TIWGradButton、TIWImageButton 分别是有颜色梯度变化按钮和图像按钮.

TIWGradButton 所在单元及继承链:


property Style: TIWGradButtonStyle  //

这个 Style 不大好调配, 可以复制官方示例中的设置:

object IWGradButton1: TIWGradButton
Left = 48
Top = 40
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 1051800
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 2366701
Style.Button.ToColor = 1512362
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 1775049
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 1380769
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 1512362
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 2366701
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csRed
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Red'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton1'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 0
object IWGradButton2: TIWGradButton
Left = 48
Top = 96
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 10712576
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 15641856
Style.Button.ToColor = 10844160
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 13407488
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 9332480
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 10844160
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 15641856
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csBlue
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Blue'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton2'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 1
object IWGradButton3: TIWGradButton
Left = 48
Top = 152
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 1213267
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 3127165
Style.Button.ToColor = 949582
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 2661739
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 813891
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 949582
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 3127165
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csGreen
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Green'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton3'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 2
object IWGradButton4: TIWGradButton
Left = 48
Top = 208
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 1901175
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 2687913
Style.Button.ToColor = 1638509
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 852026
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 1901175
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 1638509
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 2687913
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csMaroon
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Maroon'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton4'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 3
object IWGradButton5: TIWGradButton
Left = 248
Top = 152
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 818394
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 1746426
Style.Button.ToColor = 2128628
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 1150712
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 1401072
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 2128628
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 1746426
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csOrange
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Orange'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton5'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 4
object IWGradButton6: TIWGradButton
Left = 248
Top = 208
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 10384082
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 13873662
Style.Button.ToColor = 11235825
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 13347572
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 10775784
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 11235825
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 13873662
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csPink
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Pink'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton6'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 5
object IWGradButton7: TIWGradButton
Left = 248
Top = 40
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 6771273
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = clWebLIGHTSLATEGRAY
Style.Button.ToColor = 7031871
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 4928812
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 6968395
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 7031871
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = clWebLIGHTSLATEGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csGray
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Gray'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton7'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 6
object IWGradButton8: TIWGradButton
Left = 448
Top = 40
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 10712576
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 15641856
Style.Button.ToColor = 10844160
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 13407488
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 9332480
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 10844160
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 15641856
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csBlue
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Disabled'
Enabled = False
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton7'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 7
object IWGradButton9: TIWGradButton
Left = 448
Top = 96
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 1051800
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 2366701
Style.Button.ToColor = 1512362
Style.Button.BorderRadius = 5
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 1775049
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 1380769
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 1512362
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 2366701
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csRed
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Rounded corners'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton9'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 8
object IWGradButton10: TIWGradButton
Left = 248
Top = 96
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 6771273
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebBLUE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = clWebGREENYELLOW
Style.Button.ToColor = clWebYELLOW
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 4928812
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 6968395
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 7031871
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = clWebLIGHTSLATEGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csCustom
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Custom colors'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton7'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 9
object IWGradButton11: TIWGradButton
Left = 448
Top = 152
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 10384082
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 13873662
Style.Button.ToColor = 11235825
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 13347572
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 10775784
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 11235825
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 13873662
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csPink
Style.BoxShadow.HShadow = 3
Style.BoxShadow.VShadow = 3
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Box Shadow'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton11'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 10
object IWGradButton12: TIWGradButton
Left = 448
Top = 208
Width = 140
Height = 36
Cursor = crAuto
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ZIndex = 0
RenderSize = True
Style.Border.Color = 818394
Style.Border.Width = 1
Style.BorderDisabled.Color = clWebGRAY
Style.BorderDisabled.Width = 1
Style.Button.Alignment = taCenter
Style.Button.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.Button.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.Button.Font.Size = 10
Style.Button.Font.Style = []
Style.Button.FromColor = 1746426
Style.Button.ToColor = 2128628
Style.ButtonHover.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonHover.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonHover.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonHover.FromColor = 1150712
Style.ButtonHover.ToColor = 1401072
Style.ButtonActive.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonActive.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonActive.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonActive.FromColor = 2128628
Style.ButtonActive.ToColor = 1746426
Style.ButtonDisabled.Alignment = taCenter
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Color = clWebWHITE
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.FontFamily = 'Arial, Sans-Serif, Verdana'
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Size = 10
Style.ButtonDisabled.Font.Style = []
Style.ButtonDisabled.FromColor = clWebLIGHTGRAY
Style.ButtonDisabled.ToColor = 7368816
Style.ColorScheme = csOrange
Style.BoxShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Style.TextShadow.HShadow = 3
Style.TextShadow.VShadow = 3
Style.TextShadow.ColorTransparency = 0.500000000000000000
Caption = 'Text Shadow'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clNone
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
FriendlyName = 'IWGradButton12'
ScriptEvents =
TabOrder = 11


TIWImageButton 所在单元及继承链:


property ImageFile: TIWFileReference    //图像
property HotImageFile: TIWFileReference //当鼠标指向时显示的图像


procedure TIWForm1.IWAppFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
IWImageButton1.ImageFile.Filename := 'pic1.png'; //pic1.png、pic2.png 放在 wwwroot 目录下
IWImageButton1.HotImageFile.Filename := 'pic2.png';
end; procedure TIWForm1.IWImageButton1Click(Sender: TObject);

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    TIWGrid 最终通过 Html Table 呈现; 其每个 Cell 都是一个 TIWGridCell 对象, Cell 对象的 Control 属性非常好, 可以非常方便地嵌入其他控件. TIW ...

