Garbage Collection is not supported

当Xcode编译Mac OSX App时报错:"Garbage Collection is not supported" 的解决办法:

1. 不需要迁移到ARC仍然可以编译通过

"If your project is imported from Xcode 3.x and you want to use ARC, you will have the following error at compile time :

Garbage Collection is deprecated;
use the "Convert to Objective-C ARC" menu command to switch to Automatic Reference Counting

To get rid of this, edit the project and remove anything you see under GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC.

This will remove the -fobjc-gc parameter from the gcc commands and you will be able to use the smart ARC." Ref[2]

2. Mac Apps不能再使用garbage collection

"Beginning May 1, 2015, new Mac apps and app updates submitted to the Mac App Store may no

longer use garbage collection, which was deprecated in OS X Mountain Lion. Instead, migrate

your apps to Automatic Reference Counting, using the migration assistant in Xcode to help with this transition.

Apps may continue to use retain/release for manual memory management. For more information,

read theTransitioning to ARC Release Notes."  Ref[1]


1. Mac Apps That Use Garbage Collection Must Move to ARC

2.  MyVeryLittleTricks Miscellaneous


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