05, 95% C.I.
10.95-237.92), TTS progression per year before ETN treatment had
limited significance (OR 1.11, 95% C.I. 0.99-1.27). No significant
predictivity of other factors emerged.
(20.34%)恢复至足剂量。16例 (13.6%
)出现放射学进展( 平均ΔTSS: 1.32±0.74
vs 8.49±5.63,p=0.031)及年龄(62.70±7.03 vs
vs 0.94±0.67, p<0.001)、SRF(1.56±0.48 vs 0.60±0.50,
p<0.001)以及FV(0.53±0.39 vs
51.05, 95%CI:
OR: 1.11, 95%CI: 0.99-1.27 )。其它因素对放射学进展均无显著预测价值。
Conclusions: SRF
account for most of the flares and have a significant impact on
radiographic progression even in the case of stable
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