Add a PPA to your system

  with a single line in your terminal

    step1:on the PPA's overview page,look for the heading that reads Adding this PPA to your system.Make a note of the PPA's location, which looks like:


    step2:open a terminal and enter:

      sudo add-apt-repository paa:user/ppa-name  // replace ppa:user/ppa-name with the PPA's location that you noted above.

      // your system will now fetch the PPA's key.This enables your ubuntu system to verify that the packages in the PPA habe not been interfered with since they were built.

    step3:now as a one-off,you shuld tell your system to pull down the latest list of software from each archive it knows about,including the PPA you just added:

      sudo apt-get update  // ready to start installing software from the PPA!

  with editting /etc/apt/sources.list

      sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

      deb [trust=true] xxx main

      deb-src [trust=true] xxx main

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