第二篇文章,我们来一起看看聚合流程的实现~~ 上车!
- Block类
前文我们聊到ClickHouse是一个列式存储数据库,在内存之中用IColumn接口来作为数据结构表示数据。 而Block则是这些列的集合,也就是说Block包含了一组列,而无数个Block就构成了我们通常理解的表了。
在ClickHouse进行查询之中,数据的最小处理单位是 Block 。由下面代码可以看到,Block就是由一组列以及列名对应列的偏移map组成的。
class Block
using Container = ColumnsWithTypeAndName;
using IndexByName = std::map<String, size_t>;
Container data;
IndexByName index_by_name;
- 抽象类IBlockInputStream
class IBlockInputStream : public TypePromotion<IBlockInputStream>
friend struct BlockStreamProfileInfo;
IBlockInputStream() { info.parent = this; }
virtual ~IBlockInputStream() {}
IBlockInputStream(const IBlockInputStream &) = delete;
IBlockInputStream & operator=(const IBlockInputStream &) = delete;
/// To output the data stream transformation tree (query execution plan).
virtual String getName() const = 0;
/** Get data structure of the stream in a form of "header" block (it is also called "sample block").
* Header block contains column names, data types, columns of size 0. Constant columns must have corresponding values.
* It is guaranteed that method "read" returns blocks of exactly that structure.
virtual Block getHeader() const = 0;
virtual const BlockMissingValues & getMissingValues() const
static const BlockMissingValues none;
return none;
/// If this stream generates data in order by some keys, return true.
virtual bool isSortedOutput() const { return false; }
/// In case of isSortedOutput, return corresponding SortDescription
virtual const SortDescription & getSortDescription() const;
/** Read next block.
* If there are no more blocks, return an empty block (for which operator `bool` returns false).
* NOTE: Only one thread can read from one instance of IBlockInputStream simultaneously.
* This also applies for readPrefix, readSuffix.
Block read();
- AggregatingBlockInputStream类
class AggregatingBlockInputStream : public IBlockInputStream
/** keys are taken from the GROUP BY part of the query
* Aggregate functions are searched everywhere in the expression.
* Columns corresponding to keys and arguments of aggregate functions must already be computed.
AggregatingBlockInputStream(const BlockInputStreamPtr & input, const Aggregator::Params & params_, bool final_)
: params(params_), aggregator(params), final(final_)
String getName() const override { return "Aggregating"; }
Block getHeader() const override;
Block readImpl() override;
Aggregator::Params params;
Aggregator aggregator;
bool final;
bool executed = false;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemporaryFileStream>> temporary_inputs;
/** From here we will get the completed blocks after the aggregation. */
std::unique_ptr<IBlockInputStream> impl;
- BlockInputStreamPtr: 这个很好理解,就是它的子流,也就是实际产生数据的流,后续的聚合计算将会在子流返回的结果上展开。
- params: 聚合参数,这个参数十分重要。它记录了那些key属于聚合,调用那些聚合参数等核心信息。并且aggregator也就是执行聚合的类,也是通过该参数构造的,它是
的内部类。 - final: 指明该Stream是否是最终结果,还是要继续进行计算。
- Aggregator::Params类
Aggregator::Params类是Aggregator的内部类。这个类是整个聚合过程之中最重要的类,查询解析优化后生成聚合查询的执行计划。 而对应的执行计划的参数都通过Aggregator::Params类来初始化,比如那些列要进行聚合,选取的聚合算子等等,并传递给对应的Aggregator来实现对应的聚合逻辑。
struct Params
/// Data structure of source blocks.
Block src_header;
/// Data structure of intermediate blocks before merge.
Block intermediate_header;
/// What to count.
const ColumnNumbers keys;
const AggregateDescriptions aggregates;
const size_t keys_size;
const size_t aggregates_size;
/// The settings of approximate calculation of GROUP BY.
const bool overflow_row; /// Do we need to put into AggregatedDataVariants::without_key aggregates for keys that are not in max_rows_to_group_by.
const size_t max_rows_to_group_by;
const OverflowMode group_by_overflow_mode;
/// Settings to flush temporary data to the filesystem (external aggregation).
const size_t max_bytes_before_external_group_by; /// 0 - do not use external aggregation.
