PythonCrashCourse 第七章习题
编写一个程序,询问用户要租赁什么样的汽车,并打印一条消息,如“Let me see if I can find you a Subaru”
car =input("What kind ofretal car you would like:")
print(f"Let me see if I can find you a {car}")
people =int(input("How many people are in your dinner group: "))
if people > 8:
print("Your'll have to wait for a table")
print("Your table is ready.")
number = input("which number is your favorite number: ")
number = int(number) % 10
if number == 0:
print("The number is a multiple of 10")
print("The number is not a multiple of 10")
编写一个循环,提示用户输入一系列的比萨配料,并在用户输入'quit' 时结束循环。每当用户输入一种配料后,都打印一条消息,说我们会在比萨 中添加这种配料
prompt = "Please enter some toppings in your Pizza"
prompt += "\nenter 'quit' when you are done!\n"
message = ""
while message != 'quit':
message = input(prompt)
if message != 'quit':
print(f"You'll add {message.title()} in your pizza\n")
有家电影院根据观众的年龄收取不同的票价:不到3岁的观众免费;3~12岁的观众为10美元;超过12岁的观众为15美元。请编写一个循环,在其中询问用 户的年龄,并指出其票价
flag = True
while flag:
message = input("Plese tell me your age!\n")
if message == 'none':
flag = False
age =int(message)
if age <= 3:
print("The ticket is free")
elif age <= 12:
print("The ticket is $10")
print("The ticket is $15")
在while 循环中使用条件测试来结束循环。
使用变量active 来控制循环结束的时机。
使用break 语句在用户输入'quit' 时退出循环。
#a different versions of
prompt = "Please enter some toppings in your Pizza"
prompt += "\nenter 'quit' when you are done!\n"
flag = True
while flag:
if message == 'quit':
flag = False
print(f"You'll add {message.title()} in your pizza\n")
# a different versions of
while True:
message = input("Plese tell me your age!\n")
if message == 'none':
age =int(message)
if age <= 3:
print("The ticket is free")
elif age <= 12:
print("The ticket is $10")
print("The ticket is $15")
while True:
print("\n The loop never ends, please press CTRL-C or close the window displaying the output to end the loop.")
创建一个名为sandwich_orders 的列表,在其中包含各种三明治的名字;再创建一个名为finished_sandwiches 的空列表。遍历列 表sandwich_orders,对于其中的每种三明治,都打印一条消息,如I made your tuna sandwich,并将其移到列表finished_sandwichesm,所有三明治都制作好后,打印一条消息,将这些三明治列出来
sandwich_orders =['chicken sandwich','ham sandwich','cheese sandwich','club sandwich','tuna sandwich']
finished_sandwichs =[]
while sandwich_orders:
sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()
print(f"I made you {sandwich.title()}")
print(f"\n All the sandwich have been made,the length of sandwich is {len(finished_sandwichs)}")
使用为完成练习7-8而创建的列表sandwich_orders ,并确保'pastrami' 在其中至少出现了三次。在程序开头附近添加 这样的代码:打印一条消息,指出熟食店的五香烟熏牛肉卖完了;再使用一个while 循环将列表sandwich_orders 中的'pastrami' 都删除。确认最终的列 表finished_sandwiches 中不包含'pastrami'
sandwich_orders =['chicken sandwich','pastrami','ham sandwich','pastrami','cheese sandwich',
'pastrami','club sandwich','tuna sandwich']
while 'pastrami'in sandwich_orders:
编写一个程序,调查用户梦想的度假胜地。使用类似于“If you could visit one place in the world, where would you go?”的提示,并编写一个打印调查 结果的代码块
prompt_name ="What is your name?\n"
prompt_vocation = "If you could visit one place in the world,where would you go?\n"
poll_active = True
vocations = {}
while poll_active:
name = input(prompt_name)
vocation = input(prompt_vocation)
vocations[name] = vocation
repeat = input("\nWould you like to let another person respond?(yes/no)\n")
if repeat == 'no':
poll_active = False
print(f"\n --- Poll Results ---")
for name,vocation in vocations.items():
print(f"{name} would like to go {vocation}.")
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