
  1. 下载文件链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ump1BFihbX8izyAA4by5dA 提取码: ftsd 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦,放入.SVN 根文件夹下。(有些电脑可能会隐藏该文件夹,需要自行找出。)
  2. Cmd 命令进入文件夹→dir查看所有文件→输入sqlite3.exe wc.db 进入数据库→.tables查看所有表。
  3. 其中表WORK_LOCK,WORK_QUEUE存放着锁定和清除信息,删除即可。

Delete form wc_lock;

delete form work_queue;

SVN: Cleanup failed update报错 文件被锁定lock办法,cleanup 失效报错。的更多相关文章

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  4. svn-clearup 报错的处理(Cleanup failed to process the following paths...)

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  5. SVN更新报错问题(Please execute the 'Cleanup' command)

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  6. svn cleanup failed问题解决

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  8. SVN Cleanup failed to process the following paths错误的解决

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  9. SVN报Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted错误的解决方法

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