I need a library that can URLencode a string/char array.

Now, I can hex encode an ASCII array like here:http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/article.php/c4029

But I need something that works with Unicode. Note: On Linux AND on Windows !

CURL has a quite nice:

 char *encodedURL = curl_easy_escape(handle,WEBPAGE_URL, strlen(WEBPAGE_URL));

but first, that needs CURL and it also is not unicode capable, as one sees by strlen

2 Answers

//If I read the quest correctly and you want to do this yourself, without using curl I think I have a solution (sssuming UTF-) and I think this is a conformant and portable way of URL encoding query strings:

#include <boost/function_output_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <iomanip> namespace {
std::string encimpl(std::string::value_type v) {
if (isalnum(v))
return std::string()+v; std::ostringstream enc;
enc << '%' << std::setw() << std::setfill('') << std::hex << std::uppercase << int(static_cast<unsigned char>(v));
return enc.str();
} std::string urlencode(const std::string& url) {
// Find the start of the query string
const std::string::const_iterator start = std::find(url.begin(), url.end(), '?'); // If there isn't one there's nothing to do!
if (start == url.end())
return url; // store the modified query string
std::string qstr; std::transform(start+, url.end(),
// Append the transform result to qstr
boost::make_function_output_iterator(boost::bind(static_cast<std::string& (std::string::*)(const std::string&)>(&std::string::append),&qstr,_1)),
return std::string(url.begin(), start+) + qstr;
} It has no non-standard dependencies other than boost and if you don't like the boost dependency it's not that hard to remove. I tested it using: int main() {
const char *testurls[] = {"http://foo.com/bar?abc<>de??90 210fg!\"$%",
std::copy(testurls, &testurls[sizeof(testurls)/sizeof(*testurls)],
std::cout << "encode as: " << std::endl;
std::transform(testurls, &testurls[sizeof(testurls)/sizeof(*testurls)],
Which all seemed to work: http://foo.com/bar?abc<>de??90 210fg!"$%
Becomes: http://foo.com/bar?abc%3C%3Ede%3F%3F90%20%20%20210fg%21%22%24%25
Which squares with these examples

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