微软职位内部推荐-Senior Software Engineer-Eco
The MOD Ecosystem team is dedicated to expanding the reach and value of Office by enabling developers to create solutions built on the Office suite of applications or powered by the O365 services.   We have an exciting mix of challenges, from internal framework and data pipeline components to building O365 service aware controls.
We are looking to hire a highly experienced engineer with a passion for building a developer ecosystem that bridges the best from Office and the web.
We are seeking someone excited about Office, the developer ecosystem, and apps.   We want somebody with deep technical skills, a team player and leader who has strong design skills and a willingness to break new ground and try new things.   Experience with technologies outside the Microsoft stack, shipping developer technologies, services, and web content are a plus.
• Proven track record as a technical leader
• Successfully designed and implemented complex software systems or applications
• Excellent architecture and design skill
• Experience recruiting and hiring great talent
• Seasoned contributor to broad architecture strategy and engineering systems  
• Knowledge and passion around maintaining high quality code
• Strong proficiency with C++/C# coding/debugging skill
• Minimum of 8 years of experience delivering multiple releases of complex, on-schedule, and high-quality products
• Strong ability to collaborate and execute on multiple project timelines and priorities
• A university computer science degree or equivalent
• Knowledge of web technologies and frameworks (everything from HTML to Angular) is desired
• Strong customer focus and passion for doing what’s right for the customer
Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.
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