/// Return empty result when aggregating without keys on empty set.
bool empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set;
VolumePtr tmp_volume;
/// Settings is used to determine cache size. No threads are created.
size_t max_threads;
const size_t min_free_disk_space;
const Block & src_header_,
const ColumnNumbers & keys_, const AggregateDescriptions & aggregates_,
bool overflow_row_, size_t max_rows_to_group_by_, OverflowMode group_by_overflow_mode_,
size_t group_by_two_level_threshold_, size_t group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes_,
size_t max_bytes_before_external_group_by_,
bool empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set_,
VolumePtr tmp_volume_, size_t max_threads_,
size_t min_free_disk_space_)
: src_header(src_header_),
keys(keys_), aggregates(aggregates_), keys_size(keys.size()), aggregates_size(aggregates.size()),
overflow_row(overflow_row_), max_rows_to_group_by(max_rows_to_group_by_), group_by_overflow_mode(group_by_overflow_mode_),
group_by_two_level_threshold(group_by_two_level_threshold_), group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes(group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes_),
tmp_volume(tmp_volume_), max_threads(max_threads_),
/// Only parameters that matter during merge.
Params(const Block & intermediate_header_,
const ColumnNumbers & keys_, const AggregateDescriptions & aggregates_, bool overflow_row_, size_t max_threads_)
: Params(Block(), keys_, aggregates_, overflow_row_, 0, OverflowMode::THROW, 0, 0, 0, false, nullptr, max_threads_, 0)
intermediate_header = intermediate_header_;
- Aggregator类
顾名思义,这个是一个实际进行聚合工作展开的类。它最为核心的方法是下面两个函数:- execute函数:将输入流的stream依照次序进行blcok迭代处理,将聚合的结果写入result之中。
- mergeAndConvertToBlocks函数:将聚合的结果转换为输入流,并通过输入流的read函数将结果继续返回给上一层。
通过上面两个函数的调用,我们就可以完成被聚合的数据输入-》 数据聚合 -》 数据输出的流程。具体的细节笔者会在下一章详细的进行剖析。
class Aggregator
Aggregator(const Params & params_);
/// Aggregate the source. Get the result in the form of one of the data structures.
void execute(const BlockInputStreamPtr & stream, AggregatedDataVariants & result);
using AggregateColumns = std::vector<ColumnRawPtrs>;
using AggregateColumnsData = std::vector<ColumnAggregateFunction::Container *>;
using AggregateColumnsConstData = std::vector<const ColumnAggregateFunction::Container *>;
using AggregateFunctionsPlainPtrs = std::vector<IAggregateFunction *>;
/// Process one block. Return false if the processing should be aborted (with group_by_overflow_mode = 'break').
bool executeOnBlock(const Block & block, AggregatedDataVariants & result,
ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, AggregateColumns & aggregate_columns, /// Passed to not create them anew for each block
bool & no_more_keys);
bool executeOnBlock(Columns columns, UInt64 num_rows, AggregatedDataVariants & result,
ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, AggregateColumns & aggregate_columns, /// Passed to not create them anew for each block
bool & no_more_keys);
/** Convert the aggregation data structure into a block.
* If overflow_row = true, then aggregates for rows that are not included in max_rows_to_group_by are put in the first block.
* If final = false, then ColumnAggregateFunction is created as the aggregation columns with the state of the calculations,
* which can then be combined with other states (for distributed query processing).
* If final = true, then columns with ready values are created as aggregate columns.
BlocksList convertToBlocks(AggregatedDataVariants & data_variants, bool final, size_t max_threads) const;
/** Merge several aggregation data structures and output the result as a block stream.
std::unique_ptr<IBlockInputStream> mergeAndConvertToBlocks(ManyAggregatedDataVariants & data_variants, bool final, size_t max_threads) const;
ManyAggregatedDataVariants prepareVariantsToMerge(ManyAggregatedDataVariants & data_variants) const;
/** Merge the stream of partially aggregated blocks into one data structure.
* (Pre-aggregate several blocks that represent the result of independent aggregations from remote servers.)
void mergeStream(const BlockInputStreamPtr & stream, AggregatedDataVariants & result, size_t max_threads);
using BucketToBlocks = std::map<Int32, BlocksList>;
/// Merge partially aggregated blocks separated to buckets into one data structure.
void mergeBlocks(BucketToBlocks bucket_to_blocks, AggregatedDataVariants & result, size_t max_threads);
/// Merge several partially aggregated blocks into one.
/// Precondition: for all blocks flag must be the same.
