flume sink核心类结构

1 核心接口Sink


* <p>Requests the sink to attempt to consume data from attached channel</p>
* <p><strong>Note</strong>: This method should be consuming from the channel
* within the bounds of a Transaction. On successful delivery, the transaction
* should be committed, and on failure it should be rolled back.
* @return READY if 1 or more Events were successfully delivered, BACKOFF if
* no data could be retrieved from the channel feeding this sink
* @throws EventDeliveryException In case of any kind of failure to
* deliver data to the next hop destination.
public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException; public static enum Status {

这个接口也是扩展flume sink需要实现的接口,比如KuduSink;

2 Sink封装


* <p>
* Interface for a device that allows abstraction of the behavior of multiple
* sinks, always assigned to a SinkRunner
* </p>
* <p>
* A sink processors {@link SinkProcessor#process()} method will only be
* accessed by a single runner thread. However configuration methods
* such as {@link Configurable#configure} may be concurrently accessed.
* @see org.apache.flume.Sink
* @see org.apache.flume.SinkRunner
* @see org.apache.flume.sink.SinkGroup
public interface SinkProcessor extends LifecycleAware, Configurable {
* <p>Handle a request to poll the owned sinks.</p>
* <p>The processor is expected to call {@linkplain Sink#process()} on
* whatever sink(s) appropriate, handling failures as appropriate and
* throwing {@link EventDeliveryException} when there is a failure to
* deliver any events according to the delivery policy defined by the
* sink processor implementation. See specific implementations of this
* interface for delivery behavior and policies.</p>
* @return Returns {@code READY} if events were successfully consumed,
* or {@code BACKOFF} if no events were available in the channel to consume.
* @throws EventDeliveryException if the behavior guaranteed by the processor
* couldn't be carried out.
Status process() throws EventDeliveryException;

这个类负责封装单个sink或者sink group的处理,常用的子类有:



public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException {
return sink.process();


2)sink group


3 sink的调用方为SinkRunner


* <p>
* A driver for {@linkplain Sink sinks} that polls them, attempting to
* {@linkplain Sink#process() process} events if any are available in the
* {@link Channel}.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that, unlike {@linkplain Source sources}, all sinks are polled.
* </p>
* @see org.apache.flume.Sink
* @see org.apache.flume.SourceRunner
public class SinkRunner implements LifecycleAware {
private static final long backoffSleepIncrement = 1000;
private static final long maxBackoffSleep = 5000; org.apache.flume.SinkRunner.PollingRunner public static class PollingRunner implements Runnable { private SinkProcessor policy;
private AtomicBoolean shouldStop;
private CounterGroup counterGroup; @Override
public void run() {
logger.debug("Polling sink runner starting"); while (!shouldStop.get()) {
try {
if (policy.process().equals(Sink.Status.BACKOFF)) {
counterGroup.incrementAndGet("runner.backoffs"); Thread.sleep(Math.min(
* backoffSleepIncrement, maxBackoffSleep));
} else {
counterGroup.set("runner.backoffs.consecutive", 0L);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.debug("Interrupted while processing an event. Exiting.");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to deliver event. Exception follows.", e);
if (e instanceof EventDeliveryException) {
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
logger.debug("Polling runner exiting. Metrics:{}", counterGroup);
} }



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