
The arrow missed the target.
They rejected the union demand.
Where does this road go to?
Where does this road go to?


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Example10_7 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
File fRead = new File("english.txt");
File fWrite = new File("englishCount.txt");
try{ Writer out = new FileWriter(fWrite);
BufferedWriter bufferWrite = new BufferedWriter(out);
Reader in = new FileReader(fRead);
BufferedReader bufferRead =new BufferedReader(in);
String str = null;
while((str=bufferRead.readLine())!=null) {
StringTokenizer fenxi = new StringTokenizer(str);
int count=fenxi.countTokens();
str = str+" 句子中单词个数:"+count;
in = new FileReader(fWrite);
bufferRead =new BufferedReader(in);
String s=null;
while((s=bufferRead.readLine())!=null) {
catch(IOException e) {

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