community/ at master · kubernetes/community


The package is the main consumer of OWNERS files. If this page is out of date, look there.


Each directory that contains a unit of independent code or content may also contain an OWNERS file. This file applies to everything within the directory, including the OWNERS file itself, sibling files, and child directories.

OWNERS files are in YAML format and support the following keys:

  • approvers: a list of GitHub usernames or aliases that can /approve a PR
  • labels: a list of GitHub labels to automatically apply to a PR
  • options: a map of options for how to interpret this OWNERS file, currently only one:
    • no_parent_owners: defaults to false if not present; if true, exclude parent OWNERS files. Allows the use case where a/deep/nested/OWNERS file prevents a/OWNERS file from having any effect on a/deep/nested/bit/of/code
  • reviewers: a list of GitHub usernames or aliases that are good candidates to /lgtm a PR

The above keys constitute a simple OWNERS configuration.

All users are expected to be assignable. In GitHub terms, this means they must be members of the organization to which the repo belongs.

A typical OWNERS file looks like:

- alice
- bob # this is a comment
- alice
- carol # this is another comment
- sig-foo # this is an alias

About code owners - GitHub Docs


# See the OWNERS docs at

- guhao
- liangkai
- zhangshengchao
- zhaogangtao
- admin
- admin/main/answer
- main
no_parent_owners: true
- guhao
- liangkai
- zhangshengchao
- zhaogangtao


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