/// (either all blocks are from overflow data or none blocks are).
/// The resulting block has the same value of is_overflows flag.
Block mergeBlocks(BlocksList & blocks, bool final);
std::unique_ptr<IBlockInputStream> mergeAndConvertToBlocks(ManyAggregatedDataVariants & data_variants, bool final, size_t max_threads) const;
using CancellationHook = std::function<bool()>;
/** Set a function that checks whether the current task can be aborted.
void setCancellationHook(const CancellationHook cancellation_hook);
/// Get data structure of the result.
Block getHeader(bool final) const;
这里我们就从上文提到的Aggregator::execute(const BlockInputStreamPtr & stream, AggregatedDataVariants & result)函数作为起点来梳理一下ClickHouse的聚合实现:
void Aggregator::execute(const BlockInputStreamPtr & stream, AggregatedDataVariants & result)
Stopwatch watch;
size_t src_rows = 0;
size_t src_bytes = 0;
/// Read all the data
while (Block block = stream->read())
if (isCancelled())
src_rows += block.rows();
src_bytes += block.bytes();
if (!executeOnBlock(block, result, key_columns, aggregate_columns, no_more_keys))
bool Aggregator::executeOnBlock(Columns columns, UInt64 num_rows, AggregatedDataVariants & result,
ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, AggregateColumns & aggregate_columns, bool & no_more_keys)
/// `result` will destroy the states of aggregate functions in the destructor
result.aggregator = this;
/// How to perform the aggregation?
if (result.empty())
result.keys_size = params.keys_size;
result.key_sizes = key_sizes;
LOG_TRACE(log, "Aggregation method: " << result.getMethodName());
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.aggregates_size; ++i)
/** Constant columns are not supported directly during aggregation.
* To make them work anyway, we materialize them.
Columns materialized_columns;
/// Remember the columns we will work with
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.keys_size; ++i)
key_columns[i] = materialized_columns.back().get();
if (!result.isLowCardinality())
auto column_no_lc = recursiveRemoveLowCardinality(key_columns[i]->getPtr());
if (column_no_lc.get() != key_columns[i])
key_columns[i] = materialized_columns.back().get();
AggregateFunctionInstructions aggregate_functions_instructions(params.aggregates_size + 1);
aggregate_functions_instructions[params.aggregates_size].that = nullptr;
std::vector<std::vector<const IColumn *>> nested_columns_holder;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.aggregates_size; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < aggregate_columns[i].size(); ++j)
aggregate_columns[i][j] = materialized_columns.back().get();
auto column_no_lc = recursiveRemoveLowCardinality(aggregate_columns[i][j]->getPtr());
if (column_no_lc.get() != aggregate_columns[i][j])
aggregate_columns[i][j] = materialized_columns.back().get();
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].arguments = aggregate_columns[i].data();
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].state_offset = offsets_of_aggregate_states[i];
auto that = aggregate_functions[i];
/// Unnest consecutive trailing -State combinators
while (auto func = typeid_cast<const AggregateFunctionState *>(that))
that = func->getNestedFunction().get();
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].that = that;
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].func = that->getAddressOfAddFunction();
if (auto func = typeid_cast<const AggregateFunctionArray *>(that))
/// Unnest consecutive -State combinators before -Array
that = func->getNestedFunction().get();
while (auto nested_func = typeid_cast<const AggregateFunctionState *>(that))
that = nested_func->getNestedFunction().get();
auto [nested_columns, offsets] = checkAndGetNestedArrayOffset(aggregate_columns[i].data(), that->getArgumentTypes().size());
