
As you know,you can use the yum command to install packages on redhat linux.It's a powerful tool than it can resolve the package dependence.But in suse,you can also do it easily by zypper command.Before,you must know how to create the packages repository.

By default,the SUSE linux dvd as the default repository,you can check it by following command:

suse:~ # zypper repos
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | SUSE-11-SP2 | SUSE-11-SP2 | Yes | No

Or view the follwing file:

suse:~ # cd /etc/zypp/repos.d 
suse:/etc/zypp/repos.d # ls
SUSE-11-SP2.repo SUSE-HA.repo
suse:/etc/zypp/repos.d # cat SUSE-11-SP2.repo

Now creating the suse HA repository:

//Mount the suse HA iso file
suse:~ # mount -o loop SLE-HA-11-SP2-x86_64-GM-CD1.iso /ha //Edit the /etc/zypp/repos.d/SUSE-11-SP2.repo file and append following lines:

After created,refresh the suse repository:

suse:/etc/zypp/repos.d # zypper ref
Retrieving repository 'SUSE-HA' metadata [done]
All repositories have been refreshed.
suse:/etc/zypp/repos.d # zypper ls
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Type
1 | SUSE-11-SP2 | SUSE-11-SP2 | Yes | No | yast2
2 | SUSE-HA | SUSE-HA | Yes | No | yast2

Now,you can install any packages by zypper.

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