In the nowadays, there are many APP in the PC or smart Phone. Some of them can't meet the customers' need. And I summary some modern softwares' drawbacks and it will guide our team project to the right way.

1. WeChat:

1). Introduction: Wechat is the most popular social software in China and people can use it send and receive message freely. And It also provide the voice & video call, moments, photo sharing, and games.

2). Some Drawbacks:

1*. There are many advertisements in the friend moments and we can't get rid of them manually.

2*. Some feature tag is ambiguous like the "Shake" or "摇一摇", when I first use it and I can't understand what it really means.

3*. The translation bug in feature "购物". In English version it is not the 'Shopping' and it is still the "购物". Unless you know the "购物" meanning in Chinese, you can use it and if not, it is a very big bug.

2. DiDi Taxi:

1). Introduction: DiDi Taxi is very similar to the taxi APP Uber in the western contries. But it is very popular in China. The price of taking taxi in DiDi can be reduced than taking taxi by your “finger".

2). Some Drawbacks:

1*. There is a small thing in the DiDi Taxi that makes me uncomfortable. When I log out the DiDi Taxi and at the same time I am in a payying, I can not jump to the payying interface right away when I log in DiDi at second time.

2*. Also, the GPS is not very accuracy and often the taxi drivers can not find the right way.

3*. There are some advertisements in the software which makes me feel bad when I use it.

Some Modern Softwares' drawbacks: User experience 12/29/2015的更多相关文章

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