  4. 使用 IntraWeb (29) - 基本控件之 TIWAutherList、TIWAutherINI、TIWAutherEvent

    TIWAutherList //通过一组户名与密码验证登陆 TIWAutherINI //通过记录户名与密码信息的 #Auth.ini 文件验证登陆 TIWAutherEvent //通过其 OnCh ...

  5. 使用 IntraWeb (28) - 基本控件之 TIWTemplateProcessorHTML、TIWLayoutMgrHTML、TIWLayoutMgrForm

    TIWTemplateProcessorHTML //使用外部的 html 文件做模板 TIWLayoutMgrHTML //直接输入 Html 文本做模板 TIWLayoutMgrForm //这应 ...

  6. 使用 IntraWeb (26) - 基本控件之 TIWMenu

    TIWMenu 的任务是让原来的 TMainMenu 呈现在网页上, 通过其 AttachedMenu 属性关联一个 TMainMenu 是必需的. TIWMenu 所在单元及继承链: IWCompM ...

  7. 使用 IntraWeb (25) - 基本控件之 TIWRegion

    这应该是 IW 中最重要的容器了, 和它同父的还有 TIWTabControl TIWRegion 所在单元及继承链: IWRegion.TIWRegion 主要成员: property Align: ...

  8. 使用 IntraWeb (23) - 基本控件之 TIWTimer、TIWProgressBar、TIWProgressIndicator、TIWTimeEdit

    TIWTimer //和 TTimer 没多大区别, 它的默认事件现在是异步的(OnAsyncTimer), 在网络上使用 OnTimer 肯定是非常糟糕的 TIWProgressBar //进度条 ...

  9. 使用 IntraWeb (19) - 基本控件之 TIWTreeView

    这是个饱受非议的控件; 我通过尝试, 理解了非议, 也能理解作者. 总之向作者的思路靠拢吧, 还是不错的. TIWTreeView 所在单元及继承链: IWCompTreeview.TIWTreeVi ...


  1. 高并发数据库之MySql性能优化实战总结

    向MySQL发送一个请求时MySQL具体的操作过程 慢查询 1.慢查询 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%quer%' 索引优化技巧 1.对于创建的多列索引(复合)索引,只要查询条件使用了最 ...

  2. [转] Android 性能分析案例

    Android 系统的一个工程师(Romain Guy)针对Falcon Pro  应用,撰写了一个Android性能分析的文章.该文章介绍了如何分析一个应用哪里出现了性能瓶颈,导致该应用使用起来不流 ...

  3. CSS text系列

    text-shadow 语法规则: h-shadow(必需,水平阴影的位置,可负): v-shadow(必需,垂直阴影的位置,可负): blur(可选,模糊距离): color(可选,阴影的颜色). ...

  4. 如何使用jpegtran 压缩JPG图片

    说到jpegtran相信很多人都比较陌生,网上相关的资料也很少. jpegtran可以让图片更加的简化,缩小图片的容量,从而增加网络的传输速度.说在多你也不信,下面就让事实证明. 首先下载  jpeg ...

  5. word技巧

    1.插入注解(脚注和尾注) 2.复制的图片显示不全怎么办? 横向显示,或者图片另存为然后保存为PPT 3.word修订标记的添加和删除(最终版) 4.word中表格样式调整 5.修改标题的样式和标题的 ...

  6. linux笔记_day10_shell编程

    1.shell编程 编程语言 静态语言:编译型语言 强类型(变量在使用前,必须事先声明) 事先转换成可执行语言 动态语言:解释型语言 弱类型(变量用时声明,拿来直接用,甚至不区分数据类型,一般默认都为 ...

  7. Linux中断(interrupt)子系统之四:驱动程序接口层 & 中断通用逻辑层【转】

    转自:http://blog.csdn.net/droidphone/article/details/7497787 在本系列文章的第一篇:Linux中断(interrupt)子系统之一:中断系统基本 ...

  8. python报错IndexError: list index out of range

    今天写个ping vpn的python脚本,报错IndexError: list index out of range 最后查看是python读取文件中出现空格 去掉空格即可

  9. 008_MAC 终端使用技巧

    一.常用终端命令. <1>reset 的作用很简单——将目前「终端」屏幕上的内容清空,就好像刚刚打开终端一样. <2>如果你在一条终端命令中发现有输入错误的话,那么用 cont ...

  10. poj1142

    分解质因数 #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int sum(int n) { ; ) { a ...