3.2. Script class

A script is always compiled into a class. The Groovy compiler will compile the class for you, with the body of the script copied into a run method. The previous example is therefore compiled as if it was the following:

import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
class Main extends Script {
def run() {
println 'Groovy world!'
static void main(String[] args) {
InvokerHelper.runScript(Main, args)
  The Main class extends the groovy.lang.Script class
  groovy.lang.Script requires a run method returning a value
  the script body goes into the run method
  the main method is automatically generated
  and delegates the execution of the script on the run method

If the script is in a file, then the base name of the file is used to determine the name of the generated script class. In this example, if the name of the file is Main.groovy, then the script class is going to be Main.

3.3. Methods

It is possible to define methods into a script, as illustrated here:

int fib(int n) {
n < 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
assert fib(10)==89

You can also mix methods and code. The generated script class will carry all methods into the script class, and assemble all script bodies into the run method:

println 'Hello'                                 

int power(int n) { 2**n }                       

println "2^6==${power(6)}"
  script begins
  a method is defined within the script body
  and script continues

This code is internally converted into:

import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
class Main extends Script {
int power(int n) { 2** n}
def run() {
println 'Hello'
println "2^6==${power(6)}"
static void main(String[] args) {
InvokerHelper.runScript(Main, args)
  the power method is copied as is into the generated script class
  first statement is copied into the run method
  second statement is copied into the run method
  Even if Groovy creates a class from your script, it is totally transparent for the user. In particular, scripts are compiled to bytecode, and line numbers are preserved. This implies that if an exception is thrown in a script, the stack trace will show line numbers corresponding to the original script, not the generated code that we have shown.

3.4. Variables

Variables in a script do not require a type definition. This means that this script:

int x = 1
int y = 2
assert x+y == 3

will behave the same as:

x = 1
y = 2
assert x+y == 3

However there is a semantic difference between the two:

  • if the variable is declared as in the first example, it is a local variable. It will be declared in the run method that the compiler will generate and will not be visible outside of the script main body. In particular, such a variable will not be visible in other methods of the script

  • if the variable is undeclared, it goes into the script binding. The binding is visible from the methods, and is especially important if you use a script to interact with an application and need to share data between the script and the application. Readers might refer to the integration guide for more information.

  If you want a variable to become a field of the class without going into the Binding, you can use the @Field annotation.


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