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].batch_arguments = nested_columns_holder.back().data();
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].offsets = offsets;
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].batch_arguments = aggregate_columns[i].data();
aggregate_functions_instructions[i].batch_that = that;
将需要准备的参数准备好了之后,后续就通过按部就班的调用executeImpl(*result.NAME, result.aggregates_pool, num_rows, key_columns,,
no_more_keys, overflow_row_ptr)聚合运算了。我们来看看它的实现,它是一个模板函数,内部通过调用了 executeImplBatch(method, state, aggregates_pool, rows, aggregate_instructions)来实现的,数据库都会通过Batch的形式,一次性提交一组需要操作的数据来减少虚函数调用的开销。
template <typename Method>
void NO_INLINE Aggregator::executeImpl(
Method & method,
Arena * aggregates_pool,
size_t rows,
ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns,
AggregateFunctionInstruction * aggregate_instructions,
bool no_more_keys,
AggregateDataPtr overflow_row) const
typename Method::State state(key_columns, key_sizes, aggregation_state_cache);
if (!no_more_keys)
executeImplBatch(method, state, aggregates_pool, rows, aggregate_instructions);
executeImplCase<true>(method, state, aggregates_pool, rows, aggregate_instructions, overflow_row);
- 首先,它构造了一个AggregateDataPtr的数组places,这里是这就是后续我们实际聚合结果存放的地方。这个数据的长度也就是这个Batch的长度,也就是说,聚合结果的指针也作为一组列式的数据,参与到后续的聚合运算之中。
- 接下来,通过一个for循环,依次调用state.emplaceKey,计算每列聚合key的hash值,进行分类,并且将对应结果依次和places对应。
- 最后,通过一个for循环,调用聚合函数的addBatch方法,(这个函数我们在上一篇之中介绍过)。每个AggregateFunctionInstruction都有一个制定的places_offset和对应属于进行聚合计算的value列,这里通过一个for循环调用AddBatch,将places之中对应的数据指针和聚合value列进行聚合,最终形成所有的聚合计算的结果。
template <typename Method>
void NO_INLINE Aggregator::executeImplBatch(
Method & method,
typename Method::State & state,
Arena * aggregates_pool,
size_t rows,
AggregateFunctionInstruction * aggregate_instructions) const
PODArray<AggregateDataPtr> places(rows);
/// For all rows.
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
AggregateDataPtr aggregate_data = nullptr;
auto emplace_result = state.emplaceKey(, i, *aggregates_pool);
/// If a new key is inserted, initialize the states of the aggregate functions, and possibly something related to the key.
if (emplace_result.isInserted())
/// exception-safety - if you can not allocate memory or create states, then destructors will not be called.
aggregate_data = aggregates_pool->alignedAlloc(total_size_of_aggregate_states, align_aggregate_states);
aggregate_data = emplace_result.getMapped();
places[i] = aggregate_data;
assert(places[i] != nullptr);
/// Add values to the aggregate functions.
for (AggregateFunctionInstruction * inst = aggregate_instructions; inst->that; ++inst)
if (inst->offsets)
inst->batch_that->addBatchArray(rows,, inst->state_offset, inst->batch_arguments, inst->offsets, aggregates_pool);
inst->batch_that->addBatch(rows,, inst->state_offset, inst->batch_arguments, aggregates_pool);
3. 小结
4. 参考资料
- ClickHouse源码笔记5:聚合函数的源码再梳理
笔者在源码笔记1之中分析过ClickHouse的聚合函数的实现,但是对于各个接口函数的实际如何共同工作的源码,回头看并没有那么明晰,主要原因是没有结合Aggregator的类来一起分析聚合函数的是如果 ...
- ClickHouse源码笔记1:聚合函数的实现
由于工作的需求,后续笔者工作需要和开源的OLAP数据库ClickHouse打交道.ClickHouse是Yandex在2016年6月15日开源了一个分析型数据库,以强悍的单机处理能力被称道. 笔者在实 ...
- ClickHouse源码笔记4:FilterBlockInputStream, 探寻where,having的实现
书接上文,本篇继续分享ClickHouse源码中一个重要的流,FilterBlockInputStream的实现,重点在于分析Clickhouse是如何在执行引擎实现向量化的Filter操作符,而利用 ...
- ClickHouse源码笔记3:函数调用的向量化实现
分享一下笔者研读ClickHouse源码时分析函数调用的实现,重点在于分析Clickhouse查询层实现的接口,以及Clickhouse是如何利用这些接口更好的实现向量化的.本文的源码分析基于Clic ...
- ClickHouse源码笔记6:探究列式存储系统的排序
分析完成了聚合以及向量化过滤,向量化的函数计算之后.本篇,笔者将分析数据库的一个重要算子:排序.让我们从源码的角度来剖析ClickHouse作为列式存储系统是如何实现排序的. 本系列文章的源码分析基于 ...
- clickhouse源码Redhat系列机单机版安装踩坑笔记
前情概要 由于工作需要用到clickhouse, 这里暂不介绍概念,应用场景,谷歌,百度一大把. 将安装过程踩下的坑记录下来备用 ClickHouse源码 git clone安装(直接下载源码包安装失 ...
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